Chapter 142

Is this the anchor's personal post bar? Yang Yi dragged the progress bar to find the answer.

Sure enough, the anchor didn't answer this question, maybe he didn't see it, or maybe he didn't bother to answer it.

However, based on Yang Yi's understanding of anchor L, she must be too lazy to answer.

But it doesn't matter, because other water friends have already started scrambling to reply.

——Really, that post bar was created by a fan.

——It’s fake, the anchor didn’t say anything, and besides, Qiandu didn’t get certified?

Because the parties did not speak, both parties insisted on their own opinions, and it seemed that no one could convince the other.

But no matter it's true or not, it aroused Yang Yi's curiosity anyway.

Go check it out, it's still early, it's only 10 o'clock, it's a video, you can watch it later.

After convincing herself, Yang Yiqing entered the Qiandu post bar with familiarity, but when she opened the post bar, she was stunned.

In the most prominent position on the homepage of the post bar, she unexpectedly found the promotion link of L post bar!
real or fake?

Yang Yi quickly clicked in, only to find out that this post bar has been certified by Qiandu, and the introduction clearly says - Humao anchor L's personal post bar.

The moment he saw this line of words clearly, Yang Yi became happy.

A sense of security that seems to have found an organization arises spontaneously.

This is the host's post bar, which is Miss L's post bar, and it is also her fan's post bar, which is me...

So, in the welcome post, Yang Yi typed it.

——Fans of Ms. L, come to report!

In an instant, rows of applause below jumped out.

Yang Yile rolled on the bed.

On the contrary, Lin Xiaoxi's classmate, Wu Yali, was very angry.

That's right, she was just browsing the post bar to see idols, and she was also pulled by the advertisement on the home page of the post bar. It was a very eye-catching post.

——Sister Bingshan, once in a thousand years, with a peerless beauty, it is hard to tell the truth from the fake~
The post on the front page was actually a voting post, and there were quite a few participants.

Voting really accounted for 95%, about 20 people.

Fake accounted for 5%, 3 people.

Out of curiosity, Wu Yali clicked in.

Then, she took a closer look.

This TM turned out to be a soft article!

Moreover, the pig's foot in the story turned out to be her, Lin Xiaoxi's sister!
Immediately, Wu Yali was so angry that this bitch actually posted a post!
Moreover, it shamelessly hangs on the homepage!

Without saying a word, she rushed to this L's post bar angrily.

As soon as she entered the post bar, Wu Yali found that this broken post bar was very lively and there were endless posts.

When she glanced at it, there were 20 followers!

X, fake!
It's all fake!
She gritted her teeth, and in an instant, she was dazzled by jealousy.

Smelly shameless, spend money to find someone to post here, buy some zombie fans, don't you think my old lady doesn't know!

Taking out her phone, she was about to turn on the keyboard hero mode.

No matter what, just spray a few words first!

——This female anchor is a liar, I was cheated by her tens of thousands! ! !
Turning her mind around casually, she thought of such an explosive title.

Hmph, I don't believe it.

Anyway, people on the Internet are like this, regardless of whether a thing is true or not, even if they can tell it is false at a glance, they will come to join in the fun.

Hey, when the time comes, when things get into trouble, let's see how you end up!

Therefore, when people do bad things, their brains always turn very fast.

In less than a minute, after posting the carefully choreographed post, Wu Yali took out her mobile phone, and Wu Yali was going to capture a few transfer pictures on WeChat, and then took out another mobile phone to direct and act on her own to ensure that the fake ones could be confused with the real ones.

After 5 minutes, she finished forging, and then refreshed the post she just posted full of anticipation. She thought that this kind of breaking news post would be watched by everyone, but who knew, when she refreshed it, the post disappeared!

Wu Yali was a little confused.

Who deleted it?

Still, Lord?

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that there was a bar owner in this little post bar that was just built!

Moreover, what else is the name called, Wang Xupeng, what a bad name!


Angrily, she picked up her phone and posted again. This time, she didn't go around in circles, and just stuffed the forged screenshot into it.

——The host and the anchor are two liars working together, the truth is here!
An even more explosive headline came up again, Wu Yali held her breath and stared at the post.

Just 2 seconds later, the system prompts that your post has been deleted by the bar owner because it violates the four principles of the post bar and disrupts the harmony in the bar...

Depend on!
The old lady didn't believe it.

Grabbing the phone, it crackled again. This time, she deleted the post without even seeing it.

Delete in seconds, really delete in seconds!

After several efforts to no avail, Wu Yali flicked her phone.

You bastard, you wait for me!

(End of this chapter)

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