Chapter 233 The Fall
After ridiculing, Huang Qianhua still decided to ask. After all, there is no big mistake in being careful, and the other party will definitely not be aimless.

But soon his face turned dark, and the secretary's phone couldn't get through.

Okay, I'm so embarrassed, don't dare to answer the phone!

A gloomy look appeared on Huang Qianhua's face.

Just when he was about to call back, the phone rang, and it was his caller.

"Old Huang, run quickly, it will be too late if you don't leave, don't say I called you!"

Looking at the two consecutive phone calls that made him escape, Huang Qianhua felt something was wrong.

This reminded him of the last time he dealt with Lin Yi. At that time, there were one phone call after another.

Could it be that Lin Yi is dead...

Huang Qianhua immediately thought of this.

It seems possible.

That's a killer, killing an ordinary person is still easy.

Hmph, Lin Yi is dead, what does it have to do with me...

Could it be that those killers confessed themselves?

Huang Qianhua narrowed his eyes.

Not to mention whether doing so will benefit them, even if they confess, someone must believe it!
But if it wasn't about Lin Yi, what would it be...

Two phone calls in a row made Huang Qianhua's heart flutter.

Before he could figure out why, the phone rang again, but Huang Qianhua was startled by the familiar ringtone. When he saw the call, his heart sank to the bottom of the lake.

Leader X in the city once took care of him when he was just starting out.

Suppressing his irritability, he squeezed out a smiling face, and he was about to speak, but who knew, the other party scolded him head and face.

"Okay, Huang, I told you not to provoke Miss Lin, if you still don't listen, you will die!"

After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap. The voice was so loud that Huang Qianhua's ears hurt.

Miss Lin?
It really was Lin Yi!
Huang Qianhua naturally found out L's real name, after all, there is no impenetrable wall on the Internet.

But what does this mean?
wait to die?

Think about the big guy who said this...

Huang Qianhua suddenly felt that the sky was about to change, no matter what, let's hide for a while before talking.

Hurrying to the garage, he ran all the way.

While fleeing for his life, he learned that the police (meow) had already gone to the company to investigate him.

His other secretaries, his subordinates and the like were all under control, and the police named him Huang Qianhua by name!
Although he didn't know why, Huang Qianhua knew very well that if he hadn't slept in the new house outside this time, he would have been arrested.

Who the hell did this!
Up to now, he still doesn't want to believe that the person who made him feel so embarrassed is actually an anchor.

Speeding all the way, at the next intersection, he saw a police (meow) guard in front of him.

With the slow-moving traffic, the police (meow) were getting closer, he gritted his teeth, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed over.

But it's a pity that in this era of surveillance, and in a super-busy city like Haishi, where traffic jams are commonplace, Huang Qianhua was stopped at the second traffic light intersection.

"You are under arrest"

When the cold handcuffs were on his hands, Huang Qianhua still seemed to be dreaming.

Five minutes later, the news broke.

——Huang Qianhua, the boss of Qiandu, embezzled, accepted bribes, evaded taxes, embezzled state assets, and kept mistresses.
The whole of China was in an uproar!

But in the face of the red-headed news given by the central government, no one questioned it.

At this point, Huang Qianhua, a big boss of a generation, fell!
Although there is such an official statement, there are still different opinions on the gossip on the Internet.

Some people said that it was Qiandu who offended a certain boss.

Others said that it was his son who provoked the boss's daughter.

Others said that it was the country that was killing the donkey and was preparing to airborne to control Qiandu.

The most reliable and most recognized statement is the power struggle within Qiandu.

After all, no matter how strong a fortress is, it is easy to breach from the inside.

As a famous person said, the truth is often in the hands of a few.

In the great celestial dynasty, only a handful of people know the truth.

All this is because of Miss Lin, this mysterious and powerful woman.

Those who knew kept silent, all fearful.

7:40 in the morning.

Lin Yi received a call from Milk Tea.

On the phone, Milk Tea reported everything in detail.

Huang Qianhua was killed, and sent to prison together with his demented son. The property under his name was confiscated, and all his close subordinates were censored. Anyway, in a word, Huang Qianhua is a fart.

Originally, Milk Tea was still a little worried, thinking that Huang Qianhua's death might cause great changes.

But she overlooked that now the National People's Congress is "sweeping the snow in front of the door personally, don't care about the frost on the roof of others", and implements the mentality of "care about my business" to the bone.

Therefore, the Internet is full of applause.

Those who called out the most fiercely were not some Internet companies that were suppressed or even killed by Huang Qianhua, but some angry youths who "as long as you are rich, I will dislike you".

When the wall falls, everyone pushes it, and when the drum is broken, everyone hammers it, which is probably the case.

After the report, Milk Tea asked carefully, wondering if Lin Yi was satisfied.

Regarding this, Lin Yi just hummed and stopped talking.

A generation of bigwigs became prisoners, purely because of the other party's own fault, Lin Yi showed no mercy at all.

After talking about this, Lin Yi asked Milk Tea for Huangbei Ying's information. Although she could get it herself, it was still troublesome.

Soon, information came from the milk tea side.

No matter what killer, knight, or scavenger you are, there are no secrets in front of the country.

Although, Lin Yi believed that his own eyesight would not make a mistake, but he still had to investigate if there was no big mistake.

After reading the information, she found that Huangbei Ying was really powerful.

Not only is she naturally beautiful, she is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, she is also very good at fighting and Sanda, and she is also an expert in survival in the wild, which is really unexpected.

It seems that being a killer these days requires real skills.

After reading these, Lin Yi casually threw them aside.

Walking into the lab, she continued the flesh and blood beast's tentacles.

In mid-air, the tentacles were dismembered and reassembled one by one...

Lin Yi quickly immersed himself in it.

Half an hour later, the phone on the table started to vibrate.

Lin Yi glanced at it.

Yuan Wushui.

"Miss Lin, I, I'm so excited, from now on, you will be my reborn parents..."

In fact, Lin Yi was waiting for this call, because she knew that Yuan Wushui would call, but becoming the other party's father (mother) was a bit beyond her expectation.

After casually comforting the other party, Lin Yi hung up the phone.

Thinking about what the other party said, she sighed again, this little brother is really determined.

Turning off the phone, she took out the wild boar heart again.

What was originally a huge piece has now become only the size of a sea bowl.

However, enough is enough.

Xiaoxi's illness should also be cured.

Looking at the heart, Lin Yi's eyes were bright.

(End of this chapter)

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