Chapter 223
"Miss L, marry me!"

"It's so beautiful, this figure, this appearance, especially this leg, I can play with it for a year!"

"The one upstairs is really worthless, I can play for the rest of my life!"

Coquettish Biaozi!
Seeing those men flattering and kneeling on Lin Yi's Weibo, Wu Yali slammed the pillow angrily.

It's not that she wants to read these, but these two days, as long as she surfs the Internet, it's all Lin Yi's news, and she can't ignore it if she wants to.

Just when she was angrily about to turn off her phone and go to sleep, WeChat came.

——National Day dinner, time, 7:[-] p.m. on October [-]th, location, Yellow Crane Tower at Lihe intersection, please don’t be late!
Have a dinner together with your sister!
Whoever loves to go!
Flicking the phone, Wu Yali crawled on the pillow.

Hey, wait!

If it's a dinner party, that little kid Lin Xiaoxi will also go.

Hehe ~
There is a way!

Wu Yali immediately cheered up, picked up her phone and started making calls.

Time flies by, the last day of the National Day holiday, 7:[-] pm.

Lihe intersection, Yellow Crane Tower.

Although the location of this small three-story shop is relatively remote, but the taste is good and the price is cheap. After word of mouth, more and more people come to eat.

Just like this point, the original vacant space in front of the Yellow Crane Tower is already full of cars, and diners who come a little later can only park their cars on the main road.

For this reason, Lao Hu, the owner of the Yellow Crane Tower, specially invited security guards to watch the car.

On the one hand, it is to maintain order, and on the other hand, it can help car owners watch the traffic police.

Otherwise, if you pay a fine of 200 yuan for a meal, I am afraid that everyone will feel uncomfortable.

As evening approaches, it is a busy time.

Wearing a black uniform and white gloves, Xiao Wang was leading a Mercedes-Benz girl, when suddenly he heard a loud roar from behind.

this sound...

Could it be, Mazda?
Xiao Wang raised his head and followed the sound.

"Oh shit, Porsche 911, it seems to be a Turbo S!"

"The real Nima is rich!"

"It must be the mistress"

The exclamation caused many people in the parking lot to look over.

Under the whispered discussions and gazes of the crowd, the red sports car went straight through the crowd and blocked the entrance of the hotel.


The scissor door opens.

A pair of slender legs in black high heels stretched out first.

Then a tall girl in a red dress and sunglasses appeared in everyone's sight.

"Fuck you, beauty!"

"If this can catch up with her, at least 20 years of struggle will be saved"

"Come on, let's see if your wife doesn't beat you to death!"

"Haha, I'm just saying"

Holding the bag, Huangbei Ying glanced left and right, then walked into the hall.

Rejecting the guidance of the waiter and ignoring the fiery eyes in the hall, she went straight to the third floor, walked straight along the aisle, stopped in front of door 308, raised her right hand, and knocked on the door lightly.

"please come in"

A voice full of charm came immediately.

Huang Bei Ying walked in and closed the door behind her.

This room is not big, and the decoration is very ordinary, except for some potted plants and table setting, there are no other objects.

The round table in the middle of the room was already filled with food, and Huangbei Ying sniffed it lightly.

Well, the taste is really not bad.

On the main seat, was sitting a beautiful young woman with blond hair.

She is wearing a red cheongsam. She is in her early 40s, but she is well maintained. Her skin is smooth and delicate without blemishes. Her exquisite figure is full of temptation under the background of the cheongsam.

The other party was drinking alone, leaning on his chin with his left hand, holding the wine glass with his right hand, gently bringing it to his mouth, and then drinking it slowly.

But in Huangbei Ying's eyes, this action was purely posturing.

After slandering in her heart, she looked at him and shouted.

"Miss Kim"

Then he sat in a partial position, put down his bag, and took off his sunglasses.

"Sakura, you are getting more and more beautiful, sit down quickly, the food has just been served for 1 minute"

Miss Jin said enthusiastically.

Huangbei Ying nodded.

Because she understands the nature of the other party, Sister Jin is not embarrassed.

He just stretched out his right hand, which was about to pat the opponent's shoulder, and took advantage of the situation, picked up the teapot and poured a cup for Huangbei Ying.

Sister Jin knew that Huangbei Ying didn't like drinking.

"Drink some tea and chat while eating"

Huangbei Ying nodded again.

308 is a little cold here, but 309, which is separated by a wall, is very lively.

A banquet table was set up in the living room and side hall, and as far as the eye could see, it was full of teenagers and girls.

Their faces were filled with undisguised youthful smiles, they were noisy, they ate vigorously, and chatted enthusiastically.

In a corner of the side hall, Lin Xiaoxi and Zhou Shuangqing sat together.

After confessing to Lin Yi at 6 p.m., Lin Xiaoxi came to Zhou Shuangqing's house, and the two went to the class dinner together.

Looking at the lively classmates around, Lin Xiaoxi was really thankful.

Luckily Zhou Shuangqing was with her on such a lively occasion, otherwise, she would have no choice but to snuggle up in the corner and be a little transparent.

Fortunately, there is frost...

So, picking up the chopsticks, Lin Xiaoxi added mashed potatoes for the other party.

"I do not time"

Zhou Shuangqing, who was gnawing on a pig's trotter, immediately pinched it back.

"It's delicious, Shuang Qing"

Lin Xiaoxi pouted on purpose.

"Try it"

"Anyway, I don't want to"

Sitting in a small corner, the two of them ate and quarreled, but they were happy and at ease.

Call ~
He exhaled lightly.

After closing the door with the 308 sign, Huang Beiying walked towards the toilet.

She cursed again in her heart.

Miss Jin, hum.

Calling you sister, do you really think you are an onion?
clap clap.

Stepping on her high heels, she coldly walked to the bathroom, washed her face, and then touched up her makeup in the mirror.

For the time being, I can't break the face with the other party, but this woman takes herself too seriously.

Let yourself kill someone today, and then set fire tomorrow, who does she think she is, Cixi?

After tidying up, Huangbei Ying was about to leave with her bag in hand, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the toilet cubicle.

"Scare her hard, yes, it's even better to scare her ass out of her ass, what's the problem, sister has plenty of money!"

Hearing this, Huangbei Ying suddenly laughed.

This is still my little sister.

Soon, there was the sound of flushing in the toilet cubicle, and a girl with short hair pushed the door and came out.

Seeing Huangbei Ying, the other party paused, as if they didn't expect that there were other people here.

But soon, she calmed down, narrowed her eyes, and looked Huangbei Ying up and down with scrutiny, then snorted coldly, and walked out with a proud face.

Um, peacock?

Huangbei Ying smiled.

Still, there are enough ugly ones.

After being interrupted by this person, she felt much better.

Downstairs lobby, people come and go, very lively.

"Boss, someone is coming, it seems to be causing trouble"

Xiao Wang, who was watching the car outside, ran fast, came to the lobby and found Lao Hu, and said carefully.

"They are all shirtless and carrying sticks. They are not good people at first glance."

He was just looking at the car outside, when he saw a few ruffian-looking people walking here with cigarettes in their mouths and sticks in their hands, without thinking about it, he immediately ran to report the news.

Staring at Lao Hu's big face, Xiao Wang suggested loyally.

"Boss, do you want to call the police?"

(End of this chapter)

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