Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 175 I don't know who Shacheng Huang Shao is

Chapter 175 I don't know who Shacheng Huang Shao is


Milk Tea threw the canned beer he drank into the trash can behind him.

Except for this one that was spinning around in place, and the wine bottles, hot strip bags, and jelly that were thrown around the trash can, the room looked like it hadn't been cleaned for hundreds of years, and it was messy everywhere.

But Milk Tea, who was sitting in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard, didn't care.

She freed her hand, picked up a drunkard peanut and threw it into her mouth, chewing it while shaking Erlang's legs triumphantly.

Under the wide beige home clothes, her clean and well-proportioned calves swing back and forth, drawing perfect arcs. It can be seen that she is very comfortable. Of course, if she can not write this report, she will be even happier!

Looking at the word document that took half an hour to write less than 1000 words, Milk Tea let out a long sigh and scratched his ears.

It's still early, and it's still a thousand miles away from a hundred thousand words!

Commander Ikari really is, and he is not a civilian, so he insists on writing some reports.

There are surveillance cameras, videos, and sky eyes in the stadium. I really don't know what he was thinking.

What's so good about this dry text.

After complaining about the other party in her heart, Milk Tea picked up a peanut again and threw it into her mouth, chewing hard until the peanut was chewed into slag, and she finally felt better.

In fact, complaints are complaints, and Milk Tea also knows that Commander Ikari asked her to write a report because this matter is very, very important.

As the leader of the Haishilong Group and the only person who had contact with the supernatural being Lin Yi, she had to write these things clearly, not missing a single detail.

The purpose is to cooperate in the future, facilitate communication, and further develop, and the more you know about Lin Yi, the more you know, the easier it is to deal with it if you meet again in the future.

Moreover, I heard from Commander Ikari that the stadium has been sealed. Of course, the outside world said it was going to be renovated, which shows how important this matter is.

Moreover, investigations and research have already begun in the stadium, trying to perfectly restore the situation at that time, and roughly calculate how awesome this supernatural being is.

What's more, the video surveillance and so on that night were all packaged and sealed and reported to the capital. At the same time, Lin Yi was also known by the bosses of the various departments above, and they were labeled as extremely special, extremely precious, and so on.

Not surprisingly, these videos and documents that can measure Lin Yi's combat effectiveness should be included in the SSR level. In the future, it will be difficult to watch a level similar to milk tea.

So, write it obediently, or you might be listed as a confidential document!

Milk tea thought happily.

Seemingly gaining strength for a moment, she licked her thumb and forefinger covered in pepper and salt, and grabbed the keyboard and started typing.

But after 5 minutes...

"Oh my god, I'm exhausted, let's do this for today"

Looking at the word count, 1888 words, Milk Tea stretched, and turned off WPS in satisfaction.

She lowered her head and looked at the time. Oh, at 9:[-] p.m., that Lin Yi should still be broadcasting live, okay, let's take a look.

This isn't laziness, it's work, um, keeping an eye on every move of the supernatural being.

In the next second, Milk Tea skillfully turned on the Tiger Cat live broadcast.

The moment she entered the live broadcast room, her face was covered by bullet screens. Her first reaction to such a thick bullet screen was that there were so many people and more bullet screens, it was overwhelming.

And at a glance, basically these barrages are all in one tune.

What Miss Sister is so beautiful, I lick, lick, lick...

Looking at the certain supernatural being live broadcasting in the lower right corner, to be honest, the milk tea is a bit sour.

In this era when you can eat by your face, being beautiful is an advantage!
However, the old lady is not bad!
Milk Tea looked at her chest.

Moreover, much bigger than her!

If I go to live broadcast...

Hey, forget it.

Milk tea waved his hand, it was still comfortable to fight monsters, what's the point of playing games in front of the computer, only women would choose to play games, real men should go to fight monsters!


Opened a bottle of beer again with his thumb, put his legs on the table with milk tea, and watched the live broadcast happily.

Lin Yi's live broadcast room.

After swiping 500 rockets again, Huang Shiren finally received Lin Yi's reply.

Because he came here every now and then to scan the Rockets, the people in the live broadcast room also knew that this Shachenghuang Shao, whose ID looked like a middle schooler, was actually an out-and-out local tyrant.

So some water friends are very afraid that this guy will abduct the anchor and become a rich wife, but what makes them feel at ease is that Lin Yi doesn't like him at all.

Therefore, these people watched the live broadcast while watching pretending to be ignored, and gained two pieces of happiness in one night.

Now that he knows that this guy has bad intentions, even if he keeps scrolling, no one will speak for him in the live broadcast room.

Who made this guy so rich, anyway, he is just unhappy!

Until, a Mengxin who seemed to be just watching Lin Yi's live broadcast asked.

"Miss anchor"

"This local tyrant of Shachenghuang has been giving you rockets all the time, don't you know him?"

"However, he seems to know you, and he is still talking about rankings, or something"

As soon as his barrage was finished, he was drowned in the army of licking and licking, but Lin Yi still saw it.

Little Shacheng Huang?

Because of being blocked, Lin Yi couldn't see the other party's tip.

However, after taking a look at the tipping list, she immediately calculated that compared to the day before yesterday, this guy tipped another 18000 yuan.

Still not giving up...

Lin Yi thought it was funny and boring at the same time.

In this case, let you give up!
After thinking about it, she spoke.

"I don't know Shacheng Huang Shao, maybe, he made a mistake"


As soon as these words came out, the entire live broadcast room was in an uproar, and then the screen was full of 666!

Isn't it obvious that you are talking nonsense with your eyes open? How can people make so many mistakes?

Excuses, these are all excuses!

It is obvious that they don't want to kill each other!

Haha, it's true, the anchor I follow really has personality!
In an instant, the barrage of yelling in the live broadcast room was overwhelming again.

Bamboo and fish balls rose like crazy. Although the amount of rewards was not as large as that of King Shacheng, the momentum still overwhelmed the opponent.

The point is, they are on the anchor's side, on the side of justice!

Hearing this, Huang Shiren stood up and dropped his phone.

With a bang, the mobile phone kissing the wall shattered into pieces.

Looking at the scattered mobile phone in the corner, he calmed down instead, walked over, bent down to pick up the SIM card, and a sly smile appeared on his face full of pimples.

Lin, you wait for me~
During the period of chasing Lin Yi, Huang Shiren was not idle. He learned from Ge Kongming that Lin Yi had a younger sister who had appeared in the live broadcast room, and that she was an orphan.

 Thanks for the reward from the natural scalper.

(End of this chapter)

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