Chapter 902 Recruitment 5
This person, Liu Yiyi has met before, oh... looks too ugly... He is really ugly compared to Qian's and Zhou's... She Liu Yiyi hires people to work, but she doesn't want to suffer all day Wait for torture.

Liu Yiyi waved her hand, and made a sorry look again: "This person is not good either, Old Man Qiao, please let her go..."

As for the two people behind, Liu Yiyi didn't even look at them, but they also started to feel nervous.

"Quack... what is going on here..." Is this Liu Yiyi looking for her own mother?

Otherwise, no one would be able to understand her way of playing like this, and the requirements, the requirements are a little too high...

Liu Yiyi didn't care about them.

Now, Liu Yiyi doesn't want to ask them at all, is this the most basic thing?

Liu Yiyi squinted at old man Qiao.

The old man Qiao is very big, this Liu Yiyi, in fact, he should have known that it is asking too much.Look, he has already made such a careful selection, but Liu Yiyi is still not satisfied.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have to trouble myself like this.

Just let them stand in front of Liu Yiyi, they value it, and that is your respective blessing.

If you don't pay attention, then you can't blame him.Old man Qiao deeply felt that he was a little thankless now.

At night, Liu Yiyi finally chose the person she wanted.

"This is really tiring..." Liu Yiyi rubbed her shoulders and let out a sigh of relief. "Look, I'm finally helping you guys with less work... hey... eh?"

Qian shi secretly pouted.

"Liu Yiyi, you really can't do this..." Qian Shi said.

"Why?" Liu Yiyi looked indifferent.She wanted to hear what Qian said.

"You, you, you have offended a lot of people by doing this... In our village, many women are not easy to get along with. You really went too far today..." Qian talking.Of course, Qian said so on the surface, but in his heart, Qian was very happy.

Liu Yiyi's careful selection can better demonstrate the position in Liu Yiyi's heart of Liu Yiyi's own, so to speak, the only one in Liu Yiyi's family at this time.

Qian thought, this is a good thing for him.

Liu Yiyi didn't care about this.

Liu Yiyi went on to talk about the estimated amount of snacks to be made tomorrow.

"Tomorrow is the first day of trying, so you don't need to do too much..." Liu Yiyi estimated.After all, I don't know how many people will buy it.

"Liu Yiyi, we are running out of coffee beans..."

The monk said.After speaking, he looked at Liu Yiyi.

"Ah, here, didn't I see that you planted a lot?"

"Yes, but in the past month, we have used a lot... After all, we still need to save some seeds for next year..."


Liu Yiyi felt troubled.

Now in this place with a well-developed logistics department, it is really not easy to buy some raw materials.

Liu Yiyi thought about it for a long time but couldn't think of a solution. Without the ingredients, no matter how good the cooking skills are, it's useless.

"What should we do now?" Liu Yiyi was stunned. "Or, you go out and buy it again..."

Fanseng sighed, that's all there is now.

Fan Seng said that it would take about a month to go back and forth, and it would be faster by boat, which would take about half a month.

Liu Yiyi asked again how much silver it would cost...

(End of this chapter)

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