Chapter 957 Old Man Bridge Has Changed 3
"Not to mention, I think Qian Xuantian might lose... After all, he is usually not very courageous... Every time he can be beaten up by your mother..." Qian Duoduo's analysis was exhaustive.

Qian Guangguang shook his head, recently in school, his grades are also very good.Therefore, for Qian Guangguang, the current him urgently needs to show himself off with a different perspective.

"No, brother, you may be wrong~" Brother Baozi's small mouth "oh" became round.

"Why is it wrong?" Brother Baozi was puzzled.

"Look, how young Qian Xuantian is, how old this old man Qiao is, it's not obvious, maybe Qian Xuantian will give you a different shock right away..."

"Uh... is this possible?" Qian Duoduo, Baozi brother on the other side of Liu Yiyi, really felt worried about Qian Xuantian.

"That's right, that's right... Brother, trust me..." Qian Guangguang was in a hurry.

"Uh..." But Qian Duoduo still didn't make it clear that he now believed in his younger brother Qian Guangguang.

"Liu Yiyi looked at the two children in such a situation, and still argued. I really feel that they are too powerful.

"Based on my mother's experience, um...Qian Xuantian may lose..." Liu Yiyi finally made a very positive judgment.

"Hmph, mother, it's unacceptable for you to think like this. This is wrong..."

Liu Yiyi ignored them.If you see the back, you will know.

Sister Baozi's eyes rolled, and she quickly came over to hold Liu Yiyi's hand, and then climbed onto Liu Yiyi's body with all her strength, occupying the best and most advantageous position, "Mother, let me make a bet with you... If you win, you will give I eat snacks... increase the amount every day..."

"Was lost?"

"Then you don't have to give it?"

"What's the advantage of that mother, mother wins, doesn't it mean that she can't take advantage of it?"

Liu Yiyi quit...

"Uh,... Mom, is this important?" Liu Baoling asked with a smile.

"Isn't it important?" Liu Yiyi said angrily.This thief bun, now getting bigger and bigger, is getting more and more cunning, and he dared to play tricks on his old mother in front of her.

"Well, that's good, I'll just listen to your mother from now on..."

For this answer, Liu Yiyi felt that it was too vague and not detailed enough.Therefore, it was natural that Liu Yiyi could not be satisfied.

"Now, for my mother, what I want most is for you to lose weight. If my mother wins, you can eat less snacks every day for a week..."

"Uh... Mother, your request is really too cruel... I won't do it!" Liu Yiyi's suggestion made Sister Baozi strongly oppose it to the end.

Liu Yiyi had nothing to do with her.

So, Liu Yiyi didn't care anymore.

Liu Yiyi raised her head, and continued to concentrate on watching old man Qiao and Qian Xuantian fight.

The energy of these two people is really not covered.

Liu Yiyi really didn't expect that this old man Qiao is very old, but he is still so energetic.

Maybe it was some things during this period of time that made old man Joe feel that he was already very good.

Liu Yiyi suddenly felt very uncomfortable.Old man Qiao is really shameless.

While Qian Xuantian was fighting with old man Qiao, he had already listened to everything Liu Yiyi and the buns had to say.Yes, he thought, no matter how old he is, he is much younger than this old man Joe.

(End of this chapter)

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