Chapter 102
"I am back"

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Xiaoxi came home from school on time. The first thing she did when she got home was to leave her books and run to find Da Huang.

"Xiaoxi is back"

Lin, who was busy in the kitchen, responded as soon as he heard the sound.

Carrying a pack of longxu noodles, Lin Yi was pouring them into the pot.

Because he ate a lot at noon, he plans to eat noodles tonight.

Since it was a non-technical dinner like Xiatiao, Lin Yi decided to come by himself, so Lin Yi was not asked to come forward.

After greeting Lin Xiaoxi, the other party didn't move. Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little strange. He walked out of the kitchen with a spoon in his hand. Seeing the situation in front of him, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Lin Xiaoxi nestled on the sofa, holding the big cat with one arm, and tickling the big cat with the other hand.

As for the big cat, it nestled directly on her body, squinting its eyes, feeling very comfortable.

Hey, here and there are pets, this is clearly an uncle!

I really don't understand, what is there to like about a lazy animal with a strange temper like a cat, and there are so many people who are keen on "sucking cats"?
Don't understand, don't understand, shook his head, Lin Yi planned to continue cooking.

Lin Xiaoxi, who was serving Rhubarb, yelled happily when she saw Lin coming out.

"Brother, this cute little bell was made by my sister, right?"


Turning around, looking at the bell in Lin Xiaoxi's hand, Lin nodded.

Seeing that Lin Xiaoxi had nothing to ask, he hurriedly turned around and walked to the kitchen. The noodles had already been put into the pot, so he had to keep an eye on them, otherwise they would all be cooked later.

Standing under the range hood, while evenly stirring the noodles in the pot, Lin Yi was thinking about something.

This bell was indeed made by Lin Yi.

Although it looks like an ordinary bell on the outside, it is not.

It contains a rune combination designed by Lin Yi himself, the purpose is to stop the special ability of the big cat.

Now that the source of the opponent's ability is known, it becomes very easy to control it.

As for why Lin Yi did this, the reason is very simple.

Lin Xiaoxi likes big cats very much, and it's impossible for him to be by her side all day, so it's better to imprison him for a while, so as to save big cats from causing trouble, and also save his ability from being discovered, causing some unnecessary troubles.

In the living room, Lin Xiaoxi scratched the big cat's neck, and touched the light little bell by the way. In an instant, the crisp sound of jingling bells rang out from time to time.

"Do you like it, Rhubarb, this is made by my sister herself."

Looking up lazily at Lin Xiaoxi, Big Cat habitually rolled his eyes with contempt.

"It's time to eat noodles, Xiaoxi"

Ten minutes later, Lin Yi's voice came from the kitchen.


Lin Xiaoxi happily responded, leaving the big cat behind and ran towards the kitchen.

"Rhubarb, I'm going to eat"

The big cat stroked its beard with its front paws, crawled gently on the sofa, narrowed its eyes, and stared at the two people at the dining table not far away.

Great, that nasty human is not here, run away tonight!

At 10 o'clock in the evening, the whole living room was quiet.

With its head covered under the tail, the big cat hiding in the nest quietly stood up, raised its head, pricked up its ears, and listened carefully.

Great, nothing happened!

The big cat meowed happily, then jumped out of the nest, controlled its body, and prevented the burden under its neck from making a sound. This kind of thing was easy for it.

When he came to the balcony, the big cat found that the window had been closed.

Hmph, the big cat looked around disdainfully, then jumped onto the balcony, stretched out its paws, and stabbed the glass twice.

At this level, you still want to trap me?
Arching its body, the big cat mobilized all its strength and was ready to teleport, but when it had just gathered its strength and was about to transfer it to its paws, there was only a pop, as if something had broken, and then there was a snap, The energy that the big cat had so easily gathered dissipated, as if it never existed at all.

What's going on here? !

The big cat was a little taken aback. It tried again, but it was still the same.

The big cat was a little dizzy, it tensed its body quickly, opened its mouth wide, and spread all its energy all over its body, but found desperately that it couldn't even use the transformation similar to instinct!
The big cat was completely stunned, and its brain couldn't turn around.

(End of this chapter)

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