Chapter 912
Liu Yiyi was angry, this group of people, I kindly gave them a chance, but, hum...

Whether they really don't know or they don't know...

This matter had a great impact on Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi couldn't tolerate such a thing happening.

I think back then, Qian shi stole many things from his own home, but what happened to Qian shi...

Everyone has seen it.

And now, this Zhou Shi thought she could be luckier than Qian Shi, and even escaped?Do not joke……

Liu Yiyi stared at Qian Shi, Qian Shi knew it just by looking at it.

"Liu Yiyi, don't worry, I understand..." Qian ran out happily.

Outside the house, old man Qian and Qian Xuantian were planning to move the stone mill to a shady grape shelf, and admire the attractive and ripe grapes on the grape shelf while working.

Although I can't eat it, just looking at these bunches of grapes hanging in front of me is a very happy thing...

Everyone in the village is envious of these fruit trees in Liu Yiyi's house.Especially in this season, all the fruit trees planted by Liu Yiyi bear fruit, and they are taken care of very, very well.

Even if you go to the city, you may not be able to buy such good fruits.Grapes, oranges, watermelons, melons, plums, peaches, pears, strawberries, etc...

"Old man, son, come quickly..." As soon as Qian ran out, Qian yelled loudly.

Qian Shi was very, very active, Qian Shi already had a premonition that Liu Yiyi's opinion of them was about to change.

"What's the matter..." Old Man Qian was a little annoyed.When I was at home, this old woman would never yell at herself like this, but now outside, to so many villagers, what medicine did this old woman take wrongly, do you think she is her man?
Although the old woman hasn't slept with him for a long time, but this is outside, doesn't she know that she should pay attention to the influence and let her image go up...

"Old man, good thing, hurry up, maybe you don't have to do this thankless work..."

Standing in the room, Liu Yiyi could hear Qian's loud, unobstructed voice, saying such words.

Liu Yiyi smiled.His eyes also turned cold.

This old woman is looking for death.The same is true for the Zhou family, and the other few who were invited to work by him are similar.

Such a person, such a thing, made Liu Yiyi very unwilling to tolerate...

"Qian Shi, how long are you going to stay outside, screaming and shouting..."

"Uh... Hurry up, Hurry up, Liu Yiyi, don't worry..."

Mrs. Qian secretly scolded Liu Yiyi for being short-tempered, and also scolded old man Qian for being stupid for working so hard, but this old man didn't understand at all.

Qian stood at the door of the kitchen and stared.

"Father, come over quickly, maybe you want us to eat something..." Qian Xuantian thinks that Liu Yiyi is probably caring for him, and wants to let him eat before working.

This is good.He was looking forward to this day...

Liu Yiyi soon saw old man Qian and Qian Xuantian running in.

"What's the matter..." Qian Xuantian came in and saw there were outsiders.In front of Liu Yiyi, he still wanted to grab some.Therefore, when he saw Liu Yiyi, he raised his chin a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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