Chapter 327
"Could it be that Ms. Lin really has so many in her hand!!!"

The boss' surprised tone was clearly revealed on the phone.

"should be……"

The boss on the opposite side is not Commander Ikari, and Milk Tea is not in the same department as him. Although there is no relationship between subordinates, Milk Tea does not dare to brag, and can only speak carefully based on its own understanding and speculation.

"Leader, as far as I know, Ms. Lin seldom, oh no, she never lies. About this, I can be sure"

Ms. Lin is such an aloof boss, every time she has close contact with her, Milk Tea always feels that the other party is like a god looking down on all living beings.

So, lie?

Hehe, it doesn't exist, people don't even talk about it!

Sure enough, upon hearing Milk Tea's assurance in such an affirmative tone, the other party hesitated again before speaking.

"Well, you're right, I have a general understanding of what kind of person Miss Lin is..."

"Also, Milk Tea, you are also the person who has the most frequent contact with the other party, and you have the most right to speak, and you must know each other better than us. Well, I will arrange it right away, and you wait for my call..."

"That, leader, wait a moment..."

Seeing that the other party seemed to be hanging up, Milk Tea hurriedly stopped him.

To be honest, Milk Tea really didn't want to interrupt the other party, especially if the other party was such a big boss who could make major decisions.

"Well, can you roughly confirm the time, I'm afraid Miss Lin will ask..."

What Milk Tea said was true, Lin Yizhen asked, if she didn't know the exact time, how could she dare to answer?
So now it's hard for her, the big boss on one side, and Lin Yi who is even bigger than the big boss on the other.

There is no choice but to choose milk tea, which offends the boss.

Fortunately, the other party was not angry or upset at such a rash question. It seemed that the other party also understood the helplessness of milk tea.

"Oh, this is indeed a problem, then I know, if she really has so many things, then we should beg others, let me see, it is 10 o'clock now, then the day after tomorrow at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, no later than the day after tomorrow It's 4 o'clock the day after tomorrow, milk tea, you know, it's hidden and safe, and it's bigger than this space, there really isn't much space there, I guess we need to make room for something..."

"it is good"

Call ~
After Milk Tea hung up the phone, he felt much more relaxed.

Talking to the boss on the phone is really stressful.

But no matter what, the milk tea side passed the pressure on.

On the other end of the phone, the boss who was talking to Milk Tea thought for a while before starting to dial again.

Because according to their original guess, Base No. 5 is definitely enough.

According to estimates, the department thought that Lin Yi only got some wreckage, or a few parts. After all, the other party had no tools and was alone, but looking at it now, it seemed that everyone was wrong.

The staff who made the plan speculated based on the models of ordinary people or special forces members, but Lin Yi is no ordinary person at all!
Hey, some people just can't turn their heads!

The boss complained in his heart.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on the staff.

Facing Lin Yi's existence that cannot be deduced by common sense, how do you let them speculate?
Talk too much, waste.

Saying less is not enough.

They are really hard to do.

While the boss was waiting for the call to be connected, he thought about it again.

According to Lao Yang, Ms. Lin didn't say enough after watching the scene.

Lao Yang also repeatedly assured that when she said this, Ms. Lin's expression was very serious and indifferent, and she really didn't seem to be lying.

In other words, that place is really small? !

Thinking of a certain possibility, combined with the legends of this Miss Lin.

The boss suddenly felt a bit of a toothache.

Could it be that the other party really has so many resources in their hands, or all of them!
Think about it too, if the Nimitz aircraft carrier was really sunk by her, then what is impossible!

That's an aircraft carrier!

The boss is a little excited.

If this assumption is true, then Ms. Lin has not only the wreckage of the aircraft carrier, but also cruisers and carrier-based aircraft in her hands. These are all things that make the country jealous!

The more the boss thought about it, the happier he became.

At this time, the phone in his hand was still beeping non-stop. After waiting anxiously for almost a minute, the phone was finally connected, and he spoke first.

"This is 9527**, verification number 03**, the original plan has changed, immediately apply for permission, open..."

On the other hand, after coming out of Xunxun Technology Co., Ltd., Lin Yi went home directly after learning that the plan had changed and the higher-ups needed a long-term plan.

The next day, 8 in the morning.

In the laboratory, looking at Rhubarb floating in the air with a frightened face, Lin Yi comforted him.

"It's okay, I can't die"


Hearing these familiar and indifferent words, Rhubarb felt bad.

It seemed to be the same sentence last time, and then I was poisoned.

Sure enough, in the next second, a vast energy gushed out from the poop-shoveling officer in white clothes on the opposite side, and rushed towards Rhubarb.


The rhubarb is instantly fried.

There was a beep, as if there was a sudden flood in the small river, and the narrow river course lasted less than a second before being crushed in an instant.


The violent energy ran wildly in Rhubarb's body, and bursts of stinging pain hit instantly, making Rhubarb howl nonstop.

But because it is floating in the air, it can only struggle, but it can't do anything. At this time, Rhubarb is weak and helpless.


Looking at Rhubarb who rolled his eyes, after a little thought, Lin Yi stretched out his right hand and clicked a few times out of nowhere.

Several light curtains penetrated into Da Huang's body immediately.

In the next second, Rhubarb, who was regarded as an experimental subject by someone, changed.

Seeing the big cat floating in mid-air at this moment, but constantly changing its shape like plasticine and occasionally spitting out a few bubbles, Lin Yi frowned slightly.

She could see that the energy she added to Rhubarb hadn't been absorbed at all, it was just flooding around Rhubarb under her own pressure, and as soon as she let go, the energy would definitely dissipate immediately.

Sure enough, like enchanting a mobile phone, enchanting rhubarb to turn it into a King Kong-like existence, the road ahead probably won't work.

After all, one is a dead object and the other is a living cat.

That being the case, let's do it for now, anyway, Lin Yi still has so many ideas to try.

Seeing that Rhubarb couldn't hold on any longer, and was about to transform back into his original body, Lin Yi withdrew his energy at the right time.

With a snap, Rhubarb landed on the ground with all fours upside down. It seemed that the fall was not light, causing its front paws to twitch unconsciously a few times as if being electrocuted.

Feeling the cold tiles and looking at the snow-white ceiling, Da Huang didn't recover for a while.

Meow, I'm alive again...

This day is too difficult, I want to go home!

Although he didn't know exactly what Rhubarb was thinking, but at this moment, Lin Yi, who was standing by the side, saw that he had returned to his original shape, but still put on a certain cat like a doormat, Lin Yi immediately understood.

This is not happy...

It is true that Lin Yi, who has done so many experiments, naturally knows how much damage rhubarb can withstand, and he must have a sense of proportion.

However, thinking that this is the only experimental subject in his hands that is cooperative and alive, Lin Yi feels that it is not too much to comfort the other party at the right time.

So, pulling up the hem of her skirt, squatting down, she stroked Rhubarb's head.

Not to mention, the alien cat feels really good.


But at this moment, Da Huang, who was lying on the ground and felt his head had been slapped a few times, turned his head away arrogantly.

Cut, touch me, just want me not to be angry?

Do you want peaches?

Absolutely not!

This time, I, Rhubarb, want to protest, even if I can't beat...

"Okay, stop acting like a victim"

Lin Yi stretched out her right hand and flicked Rhubarb's ear lightly.

"Come on, let me make you something delicious"


As soon as he heard that there was something to eat, Rhubarb immediately revived with full blood. It turned over neatly and jumped up, staring at Lin Yi with glowing eyes.

"Meow, don't lie to meow!"

(End of this chapter)

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