Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 118 Buying Another One

Chapter 118 Buy Another One

6 pm.

With a bang, Wu Yali, who returned home, closed the door tightly, and dropped the cat cage she was carrying to the ground.

The white cat in the cage was hit so badly that it was completely dizzy.

"What's the matter, little sister?"

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Wu Shihai, who was sipping tea and reading the newspaper, raised his head, and when he saw his sister's pouting expression full of displeasure, he stood up with a light smile.

"Why did you throw Xiaobai on the ground?"

Putting the newspaper on the table, came to the door, squatted down, Wu Shihai opened the cat cage, let go of Xiaobai, and at the same time licked it.

Hmm ~ comfortable.

Seeing Xiaobai who was meowing at him to please him, Wu Shihai smiled knowingly.


Coming behind Wu Shihai, Wu Yali grabbed the other person's shoulders, didn't speak, but kept shaking.

As soon as he heard this tone, as soon as he saw this movement, Wu Shihai knew that his sister had encountered troubles again.

Although, my younger sister is not very good-tempered, and her personality is not pleasant, but she is her own younger sister after all, and she also respects her elder brother very much.

Coupled with Wu Shihai's relaxed personality, the relationship between the two is still very good.

"What's wrong, tell your brother"

Standing up, they took Wu Yali's arm and sat back on the sofa.

Five minutes later, Wu Yali explained what happened in Pet Street in detail.

"...The old man insisted that my cat is fake, hmph, I think he must have colluded with that Lin Xiaoxi to deceive me!"

While complaining, Wu Yali opened her sleeves and stroked the bitten part of her arm.

"And what's even more annoying is, Xiaobai, it dares to bite me!"

Pointing at Xiaobai angrily with her left hand, Wu Yali showed her wound in order to ask for some attention, but her brother didn't respond, and seemed to be stunned.


Wu Yali was suddenly unhappy.

"Ah... it's a small injury, it's okay"

Hearing Wu Yali's voice, Wu Shihai came back to his senses immediately, but he just meowed at the wound and said casually.

"Xiaobai has been vaccinated all the time, and you have too, it doesn't matter."

While explaining, he frowned, and there seemed to be some worry between his brows.

It didn't matter what Wu Yali was thinking, Wu Shihai asked after a few words of comfort.

"What's the name of Professor Li?"

He bent down and asked carefully.

"Do you know the full name?"

"do not know"

Wu Yali shook her head.

Although she was a little angry why her brother didn't care about herself, she went to ask the old man, but seeing the seriousness on his face, she still shook her head obediently.

"The old man didn't say what his name was, but the fat man next to him called him Professor Li..."

fat man...



Wu Shihai searched in his mind for a long time, but he couldn't find an acquaintance who could match the number.

Because the matter was so important, he could only ask another question patiently.

"He was at that university"

"I don't know..."


Wu Yali jumped suddenly.

"I remembered, he said that the old man also wrote textbooks, college biology."

College biology, it can't really be him!


Wu Shihai ran into the house, and quickly came back with a book.

"Look, is it this person!"

Wu Shihai was a little excited.

If it were him, it would be really... Miserable.

The younger sister shouldn't offend him, right?

Probably not, isn't it just a cat, whether it's true or not, it doesn't matter now.

Moreover, the other party has high morals and high prestige, and he doesn't have the same knowledge as the juniors.

But I'm afraid that my younger sister will say something that offends others, hey, from now on, I must teach my younger sister how to behave in the world.

"Yes, this one looks like him in the photo"

Wu Yali looked at the photo and said immediately.

Really, it's miserable, it's miserable, the younger sister must have offended her, and as an older brother, he knows this younger sister best.

hey, wait.

Since it was the younger generation who said something wrong, then I can take this opportunity to pay a visit.


Although, it is not a school, and the research is different. I do virtual interaction, and the other party does biology, but it is easier to go when the road is wide.

"elder brother"

Seeing Wu Shihai's face constantly changing, Wu Yali was also a little worried.

"Is he really a professor?"

Then my cat, is it fake?

She didn't say that, and she wasn't stupid.


Wu Shihai nodded without hesitation.


Things seemed to be beyond Wu Yali's imagination, and she began to hesitate.


Unexpectedly, Wu Shihai stood up with a smile and patted his head.

"Go, brother will take you to buy another one"

Now that he has figured out that this is not necessarily a bad thing, maybe it is a good thing, Wu Shihai is a little happy.

Professor Li's name is very famous to him, and now he can finally get something to do with it, of course he can't wait for it, the more he looks at his sister, the more pleasing it is to his eyes.


Seeing that her brother was really not angry, Wu Yali was also relieved, but secretly she was even more angry with Lin Xiaoxi and Lin Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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