Chapter 353 Dragon Twelve

Seeing that Lao Hu understood, Lin Yi finally asked again.

"So, are there any other questions?"

Now that he has decided to take away some parts of the bone dragon, in exchange, Lin Yi doesn't mind helping them a little more, such as helping to transport the bones that were removed from the bone dragon.

If it was in other places, Lin Yi would not ask, but now, you know, this is the border between the two countries.

Not long ago, when Lao Hu and the others were fighting the bone dragon, there was a lot of movement from planes, cannons, and rockets.

In addition, the bone dragon rushed all the way afterwards, the sky trembled, and there were so many people behind it, no need to guess, it must be eye-catching.

Even with luck, other forces did not see the bone dragon, but there is indeed a large number of armed forces that can threaten the monkey country. You know, on this blue star, the army of the rabbit family is very powerful.

Therefore, the monkey naturally noticed the movements of Lao Hu and the others.

Moreover, because of worry and fear, they have already gathered a lot of soldiers to fortify the border, and there are even some monkey soldiers eager to find out the situation.

In summary, Lin Yi felt that this bone dragon might be in danger of being exposed.

"Do you want me to help you transport them away?"

Pointing to the bone dragon, Lin Yiming said.

Seeing Lin Yi's movements, Lao Hu who was standing opposite him immediately understood.

After all, no matter how old he is, after living for so many years, he eats more salt than some young people eat rice.

He first looked at the border line, and his men seemed to be confronting the monkey.

The two sides are full of gunpowder, and the situation seems to be tense, but Lao Hu knows that the monkeys are just putting on a show, so let them come here, hey, they dare not!

With a cold snort, Lao Hu withdrew his gaze in disdain, then put on a smiling face in the next second, and turned his head to look at Lin Yi with a smile.

Help to the end, send the Buddha to the west, hey, Miss Lin is really a good person!

However, the rest are trivial matters, and the old man can handle them by himself.

"No, no, you cut this guy up so small for us, we can take care of the rest, so don't bother Miss Lin."

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be lying, Lin Yi nodded.

"ok, I get it"

"Since the matter is over, I'll go pick up some souvenirs, don't you mind?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi went around behind the bone dragon.

Quietly, she took out a ruler again, and then gently turned it around in her hand.

A series of white lights flashed, instantly enchanting sharpness, looting, and durability to the ruler.

Holding the ruler in the palm of her hand, she squatted down and touched the bone dragon's tail, then stood up, looked up and down, and gestured slightly.

Then, according to what she thought in her heart, she went down with a foot and cut off the bone dragon's tail from the middle to the tip of the tail.

Then, Lin Yi flipped her little hand, as if by magic, that part of the tail, about one meter long, suddenly disappeared.

Turning his head, he saw that Lao Hu who was following behind showed a sluggish look of surprise again,
This time, Lin Yi didn't intend to explain.

Including what she said just now, regardless of whether Lao Hu heard it or not, she answered or not, anyway, she has already got what she wanted, and she is very satisfied.

——Just touching that, Lin Yi found that the tail is really good.

So to sum up, it is impossible for Lin Yi to spit it out.

"Ah, it's okay, of course, you please"

Seeing that Lin Yi casually cut off the bone dragon tail that they hacked and bombed but still had no choice but to chew on, Lao Hu was dumbfounded again.

What's even more outrageous is, what about the cut off tail?

It's been so long, it was still here just now, why did it suddenly disappear, it must be a god!
Lao Hu was in a daze.

He found that after meeting this Miss Lin today, he was in a "confused" state.

Really, as expected, boss!

"Okay, I'm leaving then"

Feeling that Lao Hu is not bad, he is very upright, not a mother-in-law, and he is long-winded, so Lin Yi gave him a very rare faint smile.

Then she turned around and waved, and she drew a white portal out of thin air, and then stepped out and disappeared.


This, this, is really a fairy!
Looking at the portal that disappeared into dots of starlight after Lin Yi left, Lao Hu dazedly touched the cold sweat on his head.

His face was stunned, and his heart was not only turned upside down, it was as if he had been tortured by Deathwing, and he was fragmented.


"Come on~"

"one two one"

"come on! Come on!"

The southwest location of Base 666 is about 5 kilometers away in the wilderness.

On the five-meter-wide loess mud, groups of soldiers in camouflage uniforms were desperately rushing forward.

Not only were they fully armed with more than 30 kilograms of supplies, but they also dragged a truck tire the size of a millstone behind each of them.

Under the scorching sun, their clothes were already soaked, and their faces were covered with dust and sand. They were yellow and white. Although they looked miserable, under the brim of the hat painted with the national flag, there were pairs of eyes. But he still stared forward tenaciously and energetically.

——Less than 500 meters, that is the end.

The four groups ran in front of their teammates, while rushing to the finish line, they encouraged the teammates behind them.

"Come on, hurry up"

"Look over there, Team Five is about to catch up."

"Everyone work hard"

Shunliu wiped the sweat from his forehead, but accidentally got the sweat mixed with dust into his eyes, and instantly his eyes were sore and numb, and he couldn't stop crying.

But even so, he still insisted on squinting his eyes, grinning and looking in the direction pointed by the group leader.

Sure enough, the blushing and thick-necked animals of the fifth team were almost catching up.


This will not work!

Soon to the finish line, you must know that No.1 and No.2 are different, Shun Liu suddenly screamed strangely.

"Brothers, for the meal of braised pork rewarded by No.1 today, go!"

Shun Liu yelled out in a hoarse voice.

After shouting, Shun Liu seemed to be encouraged by himself, he only felt that his body was full of strength again, and his feet became lighter.

Holding the rope tightly with both hands, dragging the tire behind him, he quickly pulled forward.

In this way, amidst the billowing gunpowder, Shun Liu seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, surpassing others by far.

"Is this guy an animal?"

"It's really hard for food"

The teammates who followed were stunned.

They glanced at each other, then complained a few more words, and then followed up unwillingly.

Shun Liu, so can we!

"Come on!"

"For the braised pork!"

(End of this chapter)

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