Chapter 934 Old Joe’s Early Warning 7
Don't underestimate this little sister, although she is only a little over one year old, what she misses most on weekdays is eating.However, sister Baozi is incomparable with children of the same age, at least she has an IQ of more than three years old.

"What's wrong?" Liu Baoling asked, tilting her head with one finger in her mouth.

"Uh... it's unhygienic to take out your fingers, mother saw that, sister, you're going to miss another dish for dinner today..." Qian Duoduo is now very anxious for his sister.

"What's the matter... What's the matter outside...Brother, what are you dawdling about, tell me quickly..." Qian Guangguang was so anxious that he died.

After Qian Duoduo heard it, he hummed coldly and said:

"Brother, what else can you say? We have been so busy recently, what is this for? What is the purpose of the newly built greenhouse on our one hundred acres of land?
You silly brother, why are you so confused, I have said so clearly..."

Qian Duoduo In fact, you still haven’t said it too clearly, okay?
However, who is Qian Guangguang, he and Qian Duoduo have been connected since the womb.They are twins.

"Uh..." Qian Guangguang regained his energy immediately.

All of a sudden, Qian Guangguang jumped out of the window to see it.Because Qian Guangguang has already understood the meaning of his brother's words.

Qian Guangguang said anxiously: "Let me see first, where, where are the locusts?"

It may be a disaster for others, but for them and mother, it is no longer a disaster...

It was an exceptionally rich feast of food.

Ever since Mother said the grasshopper could be eaten that day, Qian Guangguang and Qian Duoduo have been obsessed with it, and the joy of searching for nothing can't be extricated.

For this reason, they also secretly went to the plain to catch a lot of grasshoppers for an experiment.

I washed all the grasshoppers I caught, and then asked my mother to cook them with various cooking methods.

Mother made them fried, crispy, spicy, and thirteen-flavored...but all the flavors that can be tasted, they have already tasted the three buns at home.

"Yiyi, Yiyi is up, the locusts are coming, the locusts are coming, the locusts are eating all the grass roots outside... Let's get up and catch... After we catch them, we will have something to eat, and we can save breakfast today, hurry up point……"

Liu Baoling was overjoyed, the joy on her face was the same as that of her two older brothers.

That is a kind, sincerely looking forward to this day.

Liu Yiyi woke up.He stared wide-eyed at his daughter who kept shaking herself.

"Daughter, if others see you like this, they might think you are so greedy..."

Liu Yiyi already knew what was going on.

On this day, the three steamed buns at home had been waiting for a long time.

Greedy buns, that's it, it's really unbearable.Others regarded this locust plague as a disaster, but they regarded it as a rich food gift from God.

"Sister, what do you think now, let's get up, or continue to sleep with mother back to the cage..." Liu Yiyi blinked and asked.

"Eat! Eat! Eat!" Sister Baozi was very excited.The small fist was clenched tightly, and the two fists swung on Liu Yiyi's body.

" hurts...well then, let's get up..."

Liu Yiyi sighed, she really didn't know what to eat.


(End of this chapter)

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