Chapter 20

As a man in the new era, are you still chatting up women every day but often getting no results?Do you fantasize that one day a woman will strike up a conversation with you or ask you for a date?If this is the case, then you are really outdated and ineffective!
In fact, it is not difficult to get a woman to chase you.Being able to create and show your own charm is the "kingly way" to win the favor of women!
The so-called personal charm, although it cannot be expressed in words, but we can recognize a charismatic person at a glance: he seems to be familiar with everyone at a party; He makes people feel like a "great guy".In fact, as long as you master the following ways to improve your charm, if you add the method of successfully striking up a conversation, you can enjoy the pleasure of being "followed" by women!

One is to strike up a conversation with a normal heart.The so-called normal heart is calm and calm self-confidence.It has two meanings. One is to have an accurate prediction of the probability of success and failure in everything you do; the other is to be proactive, try your best, and let nature take its course, without demanding perfection in everything.Ordinary mind is a state of mind that we often have in our daily life about what happens around us.Do well what you have to do every day, enjoy life, and enjoy the happiness brought by doing everything well, and you will have enough strength to bear the possible setbacks and pains.When a man strikes up a conversation with a woman, he must have a sense of normalcy.When men meet women, they should try to relax, don't feel so insecure, and be natural and generous to leave a good impression on each other.Approach women with a normal heart, that is, don't think of women as your prey from the beginning. Treating them with a normal heart will generate a strong attraction to women.

The second is not to strike up a conversation in a low-level manner.Vulgar taste refers to vulgar thought and interest.The so-called low-level taste should be the relatively initial, inherent and common part of all animals in the process of animal evolution.Cutting from this angle, the lowest level of human interest is to satisfy sexual desire and eat, which is purely animal behavior and instinctive behavior.The ancient Chinese sages said that food, sex, and sex are just in this sense.In daily life, we should conform to social morality in all aspects of words and deeds, and pay attention to the standards and needs of mainstream consciousness.When a woman thinks you're a vulgar person, they won't treat you any better.So don't ask nasty questions like "what's your take on one night stands" it just makes the ladies think you're a sleazy guy!
The third is to skillfully use the "not too concerned" technique.Both men and women have a strange psychology, that is, the less you care about your opposite sex, the more you can challenge your desire to pursue.The untapped stars are always the brightest, the missed movies are always the best, and the lost lovers are always deeply in love.

However, why not cherish the present?For women, pursuing a man who has no time to talk to him is a process of affirming self-charm.So, don't show a look of desire from the beginning, otherwise women won't put you in their eyes.

The fourth is to show your concern at the right time.Generally speaking, all women like to be cared by men, which will make women feel that you are a caring person.But remember, don't just keep sending them expensive gifts, it will make a woman think that you just want to buy her.Language skills are critical to showing caring.Say more sweet words, let a woman know that you have her in your heart.In this way, she will also think of you often, and is likely to chase you back.

The fifth is to adopt the strategy of "unfinished business".It is a woman's nature to like novelty, and certain things that appear frequently will make women feel tired.The more often a man appears in front of a woman, the less interested she is in you.Try not to see each other for too long.When you are still thinking about it, you should try to tell her that you have something to go first, so that she will look forward to your next date, and even call you to ask you out if she can't wait.

The sixth is to use the beauty of reasonable refusal.Women chase men because women think about you all the time, and to make a woman think about you all the time, you might as well try to refuse her date invitation and let her keep wondering why you don't date her.

If you get a call from her dating you, you can also say to her: "But I can't seem to leave this Friday, I have an important meeting to attend." In this way, she will feel that you are an important person in the work unit. character's.Women will not let go of a man with development potential, so they are very likely to "attack" you immediately in turn.

Seven is to test her patience.Testing one's patience is one of the most important considerations.This method is especially effective when you are in a low point.If you want to turn the tide and let the woman chase you, even if you are not facing life's troubles, you have to act as if you don't have her.You can ask her questions like: "How do you think you are different from other girls?" This kind of psychological warfare means a lot, and you must not lose!

Eighth, try to show your humor.Humor is the most basic and most useful strike-up skill.Its manifestations are humorous language, unexpected behavior, or funny and unreasonable, which makes people laugh, makes people laugh, and is full of wit.Everyone wants to live every day happily.If a woman can keep smiling when she is with you, then she will always think of you and hope to see you as soon as possible.No matter how regal this woman seems, her natural reaction is to want to talk to you more and get pleasure from you.

Ninth, treat your own name as a temporary secret.Don't say your name easily. The essence of this trick is to let the woman take the initiative.If you tell your name when you just strike up a conversation, maybe the other person will lose interest and ask other questions.Remember, let her ask you about everything and create a strong mysterious atmosphere. This is the trick to make a woman actively pursue you.So, start to exercise your ability to create a mysterious atmosphere!
In short, use your charm to socialize with everyone, talk to everyone, really listen and pay attention to them, make them feel good, and connect yourself to positive things and people.In this way, you will find yourself becoming that person who always shines.And such a man, which woman would not like it!

Extended reading: It's not a frivolous move for a woman to match a man

The key difference between "female with man" and "male with woman" is that because of the different genders of the matchees, there will be considerable differences in their sense of security and reserve.Restricted by the above two points, even if women have a good impression of the person they strike up a conversation with, they will not start dating immediately. They usually leave a phone call first, and then start to get to know each other after a buffering process.

Many women are afraid to strike up a conversation because they think it is very frivolous.It is understandable for a man to strike up a conversation with a woman, but it is simply unimaginable for a woman to strike up a conversation with a man.In fact, as long as we talk about flirting on a larger level, then everyone can understand that men and women are the same when flirting.Men can become hit-ups in the process of approaching, and so can women.When every woman exists as a hit-up, she is actually a typical hit-up.It can be seen that striking up a conversation is not something to be ashamed of.

It's all about courage for a woman to strike up a conversation with a man. It's best to make a decision before striking up a conversation and determine the purpose of striking up a conversation. It's easier to succeed if you strike up a conversation with a purpose.Therefore, there is no need to be ashamed of having struck up a conversation with a man; on the contrary, a woman's strike-up is often purer and more representative.

06.The magic of chatting up the queen, let the man take the initiative to deliver to the door

The term strike-up is very popular now. There is a kind of people called strike-up masters, which refer to those masters who love to speak proactively and are good at creating opportunities with small talk.In fact, there are many ways to strike up a conversation with strangers. Although most of these ways are also applicable to women, there are still many women who hesitate to use them.The reason is that the key is still unable to achieve self-breakthrough, and cannot bravely and boldly use the magic weapon of striking up a conversation.

In the eyes of men, striking up a conversation has become a science, and there are complete practical tactics from "how to strike up", "when to strike up" to "should strike up".For women who are reserved by nature and defend "men chasing women" to the death, when you meet a good man, you should be like that song: "Sister, sister, stand up, grab him, don't let him go away ..." Pay attention to creating opportunities, let him discover your goodness, don't rush to confess, you must respect yourself at this time, this will have the best effect, bring enough stamina, and let him fall into your gentle trap.If a woman is ready to have a deep understanding of men's thoughts and master the secret of striking up a conversation with a man, the chance of an affair will increase several times in an instant! to use your beautiful appearance
Studies have shown that in long-term relationships, men consider women's looks more than their bodies.This may explain why women spend so much time grooming their faces rather than their bodies.Besides, the appearance can be improved through makeup, but the body needs long-term maintenance, which one is easier to achieve, you must have a good idea.

2.It is to make oneself have an elegant temperament
Although a beautiful appearance is very important, the temperament from the inside out cannot be ignored.Appearances are short-lived. Because of the passage of time, the beautiful appearance can disappear, but the temperament of a woman from the inside out can increase with the passage of time.

When a man likes a woman, he does not want to be a vase when he wants to marry home. He needs a woman with connotation and temperament. Such a woman can also help him in career and other aspects.

3.It is to show off the shoulders and neck, exuding a sexy style
Psychologists believe that "showing cleavage is actually useless, showing your shoulders and neck is the key."Therefore, if a woman chooses a top with a slightly exposed shoulder and neck, it can help her exude a more confident and sexy style.

One extra tip for you: Use a cute necklace to draw attention to the dimple of your neck, the depression between your throat and above your collarbone.Studies have shown that this often overlooked area is very attractive to men because of its feminine and slender qualities.This is why so many flat chested women are more attractive to men.

4.He is good at "discharging" and can "charge" him within 3 seconds

The "discharge" between men and women can be traced. Psychologists have done long-term observation and research in restaurants, bars and other places, and found that the teasing between men and women can be divided into three stages: the first stage is between men and women. The two sides conduct a large-scale "hunting" to find the target. If they see the opposite sex that suits them, they will only take a quick glance at first, and then look away, thinking about how to send a provocative signal.The second stage develops from unilateral to bilateral, and both parties begin to actively transmit signals, including facial expressions, posture and other body language.According to research by psychologists, men and women have a special set of signals to attract each other.The third stage is that men and women each release the "discharge" signal.Commonly used "discharge" signals for men include looking at each other and smiling; sitting upright against the back of a chair or standing upright, stretching their chest as far as possible to show their muscles and masculinity; smokers will play with lighters or exaggerate their smoking posture.The "discharge" signals commonly used by women include: teasing, stroking or circling the hair;

Girls and boys are sometimes shy or afraid of failure when they strike up a conversation. The key to winning is to make a move within three seconds after finding the target, without giving yourself time to hesitate.

In the process of "discharging", the eyes are very important.For example, when you are eating in a restaurant and see a handsome guy sitting diagonally opposite, you should immediately look away, but then you will pretend to turn sideways casually so that he can see you clearly, of course , It is also convenient for you to see him and observe his reaction.At this time, you should pay attention to maintaining a good manner and try to act like a lady.After observation, if you find that he is not the ideal candidate in your mind, even if he comes to strike up a conversation with you, you will ignore him, at most you will say a few words out of politeness, and then start looking around; if he pretends to be stupid, Even if you want to sit down and continue talking, then you can just walk away.

5.It is to use a small space to let the "fragrance" happen with the story
In small spaces such as elevators, buses, and small restaurants, women can easily arouse the curiosity of men.In most cases, a relatively closed place is better than an open place, and the man's attention will be all on you.If it's just you and him in the elevator to work, that's a chance God gave you.Small spaces are the easiest to accumulate "tempting aura", and the easiest way is to use incense.

A woman should choose a special perfume at every important moment in her life, because the memory of the fragrance is the longest.For example, she used a perfume on her honeymoon back then, and when she smelled it many years later, her whole body was immediately filled with the little bit of happiness from the honeymoon.Therefore, from the moment you get to know the man you like, don’t change the fragrance easily during this period of time. Men are often most fascinated by the “scent” that is inexplicable and unexplainable.Years later, no matter whether you have achieved success or parted ways, this fragrance will record your story, which is always unforgettable.

6.yes drink is a good seduction tool
A woman who makes good use of drinks as an excellent seduction tool will make men fall under her skirt.For example, when a woman is sucking a drink, a small cherry mouth is very attractive to a man.

Also, occasionally placing your drink on the bar or adjacent table and telling an interesting story, enlivened by the movement of your hands, can declare that you are alive.This is very attractive to men.

7.It's about posing like a cat that makes his heart flutter
Even a small boy will have the mentality of a big man when he is in love.Therefore, lovely women will never lack men's pursuit.Men often call this kind of woman he loves with "kitten" and "sweetheart".Beauty can be created, because it is an atmosphere. mild emotion

Experts point out that gentle women are more attractive, and gentle means that she will be a good mother.If you already have a significant other, gentleness will allow you to better maintain your relationship.

Many women have difficulty restraining their emotions, and often lose their temper in front of some emergencies.In fact, such emotions can easily affect the men around you.Your own aura is full of gunpowder, do men dare to approach you easily?'s you who appreciates him

In long-term relationships, one of the biggest complaints men make is having trouble pleasing their significant other.In other words, they feel disrespected.Conversely, research shows that women who regularly express admiration for men are more attractive to men.

Men have a certain degree of male chauvinism in their hearts, and they like to feel respected.If it is difficult for you to discover his merits and you don't appreciate him very much, then his status in your mind will certainly not be elevated.Although men sometimes flatter a woman to please her, deep down in their hearts they still hope that you can appreciate every bit of him.

In short, some subtle little movements of a woman's gestures can capture a man's heart and make him crazy for you.

Further reading: Under what circumstances will a woman approach a man
(1) Appreciate the charm of this man.An attractive man is naturally appreciated by women.Their charm comes from many aspects, for example, appearance, figure, money, temperament... These are all the charms of men.Therefore, if a woman is attracted by a man's charm, but the other party does not really pay attention to this woman, then if she wants to succeed, she must take the initiative to strike up a conversation with the man she likes.

(End of this chapter)

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