Chapter 140 This is love
It was nearly 12 o'clock, after breakfast (lunch), Wu Zun nestled on the sofa, while he was absent-mindedly watching TV, he waited for the bar owner named Wang Xupeng to reply.

Wang Xupeng?
This is the master's name is really a personality, is this the other party's real name?
Wu Zun picked up the coffee and took a sip, then put it back on the table, picked up the phone, and checked the time.

Strange, why the other party didn't reply, did he think I was a liar?
Wu Zun was a little funny.

You are a master, what is there to deceive, what am I trying to do?
Money, or power?
Just when he was happily preparing to have another drink, a private message suddenly floated over.

--it is good!it is good!

Two words, two exclamation marks in a row, it means that the owner seems very excited.

In fact, Wang Xupeng, who was squatting in front of the workbench, was really excited.

If this fat man from the Wu family is really that fat man from the Wu family, that would be a great joy!

Local tycoon!

Local tyrant!
Just when he was concentrating on YY, something happened that made him even more excited.

——Also, I can try to contact Ms. L to see if I can get her autograph, which can be used as the final reward for the Post Bar event.

What the hell!

This private message directly made Wang Xupeng jump up.

He threw away the pencil in his hand, his eyes fixed on the screen, and his hands creaked.

Miss Lin's signature?

How is this possible... How is it possible for him to get Miss Lin's autograph!

Suddenly, it was as if a flash of lightning flashed across Wang Xupeng's mind, and in the next second, a possibility that he was reluctant to believe jumped out.

Could it be that these two people know each other, and what's more, is there any unusual relationship?

勈~ No wonder, he spends so much money.

For a moment, Wang Xupeng felt sour in his heart.
In the next second, an unusually vivid picture appeared in his mind.

The exterior of the resplendent hotel is brightly lit.

On the street at the entrance, the fat man from the Wu family in a white suit was leaning on a red Porsche 911, holding a large bunch of roses in his arms.

In the midst of everyone's attention, Miss Lin came from the hotel in a white dress, all the waiters next to her bowed their heads, and the crowd around kept calling her name.

— Lin Yi!
— Lin Yi!
The two held hands and drove away in the envy of everyone.

A talented woman!

A match made in heaven!

Do not!
Wang Xupeng's eyes widened, and his hands were desperately pulling at his hair.

No, the script is wrong!

This is fake, it belongs to me!
How could this be possible!
Wang Xupeng stamped his feet, trying to hypnotize himself, he frantically turned around in the studio, like a headless fly.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

clap clap clap!
He ran to the computer nervously, and when he saw the conversation just now, he calmed down instantly.

Ha, Miss L!

Wang Xupeng pointed at the computer.

How dare this fat man lie to me!
He doesn't even know the name, how could he know Miss Lin, right?
But immediately, the smile on Wang Xupeng's face froze after only a few seconds, because he thought of another possibility.

No, what if this fat man knows, but doesn't say it?
Maybe the other party has the same concerns as himself, fearing that Ms. Lin's real name will be revealed.

After all, she still uses the code name L when she is broadcasting live.

No, I'm so sad!
Wang Xupeng stood up again, circling desperately.

Finally, after brainstorming several wonderful small theaters in just 2 minutes, Wang Xupeng, who was about to be entangled with himself, finally gritted his teeth and typed.

——You know Miss L very well?
After typing these words tremblingly, Wang Xupeng felt as if he had lost all strength.

He leaned back on the chair in a daze, his whole body motionless, his eyes fixed on the screen.

Please do not……


His mind was chaotic, and Wang Xupeng didn't know what he was afraid of or what he was looking forward to. Time ticked by, and this short minute seemed as long as a year.

Finally, the private message icon lit up again.

——No, we only met once.

Ha, that's good!
Seeing these words, Wang Xupeng smiled instantly.

The mountain that weighed on my heart dissipated in an instant, and even my breathing became smoother.

Scared me to death, this fat man!

Pulling out the keyboard, he was ready to taunt the other party.

But at this moment, the private message lights up again.

—I shook hands with her, though.

What the hell!

Dog X's!
Wang Xupeng's eyes went dark and he passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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