Chapter 993 Drought worsens 2
"... I used it to strengthen the fence of the pigsty, why did you forget... Please don't treat useless things as treasures? If you really want me to reward you, you should just be good, a good person will do it to the end , take this stone to the backyard, and find some soil to strengthen my pigsty."

"You, you woman..." Liu Yiyi showed no interest, which deeply made Qian's heart uncomfortable.

Qian believes that there is no need to be a good person.

Forget it.

Furious, Qian threw the black stone towards the door of Liu Yiyi's house.

Then she left, and continued to be her great benevolent person, giving water to the villagers.Others are giving porridge, and she is giving water.

Although they are different, the essence is not much different. They are all good people.

Liu Yiyi didn't respond, and glanced at the black ball stone that was thrown in the middle of the yard just now. Qian Shi used too much force, and actually wiped all the bluestone floor tiles laid in her yard...

At this moment, when Liu Yiyi was going to settle accounts with Qian Shi, Liu Yiyi saw a little monster that seemed to her to move very slowly on weekdays, and flew towards him.

It opened its mouth and bit off most of the black stone.

What is this for?Crazy, this guy likes to eat rocks.

Liu Yiyi's eyes widened, and she ran out to have a look.What I saw was that this guy had eaten most of it.

Moreover, when she got close, Liu Yiyi also found that this dark thing didn't seem to be a stone.

So what is this?
It looks like an egg, a huge black egg, and the shell is extremely strong.Even if Qian smashed it hard, there was nothing wrong with its appearance.The problem is the hard bluestone laid in the yard of my house.

This... But, the little monster raised by my own daughter in front of me, maybe it should be called a big monster now, but at this time it is enjoying this thing happily...

How did it know that this thing, something like a rock, can be eaten?
Liu Yiyi looked at it strangely, it seemed that it was also a little wary of Liu Yiyi.Liu Yiyi guessed that it probably had already eaten it.Liu Yiyi hurriedly went to the back yard to take a look, and the round stones that were originally laid beside the pigsty had indeed disappeared at this time.Alas, this guy.It turned out to be a foodie.However, unlike my own daughter, the way it eats is really...

What is it……

Liu Yiyi turned her head and ran to look.

"Shut me...quick..." Liu Yiyi ordered.Hands on hips.

She knew this damn guy could understand people.Otherwise, before his daughter said that she would kill it and eat it, how could he have left immediately, and it came back only after knowing that her daughter had no such intentions.

"Mother, who are you talking to..." The younger sister Baozi in the room is secretly practicing calligraphy. She doesn't want her mother to know that she is planning to learn calligraphy and peek at her mother's account book.

"Your little monster, it's stealing food...Girl, come and clean it up..." Liu Yiyi muttered.To the girl in the house.

Soon, Liu Baoling ran out. Liu Baoling was always dissatisfied with her little monster, because sometimes this guy didn't listen to her.

Although, she loves it.

However, compared to Liu Baoling's doting, in fact, perhaps for the little monster, this is a kind of torture.

"Mom, what is it doing?" Liu Baoling's eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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