Chapter 971 Trouble 10
Occasionally, of course there are, but this is also a mistake made by my family... Liu Yiyi is very angry.

So, from the old man Qian's point of view, this is quite normal.

It's okay for Qian to be stupid sometimes, her old man has already warned her with his eyes, but she is still not vigilant at all.

"Liu Yiyi..." Qian still wanted to say something to Liu Yiyi, and called Liu Yiyi's name.

There was no other way, old man Qian had no choice but to go out and kick him.

This dead old woman, if you are stupid, don't implicate others, okay?
This dead old woman really doesn't know how to look at Liu Yiyi's face.

Liu Yiyi saw that old man Qian and Mrs. Qian had left.

Shake your head.I'm too lazy to take care of it.

"By the way, mother, if I catch ten fish, can I eat one grilled fish?"

The little guy, sitting on her small bench, also imitated the habitual movements of her two brothers, raising her Erlang legs.

It was a laid back experience.He was still holding a fishing rod in his hand, and there seemed to be signs of shaking on the fishing rod.Liu Yiyi squinted her eyes. Could it be that this stinky girl was caught in such a short time?

For this point, Liu Yiyi expressed her satisfaction.However, the request made by my daughter now.

Liu Yiyi replied like this again: "Sister, you want to eat grilled fish, yes, but mother will save it for you, whenever you want to eat, mother will make it for you..."

"You can cook it after drying it? Could it be that dried fish can also be grilled? Doesn't it mean that the freshest ingredients should be used for grilled fish? Mother, I wanted to eat it before. Didn't you warn me many times?"

Liu Yiyi wanted to cry, how could she raise such a little bun.

"Well, don't be too serious about what mother said... don't worry..." Liu Yiyi is most concerned about the fishing rod in her daughter's hand.

"Soon, Liu Yiyi helped her daughter to pull her up...

The fishing rod was very heavy, and Liu Yiyi had already felt it after holding it in her hand, and at the same time had a premonition that this must be a big fish.

When Liu Yiyi picked it up and saw it was indeed a big black fish.The body length of black fish is about fifty centimeters.This, this is super big... at least it weighs about thirty catties.

Liu Yiyi's estimate is still preliminary.

"Ah, Liu Yiyi, you are really capable. You caught a big black fish as soon as you caught it. Quack, come on, let me help you pick it up..."

Although Mrs. Qian was fishing with old man Qian on the other side, Qian Xuantian did not leave.

At this moment, Qian Xuantian thought it was time for him to show a little manliness.

Even the sick son in the cradle next to Sister Baozi's, his eyes widened and he looked very excited.

Liu Yiyi smiled.

My own daughter is like this, so what's so great about it.

The first time before, maybe she was a little excited, but now, for Liu Yiyi, she is not excited at all.

"Good job, mother will remember your contribution..." Liu Yiyi first turned her head and praised her daughter.After all, that's what she does.

"Well. Well, mother, just remember my kindness..."

Looking at this proud daughter, Liu Yiyi was powerless.But today Liu Yiyi actually handed over all the burden of fishing to this girl.This girl is a girl who has a little special ability since she was born.

(End of this chapter)

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