Chapter 203 Video
Weibo stood up and shouted for Lin Yi, which caused a rapid change in the trend of the Internet, and the replies on Weibo became a large-scale jumping scene.

——Grandson, didn’t you scold Miss L a few days ago, and it changed so quickly!

——I was deceived, Miss L is so beautiful, how could she be so unbearable!

——Yes, yes, I think so too!
When the post went back to the end, it became a confession post.

The whole thing was happy and harmonious, like a family, completely forgetting who was slandering it a few days ago.

News spread quickly on the Internet. When Lin Xiaoxi was still bathing Rhubarb, Zhou Shuangqing called.

"Xiao Xi, your sister was framed!"

Upon hearing the good news, Lin Xiaoxi was very happy, and excitedly threw the rhubarb into the air.

Rhubarb rolled his eyes in the air.

This little idiot didn't give me a good bath, why is he crazy?

——Miss L is a good person, but she was framed.

In the morning, it seemed that everyone in the entire celestial dynasty knew about it.

"You are paralyzed!"

Going home at noon, Huang Qianhua's face turned green when he saw the posts that not only changed the direction of the wind, but also clamored to catch the mastermind behind the scenes.

His son was still lying in the hospital, and all the work he had done in front of him was in vain. An imposing boss with a thousand degrees was actually beaten down by a young girl!
During the meeting in the morning, some high-level executives expressed their dissatisfaction with Huang Qianhua in a weird way.

After all, to use Qiandu's resources to do such shady private affairs must obtain internal consent, even if Huang Qianhua is the big boss, he can't do it in one word.

"A bunch of pig heads, all you can do is open your mouth!"

Thinking about the ugly faces of those directors, Huang Qianhua was even more disdainful.

L, you wait for me, if you don't believe me, I can't deal with you!
But no one expected that Lin Yi's counterattack would come before Huang Qianhua could make a move.

Scalper personal studio.

The boss scalper is resting.

In one morning, he reinstalled all the computers in the studio.

Still worried about this, he even formatted the hard drive and copied all the materials he had done before to the USB flash drive, not even saving the network hard drive.

After a busy morning, he finally had a rest.

Lying on the bench, drinking Coke, he sighed.

Hey, it's really hard to make money for Qiandu!
Moreover, this L is too fierce, to know such an awesome hacker, you have such awesome thighs, you should have said it earlier, what kind of passerby are you pretending to be!
If I had known earlier, I would not have PS!
Just as he was thinking about it, the phone rang, and the scalper jumped up, seeing that it was Huang Qianhua, he immediately picked it up with a smile.

"Boss Huang, you..."

Before he could finish his flattery, he was severely interrupted by the other party.

"Bastard, you dare to betray the water, you are dead!"

With a bang, Huang Qianhua hung up the phone.

What the hell!

Who did Laozi provoke?
Looking at the phone that was hung up, the scalper looked confused.

The clay figurine still has three points of fire!

He gritted his teeth and panted heavily, because the scalper was not happy when he was reprimanded several times for this shit, but now when he scolded him, the anger in his chest burst out.



After Yang Tian yelled at him, he still held back forcefully.

That's Qiandu, he has to bear it if he can't bear it!
But what happened, why did the grandson scold him?

The scalper turned on the computer and wanted to find out, but when he saw the news on Qiandu, his eyes went dark and he almost fainted.

——Shocked, the real face of Boss Qiandu is so unbearable!

Posted by: Cattle.

how can that be!

The scalper's eyes widened, and he realized that the account was indeed his own - with such a big golden V-shaped logo, it was difficult to admit his mistake.

No, it can't be!

After seeing it clearly, he shook his head vigorously with horror on his face.

My account is bound to mobile phone login verification, and there is also a general order that is refreshed every minute, changing the password once a day.

This... Who is this?

The scalper only felt as if there was cold air rushing from the soles of his feet to his head, his heart was beating, his hands were shaking, and he couldn't even grasp the mouse.

Finally, covering the mouse with both hands, he opened the post.

Inside is a video, not long, only 3 minutes, but the content inside is very exciting.

XX Hotel, that's right, it's the hotel where Huang Qianhua killed himself.

In the video, Huang Qianhua and Huang Shiren are both present, with a big bed in the background...

That's right... can't describe π_π...

The scalper who was sweating profusely looked at the source of this video - the scalper studio.

His eyes went dark and he passed out.

The moment the news appeared, the internet exploded, and the replies below were hundreds of thousands of stories in an instant.

——Holy shit, awesome, and, from the looks of it, this is a sex video he shot himself, awesome, really awesome!

—As expected of a father and son, but is this true?
—It's true, I am the bed!
——Really, I am that girl!

——The girl upstairs, take a step to speak.

In just 3 minutes of video, Huang Qianhua suddenly became well-known to women and children in a special way this morning, surpassing X Yun and X Huateng, becoming the most famous entrepreneur in China.

Sitting in front of the computer, while talking back and forth with Qiandu's security personnel, Lin Yi could still find time to read the comments.

That's right, she invaded Qiandu again, and even sent out the good things she found from Huang Shiren last time. As expected, she shocked the whole network.

Hum~ It should be almost there.

Lin Yi looked at the time, 1 minute and 30 seconds had passed.

If his guess is correct, the helpless Qiandu should cut off the server directly.

Sure enough, in the next second, Qiandu's server was stuck for a microsecond.

Lin Yi raised the mouse, His Highness refreshed, and the news had been deleted.


Lin Yi gave the other party a verdict in his heart.

This time it was really late, except for Qiandu, 360, Sogou, and even the video on Xunlei, there were countless seed seekers.

I also know that Huang Qianhua must be full of anxiety now, after all, his face represents this thousand degrees.

What Lin Yi did not only slap Huang Qianhua in the face, but also Qiandu by the way.

Now, Qiandu is afraid that he will bleed heavily.

Do not live by committing sins.

After turning off the computer, Lin Yi walked out of the laboratory and prepared to cook.

Qiandu top floor, conference room.

Huang Qianhua sullenly said nothing.

The various shareholders who sat in a circle next to him were filled with righteous indignation.

"Because of your personal private life, our stock plummeted and billions of dollars were evaporated in vain"

"Secretly, you can play whatever you want, but don't affect the company."

"Of course, for a person like L, it is right to block her. We Qiandu can't be pinched by anyone!"

This proposal was unanimously agreed by all.

(End of this chapter)

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