Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 131 True, Straight Man

Chapter 131 True, Straight Man
What was being broadcast live on the computer screen was the game screen, and in a small corner, a beautiful and outrageous girl was sitting there.

She played the game indifferently, as if the lively barrage and crazy rewards had nothing to do with her, she would only turn her head slightly or frown slightly when faced with choices or when she needed to think carefully.

Hiss, it's really her!

Huang Shiren stood up instantly, and the bath towel hanging on his body immediately slid down.

Now he only has Lin Yi in his eyes!
Looking at the delicate girl in a white dress with an indifferent expression in the small mobile phone, he started eating.

Although it was still the simple white long dress, it was as dazzling as the Seven Treasures Celestial Clothes on her body, and the cold aura emanating from the other party was even stronger than before, even through the screen, Huang Shiren could feel it.

But it was obviously a cold breath that rejected people thousands of miles away, yet Huang Shiren became even more joyful.

I haven't seen you for nearly a month, and you are so beautiful again!

After staring at it for nearly 5 minutes, Huang Shiren suddenly realized.

its not right!
I have to do something, otherwise, how can this girl remember me!
Yes, throw money!

So she can remember herself!

When he thought of it, he did it, and after charging 50 yuan without hesitation, Huang Shiren picked up his mobile phone and started tipping.

After a while, amidst the barrage of kneeling, licking and flattering, Huang Shiren typed it triumphantly after the rocket swiped to the appropriate number 520.

——Anchor, it’s me, we met at Old Man Ge’s construction site the other day!


With so many rewards, will the other party talk to me in private, kneel down and lick me, and then... Hehe, in just such a moment, Huang Shiren thought very far, very far.

However, the development of things seemed to be somewhat beyond his expectations.

--do not know!

These three cold words instantly shattered all his fantasies.

XXX! ! !

Huang Shiren's face instantly turned black into shit.

do not know!
Upon hearing these three words, the soy sauce onlookers in the live broadcast room were instantly stunned.

What is this scenario?
Do you really don't know each other, or pretend you don't know each other first, and then do that in private?
But no matter what, they still admire the anchor for saying this. You know, the opposite guy is a local tycoon, and he earned hundreds of thousands of tycoons in just one minute.

So, after the shock, the salted fish water friends typed one after another.

——The anchor is amazing, such a local tyrant doesn't take it seriously!
——Idols, the patrons don’t bother to support them.

——I feel sorry for this local tyrant for a second.

——This is the anchor I know, haha, this local tyrant, you should hurry up and attack the sand!

X's, shit!

Even with the barrage turned off, Huang Shiren could feel other people's schadenfreude through the screen. He gritted his teeth and threw his phone into the swimming pool in front of him with a swish of his arm.

With a plop, looking at the two foreign girls who were frightened and looking at him, Huang Shiren tore off the bath towel and rushed over.

Smelly woman, you wait for me, I will tell you to kneel in front of me sooner or later!

Anyway, now that I know that the other party is doing a live broadcast on Humao, Huang Shiren is not in a hurry. After returning to China, there will be opportunities to deal with her.

Plop again.

Amidst the exclamation and coquettish sound of the two women, Huang Shiren embraced her.

"do not know……"


Sitting on the stool, Wu Zun laughed and danced.

He was a little worried at first, thinking what L would do when he saw this huge reward, but who knew, not only did he get nothing, but L also choked the other party up.

Comparing Xianzi to L's attitude towards herself, Wu Zun really felt much more comfortable in his heart.

This is L, he doesn't care about the money at all, and he doesn't flatter him, this is the person who deserves his attention!
But after thinking about it for a while, Wu Zun felt a little worried while relaxing.

If L does this, will he offend that young Shacheng Huang...

Looking at the computer screen, the person in the live broadcast room was still playing the game seriously, as if he didn't take what happened just now to his heart.

Just when Wu Zun was worried and wanted to type to remind the other party, suddenly the system reminded that the fat man of the Wu family was assigned as the house manager. Before he could react, a line of pink words appeared on his screen again.

——Thank you, give me WeChat and return the money to you.

Wu Zun was at a loss for a while, and when he realized that it was Lin Yi who sent him a private message, he became flattered again.

Pay back?

L want to pay back?
Could it be that she thought she was her fan, and she did it on impulse when she couldn't bear to see someone hacking her?

It seems possible.

But, can the reward money be returned?

Wu Zun has lived for so long, and he has only seen anchors wanting to tip, this is the first time he has offered to repay a water friend.

However, it has not been repaid, so what?
This is a sub-question!
Wu Zun is not stupid, so he hurriedly typed.

——No need, really no need, if you give me the housekeeper, I will be satisfied!

Satisfied, he sent the message, but a second later, he regretted it, slapped himself on the head, and stood up angrily.

Pig's head, pig's head!
L's WeChat!
Even if you don't want money, you can add a WeChat account!
What a pig brain!
But the words have been said, Wu Zun can only sit back on the chair feebly and regret endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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