Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 170 This disease can be cured

Chapter 170 This disease can be cured
"...the whole thing goes something like this"

Even though he was talking about such a terrible disease, Lin Yi's expression remained calm, while Lin Xiaoxi who was sitting beside her was a little dumbfounded.

Looking at the test sheets and actual cases on the bed, as well as the symptoms of those patients, they were exactly the same as hers.

You can't do strenuous activities, you can't eat spicy food, your body is sensitive, your development is delayed, and you are prone to colds.

It turned out that this is a congenital heart disease.

For a moment, Lin Xiaoxi felt sore in her heart. Knowing that she was abandoned by her biological parents because of this, she almost collapsed.

Raising her head, she looked around blankly, helpless like a lamb, until she saw Lin Yi sitting on the opposite side of the bed, her eyes became alive, and she rushed over crying.


"Sister, you won't and don't want me~"

"of course not"

Lin Yi answered without hesitation.

Helping Lin Xiaoxi up and letting the other party look at her, she said word by word.

"Don't worry, I have found a solution, and I can cure you soon"


Lin Xiaoxi's eyes lit up, and she immediately stood up straight.

Feeling itchy nose, she took a quick sniff, but the snot still had a tendency to fall, she raised her right hand in a panic, and wiped the snot with one sleeve.

Seeing the traces that were accidentally stained on Lin Yi's clothes just now, her face suddenly turned red. To hide her embarrassment, she said with a nose.

"Sister, you can't lie!"


Stretching out her right hand, Lin Yi touched Lin Xiaoxi's nose.

"Sister, you are so kind"

She threw herself into Lin Yi's arms again, and the cool and charming fragrance entered her nose all at once, making Lin Xiaoxi relax.

Call ~
While patting Lin Xiaoxi's back lightly, Lin Yi stared at the test sheets.

She decided to talk about this matter after careful consideration. It is not her style to hide diseases and avoid medical treatment.

Moreover, this disease is from Lin Xiaoxi, so it is impossible not to let her know.

It's just that it's not clear why Xiaoxi's parents did this.

In fact, the NT test can be done when the fetus is three months or 12 weeks old. According to the thickness of the nuchal translucency, it can be predicted in advance whether the fetus is normal.

Xiaoxi's parents must have done this kind of mandatory inspection.

But if this is the case, why did he decide to have it even though he knew there was an anomaly, but he was born and then threw it away, this...

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, with a wild boar heart with super self-healing ability, I can exchange blood for Xiaoxi and then treat it, so as to completely eradicate this disease from the source.


Looking at Lin Xiaoxi lying in her arms, Lin Yi's eyes flickered.

Lin Xiaoxi still has a disease, but Lin Yi didn't mention it.

If there is no accident, this disease is probably brought from the fetus, and there is no cure.

Intelligence is abnormal.

This is probably the real reason why Xiaoxi was abandoned by her parents.

Call ~
Sighing in her heart, Lin Yi gently stroked Lin Xiaoxi's hair.

This disease was also discovered by Lin Yi. Even though Lin Yi and Lin Xiaoxi had lived together for so long, he didn't notice anything unusual. He thought that girls of this age were so innocent and cute.

But now that I think about it carefully, Xiaoxi's situation is obviously not the same.

Didn't study well when I was a child, loves to act like a baby, it's not easy to understand something a little more esoteric, and my execution ability is also poor. To put it nicely, it's called stupid and cute, and to put it badly, it's mentally handicapped.

And this kind of disease, Lin Yi also has no cure for the time being.

She has read a lot of information and consulted many ancient books, but unfortunately, she has not been able to find a radical cure case.

If so, why say it?
Anyway, it's good for Xiaoxi to live like this for the rest of her life with her watching.

Looking at the little girl in her arms who met her because she was abandoned by her parents, Lin Yi wanted to comfort her, but unexpectedly there was a low whimper.

Well, fell asleep already.

Leaning up slightly, Lin Yi hugged Lin Xiaoxi in a princess hug, and walked out of the bedroom. When passing by the living room, the big cat, curled up and sleeping next to the drinking fountain, raised its head.

"Need not"

Lin Yi shook her head, came to Xiaoxi's door, raised her right foot, and kicked lightly, there was a slight clicking sound, and the door opened.

With the help of the light outside the window, Lin Xiaoxi was placed on the bed, and then covered with a quilt.

Picking up the tissue on the bedside, wiped away the other party's tears, and after a few more careful glances, Lin Yi waved his hand and pulled down the curtain.

"Sleep and have a good dream"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yi disappeared into the room.

The next day, at 7:30 in the morning, Lin Xiaoxi got up on time.

Before she opened the door, she smelled the seductive smell coming from the living room,

Pushing open the door quickly, she immediately saw the sumptuous food on the table in the living room, rubbed her eyes, she couldn't believe it, and after carefully confirming that it was not her hallucination, she let out a wow, She rushed over.

"Boiled Fish"

“Fried Lobster”

"There is still Maoxuewang"

Lin Xiaoxi was drooling, her whole body was filled with excitement.

Rubbing her hands together, she picked up the coke chicken wings and stuffed them into her mouth.

Hiss~ wow~ delicious!

Crispy but not greasy, smooth and elastic, people can't stop eating it.

After eating it quickly in two or three bites, Lin Xiaoxile's eyes narrowed. Only then did she find a piece of paper under the plate.

Picking up the note and looking at it, she was stunned, and there was only a short sentence on it.

——Xiaoxi, don't worry, you still have me.

Signed, love your sister (brother).

The beautiful and elegant font landed on the white and flawless note, but was smudged by Lin Xiaoxi's oil-stained hands.

Upon discovering this situation, Lin Xiaoxi's heart skipped a beat. She quickly put the note on the table, then, lowered her head, and read it again.

Finally, Lin Xiaoxi seemed to be crying.

But immediately, she laughed again.

Between crying and laughing, the eyes also fell down.

After finally controlling her emotions, Lin Xiaoxi choked with sobs and picked up a tissue to wrap the note, and pressed it hard on her heart. At this moment, her body was warm, and there seemed to be a warm current surging in her chest.

Putting the note away carefully, Lin Xiaoxi sat down to eat again.

While eating, she looked left and right, and the door of Lin Yi's room opposite was wide open, and there was no one in it, and there was no one in the toilet.

Strange, so early, my brother went there, and people still want to thank him...

At this time, apart from Lin Xiaoxi who was thinking about Lin Yi, the aunt in the vegetable market downstairs was also thinking about Lin Yi.

"You go slowly"

Cheerfully seeing off an old lady who was shopping for vegetables, the vegetable seller skillfully picked up the kettle and began to sprinkle water on the vegetables.

On the one hand, watering is to make the green vegetables more fresh and beautiful, on the other hand, to add some weight.

After sprinkling the water, she wiped her hands on the rag in her arms, then spit, bowed her head and began to count the money. At the end of the count, the aunt sighed.

"So many coins, hey, why didn't that boy come last time, I have nowhere to spend my money"

 Thanks for the reward from the natural scalper.

(End of this chapter)

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