Chapter 985 The Way To Deal With You 4
Liu Yiyi saw that the bastard finally calmed down.Liu Yiyi looked up again, old man Qiao followed Qian to "inspect" her family's granary, and he came back...

"Ah, Liu Yiyi, you really did it..." Although I saw it with my own eyes, Old Man Qiao was still worried.

"Didn't you see it, old man Qiao, I can't let you underestimate it. You came to my house several times before. In fact, I also know what you mean. You old man Qiao just wants me not to care about it. You have to learn to be selfless, but no, I just did it..."

Liu Yiyi said so.

"Ah?" Me, do I have it?Old man Qiao really wanted to ask about the latter sentence.However, he still has no chance at this time.What if I asked.Things have reached the point of no return.

Relatively speaking, Liu Yiyi is really too cunning.It was really unexpected for him to do this, he should have come earlier before, but now the day lily is cold.Old man Qiao just went to the granary of Liu Yiyi's house to see it in person. It's not that there is no food in it, but there are only a few bags of food. If you add it up, old man Qiao can say that it is not as much as his family's.In this case, it is natural that Old Man Qiao is disappointed...

Seeing the disappointed old man Qiao leave, Liu Yiyi couldn't help curling her lips just like Qian's.

"Who is it... It's on my head. Seeing me as a weak woman, I really think I can do whatever I want... Fortunately, my hands and feet are a little faster..."

"It hasn't rained in the past few days, Liu Yiyi... It seems that this drought can't be escaped..."

"Never mind him... I'm not afraid now if I can't escape..." Liu Yiyi had already made preparations.

The old man Qian's heart suddenly brightened, and he thought, "Look, look... He even said that there was no food, and the devil would believe it, and he was showing his feet.

For a while, Liu Yiyi has been able to suddenly show such an expression on old man Qian and everyone in the old Qian family from time to time. Liu Yiyi is now too familiar with it...

Liu Yiyi spat: "I was prepared, old man Qian is not what you think?" Liu Yiyi frowned.What a fool, she has already hidden it, how can she take it out again, and then she will think that she is lying?
"What is that, what kind of thing is that..." Mrs. Qian hasn't asked yet, this old man Qian is now active...

"I still have a hundred acres of fertile land... what are you afraid of, can you starve to death?" Liu Yiyi said with a look on her face, I have the land in my hands, and I have the confidence to be afraid of nothing.

"'s all dry, even if you have a greenhouse in your fertile land, what's the use of it... Maybe it's still a little dry than outside... If the temperature is high...the temperature inside is definitely higher than outside... ..."

Liu Yiyi really wanted to scold the old man Qian, but his brain was eaten by a pig.What time is it now? It's not summer. Even if it's a few degrees higher, the temperature inside the greenhouse is only a dozen degrees at most... That's the height of the sky.

What's more, this temperature is the most suitable for food growth... If the drought really starts in summer, it will be troublesome...

Really, Liu Yiyi felt that she couldn't explain to this old man now, because this old man really made him feel powerless.

stupid powerless...

(End of this chapter)

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