Chapter 330 Home Delivery
"This, I really don't know..."

Faced with the inquiries from foreign experts, Mr. Niu had a bitter face, but there was nothing he could do. He really didn't know.

As for the statement of the anchor who just walked by, Mr. Niu felt that it was pure nonsense. If it was really that easy, it would have been researched by his school long ago.

It is presented directly in front of the eyes without the help of equipment stimulation. This, this is too awesome. He really can't figure out how this technology was developed.

Magic collision?

Alien handouts?
Black technology outbreak?

Or are you saying you are dreaming?

Looking at the two-dimensional images floating past, Mr. Niu felt that his brain was not enough.

But no matter what, this technology is really put in front of us, it's really powerful!
Teacher Niu feels that China is at least 50 years ahead of the world in terms of virtual reality technology!
This is not Mr. Niu's bragging, just look at the foreigners around him, the original reserve is gone, they frantically surround a big bear, asking questions.

At this moment, the Yingjiang scholar who had studied for a long time came to Mr. Niu, no longer the original arrogance, but asked sincerely.

"Mr. Niu, I want to meet the leader of this airport"

Upon hearing this, Teacher Niu rolled his eyes in his heart.

Are you jealous again?
I want to eat peaches!
Of course, it must not be said that way, Teacher Niu thought for a while, and said tactfully.

"Well, the leader is probably very busy, I'm afraid he doesn't have time..."

Are you a foreigner?

Hehe, it's been 9102 years now, who still treats you as treasure.

What's more, you don't need to think about such awesome technology, and it's definitely not something you, a foreigner, can get in touch with.

"It's okay, we can ask him"

The scholar of the foot pot chicken also came over, with a serious and determined expression on his face.

What are you going to test?

I can't afford to rely on you to bow at 90° and add it together?
Who gave you the courage, Liang Jingru?

Thinking that this was absolutely impossible, Teacher Niu shrugged and said nothing.

Airport hub, eighth floor.

"Anyone who asks about this aspect will be rejected, and tell them that this is a state secret!"

After hanging up the secretary's call, Director Liu turned around and sat back in the spacious office chair.

Looking at the vivid Two-dimensional images on the huge monitor on the opposite wall, he was filled with emotion.

Interest, it's really amazing!

As expected of Miss Lin!

No wonder the higher-ups value her so much. It seems that I have to build a good relationship with her!

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone, dialed it, and the call was connected quickly, Director Liu said with a smile.

"Ha, milk tea, please do me a favor..."

Regarding the matter of finding a place to receive the wreckage of the Yingjiang aircraft carrier, Lin Yi thought that if a country came forward, he would be able to find it in two or three days, but unexpectedly, he waited for almost a week.

However, Lin Yi was not in a hurry.

The longer the other party thinks about it, it means that they pay more attention to this matter, and it will only be more beneficial to themselves.

As the transaction party this time, the country, Lin Yi knew that the other party had been capturing and researching alien creatures since a long time ago, so they must have a lot of "experimental materials" in their hands.

And this is exactly what Lin Yi wants to trade, as for the others, she is not interested at all.

At 10:[-] in the morning, Milk Tea drove Lin Yi all the way to Shangadali outside the suburbs of Haishi. After half an hour of turning and turning, they finally got off the car in a village called Zhouying Village.

"Here, Miss Lin"

Nodding, Lin Yi looked around.

The off-white concrete road about 3 meters wide extends in all directions, and the two-story red brick buildings along the road are patchwork, which is completely an ordinary rural appearance.

Going south along the crossroads, less than [-] meters away, the two of them came to a door with "Zhouying Village Hotel" hanging on it, and Milk Tea knocked on the iron door.

Soon, a lean man in white short-sleeved came out.

"Hello, Zhou Hong"

After the salute, Zhou Hong took the two of them to the backyard, and opened the toilet door behind, which was a spacious underground passage.

Zhou Hong strode ahead, and Lin Yi with milk tea followed behind.

While walking, Zhou Hong introduced the situation here.

"Miss Lin, don't worry, this village is full of people who have retreated from the army, so it's safe to say."

"It is our old tradition to dig holes widely and build beams deep, but in this place, we have gone deeper."

"It is no exaggeration to say that this is the country's ultimate defense system. If the country suffers a major blow that day, there are various materials and talents stored in it, which can be left behind to support the country's recovery. Moreover, there are a lot of them, about 200"

"So, the high-standard underground facilities with the standard of leaving seeds are absolutely safe"

Hearing what Zhou Hong said, Lin Yi nodded.

The three of them moved forward all the way, and she could feel that on both sides of the passage, behind the seemingly ordinary long and narrow walls covered with moss, there were defensive weapons that made ordinary people palpitate.

Zhou Hong said as he walked, his steps were steady, and his tone was flat, as if digging out so many ultimate fortifications on the vast land was just an ordinary thing.

Introverted, modest, always nesting the best, like a hidden treasure, people can't see through, can't guess, this is the rabbit.

But this is better, which means that the other party probably has a lot of materials in their hands.

Mmm~ This is really exciting.

“Here it is”

Open the last gate, and what you can see is a huge oval space with a height of about ten meters. The vastness is unimaginable. Looking down, various deep passages extend in all directions.

In the middle, where fighter planes and tanks should have been placed, was vacated, leaving only the blue and white tarpaulin.

Before Lin Yi walked in, the chiefs of the army, navy and air force who had been waiting for a long time, as well as the Ministry of National Defense and a group of personnel from a scientific research institute greeted him.

"Miss Lin, this place is full of bosses"

"This is Mr. Zhao from the Army"

"Here's the Navy's Money Boss"

"And this, it's Big Brother Sun from the Air Force"

Milk Tea carefully reminded her, and when she finished her introduction, Lin Yi walked into the hall, stood still, and Yun nodded.

"Miss Lin, do you think this place is enough?"

Those who can stand here are those who have the right to know, and the army doesn't like small talk and ink marks, so Lin Yi, who doesn't talk much and has a cold personality, is more appetizing to them.

Not long after, a big man in army uniform stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"If it's not enough, tell me, where do I have a few small air-raid shelters?"


Seeing Lin Yi nodding, the boss waved his hand, and at the same time as the gate was closed, all the lights in the distance were lit up, and in an instant, the entire underground fortification was like daytime.

Under the watchful eyes of all the big shots, Lin Yi walked through the crowd and took a few steps forward.

With a wave of his hand, the blue and white tarpaulin on the ground seemed to come alive. It stretched its folds, spread them evenly, and covered them on the ground.


Lin Yi's hand made a series of gasps behind him.

Although most people know that Lin Yi has indescribable abilities, they are just hearing about it.

As the number of Lin Yi's shots increased, and gradually became more mysterious and powerful, those videos about Lin Yi and the surveillance were all controlled, and most people wanted to watch them, but they didn't have that permission at all.

But fortunately, the people standing here are all domestic bigwigs, and the crowd quickly calmed down, but the eyes they stared at Lin Yi became even hotter.

In the hall, the floor covered with waterproof cloth looks much cleaner, which Lin Yi, who suffers from severe cleanliness, can barely accept.

Taking half a step back, she waved again.

Suddenly, a gap seemed to be opened in the sky above.

Like rain, countless wreckage fell from the sky.

They hit the tarp and quickly piled up.

At the same time, the foul smell of sea water rushed over, and Lin Yi, who had retreated to the side, had already held her breath in good time.

Things are still falling, faster and faster, more and more, and soon a hill is piled up.

At this moment, the surroundings became quiet instead, no one spoke, and they all stared straight at the garbage dump, as if they were all overwhelmed by the scene in front of them.

Where did this thing come from?
Head split?
But this is obviously in the mountains!
What is this again, kelp, shells, propellers?
"Okay, everything is here, you can go and have a look"

I don't know how many minutes passed before Lin Yi reminded everyone after "unloading".

After saying this, she stepped aside.

Finally, looking at the mountain of garbage that occupied nearly two-thirds of the hall, someone suddenly woke up.

"It's really on the aircraft carrier, I saw it"

"I saw the radar"

"This is Lady F, I am not dreaming."

Several men wearing glasses and white coats rushed towards the wreckage like a mountain of garbage like crazy dogs, using their hands and feet together, yelling and screaming at the same time, they didn't put the stinking smell on them at all. in the eyes.

There was a light in their eyes, as if they were crying with joy when they saw a treasure.

"Okay, you have plenty of time to clean up these things, come over now and thank Miss Lin!"

A big guy really can't stand it anymore.

So many people are still standing here, really, there is no discipline at all.

Having said that, the voice is also very stern, but the surprise in the eyes of the boss cannot be hidden.

Hearing the voice of the boss, those researchers whose white coats were dyed black rushed over one by one.

It was as if primary school students surrounded Lin Yi when they saw their teacher, thanking Lin Yi constantly. Some even wanted to bow to Lin Yi, but Lin Yi dodged gently.

"It's just a deal, no need to do that"

Hearing this, the boss on the side shook his head.

"Although it is a transaction, your contribution to the country is real. Ms. Lin, you may not know the value of these fragments. Let's put it this way, this thing is more expensive than gold!"

It's more expensive than gold, which Lin Yi agrees with, otherwise she wouldn't be collecting these things to trade.

Seeing Lin Yi's calm expression, the boss continued.

"So, Miss Lin, what do you want, just say it"


Lin Yi spit out two words lightly, after thinking about it, she added another sentence.

"The more the merrier"

Hearing this, the boss immediately turned bitter.

(End of this chapter)

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