Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 292 The Holy Grail and the Holy Sword

Chapter 292 The Holy Grail and the Holy Sword


After saying hello to the audience in the live broadcast room, Lin Yi downloaded the broadcast directly.

In tonight's live broadcast, Lin Yi played a total of two random copies and one normal copy.

A total of 49 bosses.

A total of... 49 bags of gold coins were harvested.

Lin Yi, who looked indifferent, turned off the live broadcast without any disturbance.

Although tonight's game was empty, she was not without gains.

During the live broadcast just now, a faint fluctuation suddenly appeared in Lin Yi's mind.

Very far away, it seems to be an illusion, and it seems to exist in reality.

Lin Yi, who was extremely confident in her own judgment, naturally would not think that she had hallucinations.

At that time, she immediately seized the opportunity, and with the space technology she mastered, followed that line to let her thoughts continue to extend, and then she actually "saw" the situation on the other side.

It was the fighter pilot that Lin Yi had met once in the sky.

The moment he saw the other party, it was as if a layer of window paper had been pierced in the dark, and the world Lin Yi knew suddenly became within reach.

From that moment on, in the subsequent live broadcast, through the live broadcast room in front of her, she felt countless such fluctuations along the inexhaustible "network cable".

There were joy, excitement [meow], excitement [meow], depression, jealousy, and some rude thoughts. After she opened her mind, the opposite side of the message flooded in like a flood.

Fortunately, Lin Yi, with the support of unparalleled computing power and analytical ability, she is comparable to a humanoid computer, facing such a huge flow of information, she is calm as a mainstay and remains unmoved.

If it were someone else, they would explode and die in just a few moments.

Could it be because his attainments in space have reached the pinnacle?

Lin Yi himself was a little surprised to be able to "see" these things.

After much deliberation, the only explanation is probably this.

After all, for Lin Yi, who has been able to move freely on the map for a long time, the concept of space, in this world, she said is the second, no one dares to call it the first.

Although this ability belongs to the enhanced version of Kudao Zhatian that "can pass along the network cable to kan people", but for now, it seems to be useless.

But it doesn't matter anymore, for Lin Yi, who is as powerful as a humanoid computer, the arts are not overwhelming.

After turning off the computer, Lin Yi just got up, but just as she took a step, she suddenly froze.


This ability seems to be... useful.

She closed her eyes and silently calculated in her heart.

If next time it is really possible to locate the murderer in another world who threw "garbage" into the [meow] ball, then, with the help of the opponent's point, Lin Yi has a high chance of seeing and even catching him!
If you go one step further, you can even use the other party's coordinates to project yourself into another world!

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem too bad.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yi, who seemed to have noticed her mood swings, took a light breath, and immediately suppressed these negative factors that might affect her judgment,

Soon, with a calm mind, she carried out detailed and meticulous calculations and analysis again. After 3 minutes, she was 100% sure that this inference was feasible!

The cold and elegant corners of her mouth curled into a perfect curve, and Lin Yi, who was in a beautiful mood, opened the door and walked slowly to the living room.

The small living room was quiet and quiet, only the small black lamps around the corners were left for lighting. Under their reflection, the whole living room was a bit dim.

Lin Xiaoxi was nestled on the sofa. Although the screen of the tablet in her hand had long been blacked out, there were still bullet screens flashing by. Rhubarb, who had lost several kilograms, was nestling in each other's arms, with her tail hanging on her head, and the two were sound asleep.

Seeing this messy scene, Lin Yi shook her head helplessly, and came to the two [meow? ] beside her, she bent down to take the tablet away, and turned it off by the way, then she raised her right foot and tapped the floor lightly.

A bright light flashed, and in the next second, the two people nestled on the sofa slowly floated up, stretched out their left hands, Lin Yixuan pushed, Lin Xiaoxi hugged Da Huang, and flew towards the bedroom.

The big sleeping cat seemed to have sensed something, but it still didn't open its eyes as it chose to ignore it. It meowed softly and continued to sleep soundly.

After sending Lin Xiaoxi away, Lin Yi went straight to the room, turned off the lights, and went to sleep.

Time flies, and a week has passed.

On Saturday morning, in the bright laboratory, Lin Yi was observing a bulging silver liquid that was upside down in a glass. While she was calculating silently in her heart, she took time to record something in her notebook.

In just one week, with the support of the antidote serum she provided, Professor Li's experiment progressed rapidly.

Soon, Lin Yi obtained a detailed test data, which was the most original and comprehensive research data.

It contained tens of thousands of failure processes, and also wrote various analysis of the reasons. Although it was a bit rough, it helped Lin Yi save a little time.

Facing the information, it took less than 10 minutes for Lin Yi to understand all of it, and converted it into his own stuff, keeping it firmly in his mind.

After another day, she researched this thing.

Lin Yi named this chubby little thing wandering around in the cup "Holy Grail of High Pressure Physics".

That's right, this is the metal-like liquid that crawls around in the cup, as if it is alive, but in fact it is still a dead thing.

After testing, Lin Yi found that this is a metal state that successfully obtained hydrogen and deuterium under extreme high-temperature and high-pressure conditions. This material has an ultra-high energy density. A novel condensed matter manipulated by a new physical mechanism.

To put it simply, Lin Yi created something that has zero resistance, and when poured into a cup, it will leak from the bottom of the cup or flow out of the cup along the wall of the cup.

She calls it the "holy grail of high-pressure physics."

Lin Yi beckoned lightly, the cup flew into the air, and the unbound metal-like liquid began to dance freely in the air.

Go up for a while, go down for a while, it's not good to be lively.

What is the use of this thing?
Lin Yi tilted her head, looking at this little thing made by herself.

Do batteries?
Or electronic components?

Or, aerospace materials?

"Sister, can I come in?"

At this time, Lin Xiaoxi's voice came from the living room.


With a wave of her hand, she put away this little thing whose purpose is temporarily unknown. She moved the chair and turned to look at the door.

Soon, Lin Xiaoxi poked her head in carefully.

She looked left and right, but didn't go any further. Instead, she chose to stick her head in.

"Sister, are you busy?"

Faced with this obviously nonsense nonsense, Lin Yi shook his head directly.

"That, I..."

Seemingly realizing that she had said useless nonsense, Lin Xiaoxi hesitated for a moment, and quickly got to the point.

"I see you've been busy, you haven't gone out for a long time, there is a comic exhibition tomorrow, shall we go and see it?"

Comic show?

Mentioning this word, Lin Yi immediately thought of crowds, crowds, noise, smell of sweat, and those so-called cosplayers in fancy dress...

She is really not interested in these youthful elements that are so alluring to young people.

"No, I have work to do"

Lin Yi flatly refused.


Lin Xiaoxi retracted her head in disappointment.

There are three days in the manga show, I can't do it today, I'll ask again tomorrow...

Lin Xiaoxi comforted herself in her heart.

Pulling the handle, Lin Xiaoxi was about to close the door, but at this moment, Lin Yi suddenly spoke.

"Xiaoxi, wait"


Lin Xiaoxi stopped immediately.

Did my sister change her mind?

The thought came to her instantly.

"Go and see..."

Lin Yi stood up, while smoothing out the wrinkles on the clothes, she explained to Lin Xiaoxi.

"It's good to take a break once in a while"

"YEAH, that's great!"

Lin Xiaoxi smiled and jumped away.

The door of the laboratory was closed again, Lin Yi sat down at the table, stretched out her right hand, and she tapped on the table lightly.


Just now, when she was silently chanting these two words in her heart, something suddenly jumped out, and it became more and more intense. This sixth sense that seemed to be familiar...

Suddenly, the beating sound stopped, and Lin Yi stood up.

If you look carefully, there is still a hint of playfulness on her cold face.


Sunday is the day I made an appointment with Lin Xiaoxi to go to the comic exhibition.

Even in winter, Lin Yi still wore a monotonous white dress, even so, it was still so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

Lin Xiaoxi dressed up well, not only wearing a furry hat and a bulging winter coat, but also a bag and small decorations, looking youthful and lively.

"Now that you're done, let's go"

Seeing Lin Xiaoxi who kept flipping through her bag, Lin Yi urged her.

"Okay, sister, right now!"

Compared with Lin Xiaoxi who was carrying a bunch of miscellaneous accessories, Lin Yi was really empty-handed.

However, this is just an appearance, she actually brought something with her.

A plastic ruler and a 3b pencil.

Although they are just ordinary stationery, in Lin Yi's hands, their power is no less than the holy sword of physics.

Just like the knights in ancient times liked to carry a jug of wine with them to quench their thirst and fight fashion C, Lin Yi doesn't like to dance with knives and guns, but likes these small and delicate things.

After acquiring the skill of "following the network cable to kan people", her senses became more acute.

Lin Yi is sure that something will happen in this comic exhibition, so bring the appropriate equipment to be prepared. You can't rub a nuclear bomb with your bare hands when the monster is brushed on your face. That would not be pretty at all.

As for comics...

Lin Yi doesn't care much, she only cares about what will appear this time?

"I'm ready"

Finally, Lin Xiaoxi patted the bag hanging on her waist, and returned cheerfully.

Nodding, Lin Yi got up first.

Before going out, she seemed to think of something, and glanced back at Lin Xiaoxi.

It's good if the amulet has a belt.

Although Lin Yi was fearless, it would be great to have an extra guarantee.

"elder sister?"

Seeing Lin Yi's actions, Lin Xiaoxi had question marks all over her head.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, let's go"

"Sister, um, you wear so little, aren't you cold?"

"not cold"

While talking, the two gradually walked away.

 Thank God, Xing, book friend 20191129012300698, Nan Yanxia Suzaku Zhi, Jin Mao for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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