Chapter 107

There is already a lot of traffic in this pet street, but now, three beautiful girls crowded together are even more attractive.

Although the appearance of the two girls can only be regarded as average, but there is Lin Yi who is against the sky!

After a while, the swarming crowd surrounded the pet hospital. What's more, they didn't think it was enough to watch, so they hid behind others, picked up their mobile phones and started taking pictures and videos while drooling.

Even though there were so many people here, Lin Yi still couldn't escape the other party's nasty tricks that they thought were concealed.

In fact, Lin Yi has nothing against this kind of person. After all, she also knows her appearance in women's clothing. To put it in an exaggeration, it can be said that everyone loves and flowers bloom, and even his body can hardly be controlled. , so let alone someone else.

And what she didn't like was Wu Yali, who had higher eyes than her head and didn't seem to have big breasts, but was very brainless.

It seems that the lesson from last time was not enough, so let's give her some color now.

Lin Yi thought coldly.

Wearing women's clothing, she doesn't think there is anything wrong with bullying a girl. Since you did it and made a mistake, then stand up obediently and take the beating.

Gender, or men and women, is treated equally in Lin Yi.

Although there are so many people around here, it is very easy for Lin Yi to teach them a lesson, after all, these are mortals.

Just when she was staring at Wu Yali and was about to make a move, the sleeve of her left hand was gently pulled, without looking, Lin Yi also knew that it was Lin Xiaoxi.

"Okay...let's go"

Seeing Lin Xiaoxi's expression, Lin Yi understood completely.

Hey, my sister is still too soft-hearted.

Her temperament is nothing in school, but she will be bullied in society.

There is no need to be merciful when dealing with people like Wu Yali. The softer you are, the more she will bully you. It seems that the ideological education of her sister is also on the agenda.

Call ~
As soon as Lin Yi turned around, Wu Yali, who was holding the white cat opposite, breathed a sigh of relief.

What a powerful atmosphere!

Being stared at by her is like a mountain pressing down on my heart.

She doesn't know how other people feel, she only knows that when the beautiful girl on the opposite side is staring at her, suddenly, her whole body tenses up, it feels like she's suffocated and can't breathe, as if even time has been suffocated. Stagnation.


Seeing the two leaving immediately, she opened her mouth to shout, but she still didn't.

"Oh, is this... the Royal Cat of Thailand!"

At this moment, a surprised voice sounded from outside the crowd, and soon, a female employee in the uniform of the pet hospital ran over excitedly.

She squeezed to Wu Yali's side, looked left and right at the white cat, her face was full of joy.

"Wow, that's true!"

This sudden voice directly attracted the attention of half the street, and even Lin Yi who had already walked out of the crowd was pushed back.

"Thai Royal Cat!"

"Wouldn't it be that super expensive cat?"


The people around the pet hospital were directly attracted by this "Thai Royal Cat". Since they came here, they must have raised pets.

Moreover, generally speaking, the number of people who keep cats is much greater than the number of people who keep dogs. There is no way, who makes cats cuter!
Looking at the crowd around, Lin Yi frowned lightly, without thinking, she directly protected Lin Xiaoxi in front of her.

After a short delay, there were more and more people watching the excitement. In this crowded situation, Lin Yi seemed unable to leave without some special measures.

Looking at the culprit who was surrounded by everyone and the white cat in her arms, Lin Yi frowned again.

Originally, when she just left, Lin Yi really planned to let the other party go, but now that she is back, then, how to deal with her?
Forget it.

Seeing the disgusting gazes deliberately crowding around her and looking up and down with malicious intentions, Lin Yi decided to deal with the flies first.

After thinking for a moment, she found the safest way.

(End of this chapter)

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