Chapter 940 This is Food 6
"You are my daughter, don't you give your mother to eat?"

"No." Sister Baozi had a clear stand, she would get what she could eat if she worked, and don't even think about not working.

Liu Yiyi was angry.

"Then at night, see how many mothers I can catch... At that time, don't come and take advantage of mother..."

Liu Yiyi left angrily.

"Uh..." Sister Baozi touched her head with her small black hands.

At this time, from outside the courtyard of Liu Yiyi's house, that little monster appeared again after disappearing for more than a month...

"Little monster, where have you been going wild recently... It makes my sister miss you if I can't see you, come here quickly, let my sister sit on your body and catch grasshoppers..."

Sister Baozi directly waved to the little monster, so she gave the order...

Sister Baozi treats everyone now with a bit of a fierce look.

In the distance, the little monster who had just returned to Liu Yiyi's house blinked and couldn't speak. It just looked at Sister Baozi from afar, hesitating for a long time.Only then did it slowly come over to Sister Baozi.

"Hehe...Look at you, dear, my sister will catch grasshoppers for you to eat... Do you like it? The grasshoppers made by my mother taste very good...Look at you, I haven't seen you for a while, you've lost weight..."

Sister Baozi was very dissatisfied.If the pet I raise loses weight, it means that she will eat less meat...

The little monster was digging on the ground, as if he already understood the meaning of Sister Baozi's naked eyes.

When Liu Yiyi came out with a bench to give to Sister Baozi, what she saw was this little guy sitting on top of her little pet.Poor little monster, don't you dare to resist your daughter?

Oh, what a pity.never mind.

Liu Yiyi sat next to her daughter and watched her working hard for her own food in the yard of her home.

On the other side, the old Zhou family.

Zhou Xiaobao of Lao Zhou's family is also excitedly preparing at this moment.

"Mom, I'm leaving... You don't have to wait for me to eat lunch, I will take care of it outside..." Zhou Xiaobao said.

"Where are you going..." Yu Qingqing asked after chasing after her.

This brat has really become more and more wild recently.She didn't even know what to do with him.They don't want to stay at home.

"Mom, I'm going to Aunt Liu's house, and their sister Baozi is waiting for me... It's agreed, we agreed before, we're going to catch grasshoppers together..."

Zhou Xiaobao was stunned.Blinking at his mother.

Yu Qingqing didn't bother to pay attention to him, and it is estimated that this stinky brat probably made love on his own.Otherwise, there really is no other possibility.

"Then be careful, don't get caught by grasshoppers..." Yu Qingqing had nothing to do with him.

"'s impossible..."

When Zhou Xiaobao ran to Liu Yiyi's house, Sister Baozi and Liu Yiyi had already caught grasshoppers that weighed at least one catty in the yard.

"Sister, I'm here, I'm here...Let my brother and I do the work for you...Don't worry, this is what a man should do. You girls, let me go, be good..."

Liu Yiyi really has a lot of opinions on this brat who likes to trick his daughter at a young age.

Liu Yiyi was very angry. "Stinky boy, you came to my house again, didn't you tell me not to come these days?"

(End of this chapter)

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