Chapter 272 Cooperation
——My big wow is actually on the list, sister Lin Saigao!
——Wow, today is so lively, is it all because of Ms. L?

——Who is Ms. L, seems to be the anchor?
——Miss L is Lin Yi, sister Lin, so beautiful!

There were people coming and going in the post, and suddenly, someone posted a picture.



As soon as the picture came out, the post was instantly quiet.

Looking at this cold girl leaning on a chair, wearing a white uniform, crossed legs, and wearing glasses, many people in the post trembled.

Vulgar words such as good-looking and beautiful can no longer be used to describe the women in the painting.

But after racking their brains, they couldn't think of any suitable words for the occasion.

——Pray for seeds, good people will live a safe life!
Someone responded immediately.

——I beg the boss to solve the case, and the younger brother kneels and thanks!
-[email protected], please be kind!

A good post, instantly crooked.

How many people pressed F5 and kept refreshing, but even though there were countless replies, none of them seemed to have what they wanted, and even a few black cars appeared during this period, but fortunately, some young pioneers went forward bravely.

In the end, even if someone jumped out and said that this was the anchor of Tiger Cat, no one would believe it.

But soon, the post got stuck, and the well-informed old driver instantly trembled, and then refreshed, and sure enough...

--Sorry, the page you requested does not exist.

Depend on!

At that moment, I don't know how many people were depressed to death.

But fortunately, they still knew the girl's name, and then ran to Qiandu.

Hey, it's really an anchor.

Hey, disappointment.

But they watch the video again. smells so good!
This is just one of thousands of posts on wow bar.

On this day, it seemed that more people knew Lin Yi's name.

On Li Qiang's side, as soon as he went to work in the morning, he couldn't close his legs from laughing.

Looking at the data on the report, he took a sip of the boiled water and felt that he was drinking a fairy wine.

Hey, happy.

Yesterday, Lin Yi broadcasted the live broadcast for less than 2 hours, but in one night, the number of players in the Barrens of District [-] increased by [-]%, and it is still rising.

You know, wow is charged by the hour, and it is still a monthly card, which can only be purchased and cannot be refunded.

Think about it, if the live broadcast continues like this.


Li Qiang seems to have seen the old wow rejuvenate in his own hands.

"No matter what happens in other areas, there should be movement."

Withdrawing his thoughts, leaning on the chair, Li Qiang looked at the report and asked the secretary standing behind him.

"Back to Mr. Li, the number of people in each district has increased. However, compared to the drizzle in the 10th district, the number of people transferred to the district has increased sharply today, and they are already queuing up..."

The little secretary standing aside was bent over in a black professional skirt, her slender figure was unobstructed.

She had a well-thought-out plan, spoke out fragrantly, and told everything that Li Qiang might care about.

Hearing what he said, Li Qiang kept nodding his head, but he just didn't look at her, which made the secretary very depressed.

After the report was over, the little secretary stood obediently and stood aside. Although she had some resentment in her heart, she would not show it.

Tapping the table with a pen, Li Qiang pondered for a moment and said.

"Notify the technical department to treat the problem of District 10 as the top priority. If the server is really not working, just expand the upper limit of the server. I will report to the above. Also, ask the marketing department to come up with a plan. I will see if I can contact you. Miss Lin is here to make an advertisement, since we have made a good start, we must hurry up and work hard!"

The little secretary backed out in response, and gently closed the door.

10 minute later.

The little secretary knocked on the door lightly, and walked up to Li Qiang again with catwalks.

"Mr. Li, Yuan Wushui is looking for you, just outside."


Hearing this name, Li Qiang raised his head.

He always felt a little familiar, but because he was calculating something, his mind didn't react for a while.

The little secretary asked Xian Zhiyi, and immediately reminded her.

"Yuan Wushui is the spokesperson who manages Weibo for Ms. Lin Yilin"


Li Qiang laughed immediately.

"Let him in, forget it, I'll go myself"

Soon, Yuan Wushui and Li Qiang sat down in a spacious living room.

The little secretary poured tea, got up and left.

Li Qiang and Li Qiang exchanged pleasantries, and then they got down to business.

Yuan Wushui took the lead to take a sip from the teacup, and then joked that he had the cheek to ask for advertising fees.

Of course, this is not the case. His original intention was to use this excuse to come to Netease to say hello and make him familiar. After all, he had contacted Netease during the Hearthstone Open. some.

Of course, he also has other ideas. If he can get lucky enough to meet the company's top management this time, he will mention the business.

But at the same time, he didn't have much hope. Netease is one of the largest companies in China. If he wants to meet the manager, he probably won't be able to do so in his capacity.

But to his surprise, it was Li Qiang who came to greet him in person. Yuan Wushui at that time was really flattered.

Li Qiang, Yuan Wushui naturally knew that this was the first group of people who fought against Ding Shi. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the mainstay of NetEase!
That's why, looking at Li Qiang, he said this half-jokingly.

The plan was just to start, and later I will elaborate on how good my Miss Lin is. It is indeed worthy of their investment and cooperation between the two parties. Although his NetEase family has a great business, but his own Lin Yi has unlimited potential, and the future should not be underestimated, and so on...

I thought the joke was over, and I was going to talk about the business, but who knows, Li Qiang actually thought about it seriously, and then nodded, saying yes.

Yuan Wushui was stunned at the time, and after looking carefully at Li Qiang, he found that the other party's expression did not seem to be fake.

Of course he didn't know, in his heart, Li Qiang was actually holding back his laughter.

Yuan Wushui, good man, sleepy meets pillow!
Just as he said he was going to find Lin Yi on his front foot, he came by himself on his back foot!

Li Qiang agreed, but Yuan Wushui was stunned.

After confirming again and again, he found that the other party was not joking, and at that moment, his ass hurt.

Because of this matter, Lin Yi didn't agree at all. He came this time only to find out the bottom line.

So, looking at Li Qiang with a serious face on the opposite side, Yuan Wushui could only say in embarrassment, I have to ask Miss Lin to see if she is free...

Li Qiang picked up the teacup and nodded with a smile.

While talking about not being in a hurry, he also said that Yuan Wushui is pleasing to the eye, and it must be a matter of course for us to cooperate.

Yuan Wushui had no choice but to nod his mouth, drinking tea with Li Qiang with a smile, while feeling bitter in his heart.

What is this?

If Ms. Lin doesn't agree, wouldn't she be cheating herself?
Yuan Wushui wanted to cry a little.

(End of this chapter)

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