Chapter 314 Zhou Zhuo
According to the history books of Azeroth, the Dark Temple was originally the temple of Draenei, and was later occupied by orcs and abyss lords, and finally fell into the hands of Illidan.

On the way to the copy, Lin Yi had done some research in advance.

The classic dungeon of the Dark Temple in the 70s is smelly and long, with twists and turns, and many bosses. The key point is that Lin Yi casually mentioned the egg-killing knife, so she naturally didn't want to waste time.

Exactly, m...

With these free labors, there is no use for nothing, which can also prevent them from chatting non-stop in the live broadcast room.

With 39 people, they chopped melons and vegetables all the way. After 15 minutes, everyone was gearing up in front of Illidan.

Looking at the double knives in each other's hands, they had even more malicious intentions.

While Akama was going through the plot, the other 39 people sat around and began to work together, praying that Lin Yi would come out with the egg knife.

"If there is an egg knife, I will send red envelopes to everyone"

A human bald warrior T spoke first.

"I'll send it too, 50 per person"

A shiny golden pandaren knight jumped out second.

"Then I will give each person a half-year card."

A werewolf licked his paw and said casually.

The remaining 37 people were shocked.

It's great to have money, you can install AC in front of others anytime, anywhere.

At this moment, the BGM sounded.

Akama walked slowly in front of Illidan, one was on the ground and the other was suspended in the sky. The two looked at each other deeply and began to compete with each other.

Egg: Akama, your two-faced attack did not surprise me. I should have shot you and your deformed compatriots long ago!
A: It's late!We will end your rule now, Illidan, when my-of-the-people, and all of Outland, will be free!

Egg: Well, that's a good point, but it's pointless.

A: The time has come, and finally this moment has come, warriors, come on!

Egg: Ants, you are looking for your own death!
The battle begins.

The battle is over.

In less than 1S, the invincible Illidan fell.

Facing the powerful existence [Footman] who could tear apart Titans with his hands, he fell down without any suspense.

The BGM sounded again.

Akama walked slowly to Illidan again.

A: Illidan, you lost.

Egg: no...

Egg: I didn't lose to you, but to the version son...

Egg: You are still a five, you are nothing, you are nothing...

Looking at the sluggish Illidan lying on the ground on the screen, Lin Yi was thoughtful, and she subconsciously used the skill "follow the network cable to owe people stones".

In the next second, Illidan, who was moaning on the ground, suddenly raised his head and looked out of the screen.

In a daze, he seemed to be staring at Lin Yi...

Although the other party has lost both eyes, he is still wearing a blindfold.

But that sight...


Lin Yi slowed down a bit.

not real.

Blinking, Lin Yi turned her head to look at the figure on the table, and the figure Illidan was also looking at her. At this moment, the Illidan on the table seemed to coincide with the Illidan in the game.

The corners of Lin Yi's mouth curled up again, drawing a shallow smile.


What does this portend...

Lin Yi was a little curious.


still is……

"Get out of the way, let the anchor touch it!"

Illidan finally lost his vitality. Under the crowd watching, Lin Yi walked up and stretched out his hands towards the opponent's body.

Lin Yi had a hunch that she would definitely use two swords this time.

She bent down slightly and reached out to touch it.


Without saying a word, Lin Yi turned off the phone coldly, downloaded the broadcast, and went to sleep, all in one go.

Only the remaining 39 people were left watching the spoils blackened into carbon.

"I thought it was just a joke, but I didn't expect Miss Lin's luck to be so bad."

"Hey, sure enough, no matter how perfect a person is, there is also a flawed side"

"You know Mao, incompleteness is the real beauty"

Early the next morning, Lin Xiaoxi went to school.

As soon as Lin heard the movement, he jumped out of bed immediately after his sister left. He put on a cotton jacket and slippers, first ran to the living room and closed the door, then closed all the windows and drew the curtains.

After this coquettish operation, Rhubarb in the cat's nest next to the water dispenser looked confused.

After living in this house for so long, Da Huang still can't understand, who is this ordinary human being who looks ordinary and cooks extremely unpalatable food?
Why can he live in the house of the shit-shoveling officer in the white skirt.

Why is he often invisible, and he doesn't even eat well, and he often has a meal without a meal.

Why... he is so stupid!
Looking at the idiot figure on the sofa in the living room who was in a hurry, holding the handle in his arms and tossing over and over again, Da Huang rolled his eyes helplessly.

Two goods, meow!

As a cat from another world, it can naturally tell that this figurine has a strange aura, but...

It glanced at the man contemptuously.

You are an ordinary person, and you are so ugly, you still want to understand?
Unless Conan abandons Xiaolan and marries Haibara Ai!

Otherwise, dream it!

With a meow, Rhubarb no longer paid attention to the other party, it curled up its tail and continued to sleep.

Meow, there are still 29 days, so hard...

What mechanism does this have?
Holding Illidan's figurine, Lin Yi sat cross-legged on the sofa, propping his chin with his hands, shaking his legs while frowning.

He learned from Lin Yi that this thing has a mystery.

But knowing that there is a secret, Lin Yi is not in a hurry to do it, which makes Lin Yi very impatient.

So, Lin Yi got up early in the morning and prepared to study.

But after groping for a long time, there was fire and blisters again, but in the end, there was nothing.


Looking at the figure, Lin Yi sighed helplessly.

He got up decadently and walked back to the bedroom. After a while, the cold and elegant Lin Yi in a white dress came out.

After enjoying an exquisite breakfast, she beckoned and entered the laboratory with the figurines that followed in the air.

With a snap of fingers and a few clicks, the window opened automatically, and clear air poured in.

With a light clap of his hands, Lin Yi cast a few spells randomly to prevent peeping.

After finishing the preparations, she tossed the figurine lightly, and the figurine was suspended in mid-air like this.

Looking left and right, Lin Yi took half a step back, and slowly made a series of hand gestures at the figure.

The colorful streamer hit the figurine, as if recharging a light bulb, the figurine became brighter and brighter, and finally turned into a mass of white virtual images.

After a muffled sound, a spacious light curtain emerged from the figure, and rows of characters appeared in front of Lin Yi in an instant.

It's eagle language.

Lin Yi stepped forward and read carefully.

——No matter who it is, since you opened it, it means that you are entitled to see these contents.

——First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Zhou Zhuo. I am from the continent of Pandaria, the planet of Azeroth. I am a great explorer. My footprints have covered every corner of Azeroth.

——I have been to the treasury of Mogu'shan to seal ancient demons, and I have also been to the deep sea to fight giant beasts of the abyss, fight demons, and have a good time with titans and high spirits.

——But during a certain expedition, I touched a special mechanism, and then I came here...

Azeroth, sure enough...

Lin Yi looked ten lines at a glance, and quickly read on.

The first part is written about Zhou Zhuo’s great achievements in Azeroth, followed by the confusion when he came to -earth-earth-, then the adaptation period, and the last part is the translation, recording, comparison, and side-by-side translation of some foreign languages. There are also some customs, cultures, legends and other things recorded in the corners of other worlds.

There are so many materials, and they are very organized. It doesn't seem like it was completed in a hurry. It should have been prepared long ago.

But at the same time, this information is hidden so deeply, it means that the other party has no intention of making it public, perhaps because he knows that no one will believe it even if it is made public.

So if he hadn't met himself, after a hundred years, these materials would probably be buried with Zhou Zhuo's death.

After another 5 minutes, Lin Yi finally read it and wrote it all down.

She closed her eyes and began to process what she saw.

But at this moment, without Lin Yi as the output energy, the figurines in mid-air dimmed again. The whole thing was so dark that it was not conspicuous at all.

About 10 minutes later, Lin Yi opened her eyes, waved her hand, and let the figure float in front of her eyes, and she took a closer look.

Using Illidan as a carrier...

This Jim, oh Zhou Zhuo, is really wicked.

As Lin Yi guessed at first, this guy really came from another world, and his hometown is Azeroth.

As an outsider who came to -earth-earth- alive, is he lucky or unlucky?
Well done, wandering around his own planet to catch fish, and then got caught inexplicably, but still not dead.

In order to survive, he hides.

Because he is adventurous, well-informed, and rich in experience, he is easily qualified for the job of game screenwriter.

Not only can I write out my own experience grandly, so that everyone can know it without attracting attention, but I can also watch them presented one by one in the virtual world to see things and think about them.

It can be said that the profession of screenwriting is really tailor-made for him.

Since he is a screenwriter, it can be inferred that some of the adventures written by Zhou Zhuo are true, and some must be fictional.

The real, the fake, and the fake are combined together, and this is the grand and fantastic world view of Warcraft, Diablo, Interstellar and so on.

But although Zhou Zhuo did well here, he still couldn't go back.

In general, it can be regarded as a successful unlucky egg.

But for Lin Yi, Zhou Zhuo is simply her lucky star.

Because, Zhou Zhuo can be said to be the most authoritative expert on the language of Azeroth on this planet.

Looking at the records above, one can see that Zhou Zhuo has already been familiar with everything here on Earth for decades.

So he translated the alien language, which is the common language of Azeroth, very down-to-earth. When he has nothing to do, he also translated some rare languages ​​such as undead language, high-spirited, and orc. few.

After all, he prided himself on being a great adventurer, knowledgeable, and that was the most basic skill.

Although these languages ​​are not listed one by one, the most basic words that form phrases are available.

And these are exactly the treasures that Lin Yi was looking forward to.

(End of this chapter)

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