Chapter 995 Drought worsens 4
Liu Yiyi replied: "I don't know if it's worth it or not, but that little monster I keep at home actually likes to eat this... I think, if I make more and put it away, maybe it can be saved and given to it." Treat it as food, in this way, I may be able to save a little food..."

Liu Yiyi's words made Qian's mad.Feelings, if I flatter you like this, you Liu Yiyi actually treat this as food for your pets.

"Qian Shi, give it to me from now on..." Liu Yiyi took care of her worriedly.

"I originally wanted to give these to you. It was just that you didn't know what to do before, so you don't want it... What's the matter, now you want it?"

Liu Yiyi's words made Qian naturally think that this matter should be... Liu Yiyi bowed her head to admit her mistake.Qian's temper is a bit bad.

"Well, you can just give it to Mrs. Qian, if you don't...hehe..." There seems to be a little threat from behind Mrs. Qian...

Mrs. Qian shrugged. Originally, it was not a big deal, but what this woman did seemed to be a big deal.

Qian is angry about this.

Soon, Qian discovered that the little monster in Liu Yiyi's house, every time he saw him, it was like seeing an enemy.

In the past, occasionally, little monsters stood guard by the mouth of the well and had a chance to eat them.But now, since Liu Yiyi took care of Qian Shi, it has no chance at all.Every time, Qian put this thing out of its reach...

No matter how angry it was, it was useless to scratch the ground.

Qian Shi thought to herself: It's nothing if I offend you, but if I offend Liu Yiyi, I'll be in trouble... My good life has just begun.

And so, the villagers come to Qian's place to fetch water every morning, and come to Qian's place to fetch water once in the evening, and the rest of the time, Qian's also stipulates that they are not allowed to fetch water.Not only must it be limited, but now it is also limited.The field in Liu Yiyi's [-]-acre greenhouse also needs a lot of water.Although the crops in this greenhouse are growing well, they also need a lot of water to replenish them every day.

Inside the greenhouse, the circular river that originally surrounded the vegetable garden is now almost dry.

After pumping up the excess well water and watering it in the greenhouse, Liu Yiyi asked Qian to add all the water to the river.The water in the circular river can make the greenhouse humid.Even if it evaporates, it is limited.The profit is still the vegetables in the greenhouse.


Compared to the serious situation in Liu Yiyi's village, which was the case even when the villagers were well prepared, the current situation in the city is even more difficult to say.

Liu Yiyi went back to her natal home several times during the period.See how your parents are doing now.Fortunately, there is no need to worry about food, and there is also well water. Liu Yiyi also dug a 150-meter deep well in their house before, which was much deeper.

Drinking water is not a problem now, and the big brothers and younger brothers in the city have also closed their shops.

"Sister, you don't know that no one in the city dares to open a shop anymore... Many people rushed to buy it after they had nothing to eat..."

"Well, it's not, we would rather not do this business, life-saving is still important..."

"Then you just stay at home and wait until the drought is over..."

"I think the drought still happened in spring today. Even if the drought is over now, it has already caused a delay of one year..."

Liu Yiyi's father, Mr. Liu said with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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