Chapter 949
Qian Shi felt chills all over her body. This woman, this sick child, must have found a man by herself... This, this is undoubtedly being unfaithful to her son...

"Liu Yiyi, what you said is true...don't talk softly..." Qian was very worried. Qian looked at Liu Yiyi with wide eyes, hoping to tell which of her words was true from her eyeballs. Yes, which sentence is false.

"Oh, why did I lie to you, Mrs. Qian, it's true... think about it... otherwise, how could I have taken her in at that time... At first, Mrs. Qian, I told you that I thought this child was your son Yes... But later I saw that she was covered with injuries, obviously, it was given by someone..."

Needless to say, I believe too much in the latter words, Liu Yiyi believes that the Qian Shi on the other side can also understand.

Qian Xuantian was greatly shocked by Liu Yiyi's words.

No matter what, Qian Xuantian didn't want to hear such general remarks.

"Look at Qian Xuantian, does this child look like you after all?" Liu Yiyi asked again.

Fan Seng stepped forward at this time, "Liu Yiyi, don't talk to him, the two of them already knew about it..."

"Really? I know, but I don't seem to know at all..." Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

The monk was also laughing there.

"Mother, where did this kid come from?" Qian Guangguang ran home and saw a child in his mother's arms, but this child was not Sister Baozi.

Qian Guangguang thought to himself, could it be that mother picked up another one after hearing his call this time?
But, why not a younger sister, but a boy, he and his elder brother have no shortage of younger brothers... They don't want a younger brother, they only want a younger sister...

"Yiyi... Yiyi... who is he! Why are you holding him! I'm your daughter! What are you doing, why are you holding him?!"

Qian Duoduo came home with his little fat little sister in his arms.

Although his sister Baozi can already walk, as an older brother, Qian Duoduo still likes to hug her and is reluctant to let her go...

Liu Yiyi did not expect that her two sons left school so early today.And my daughter, didn't she just walk outside with her little pet and bask in the sun?In the blink of an eye, it all came back.

"Yiyi, why don't you let him go, put him down, hurry up...put it on the ground, throw it away!"

Sister Baozi twisted her body from Brother Baozi's arms vigorously, and she was about to come down.

"Uh...lost it? But, someone has to pick it up... No one picks it up, I guess this little guy is going to die, if he doesn't starve to death, he will freeze to death..."

Liu Yiyi's words moved the other party very much.This is true whether it is the Qian family or Qian Xuantian.

Because none of them thought that Liu Yiyi could say such a thing.Can this not move them?
Anyway, as to whether this child belonged to Lao Qian's family, they couldn't say for sure, but this child definitely did not belong to Liu Yiyi, they could still decide on this point.

Because for nearly half a year, Liu Yiyi has been in the village all the time, and this kid only looks a little older...

"Hurry up, listen to my sister, lose it, lose it, let whoever wants it pick it up... Hurry up... throw away the trash..."

Sister Baozi was very angry. In this mother's arms, only her small body could be stuffed, and no one else who had nothing to do with her could share it with her.

(End of this chapter)

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