Chapter 362
Faced with only 5 minutes of reading time, Mo Bai complained again.

What happened to Lin Yi this time completely refreshed her understanding of the rigor of the intranet, because she had never encountered such meticulous verification and prevention when reading materials on the intranet before.

I have to say, Lin Yi's level of secrecy is really, strong, invincible!

Nothing to say, stretched out his index finger, and Mo Bai clicked for confirmation.

A second later, Lin Yi's hidden information finally emerged.

There is a picture of Lin Yi on the white and monotonous webpage in front of him.

The white dress looks like a fairy under the moon.

Although cold and unsmiling, it makes people have a kind of magic power to gravitate towards.

Looking further down, the information is very simple, no, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is rudimentary.

Only Lin Yi's name, age, address, and immediate and collateral relatives were written on the information.

Then there is no more...

However, under this simple information is a long row of prominent positions and astonishing authority, which makes one's scalp tingle.

for example.

In the field of culture and knowledge, he is the honorary dean of a university ranked first in China, and the vice president of a university ranked second.

In the high-tech field, in the branch of virtual interaction, it is at the expert level and is in the first echelon in China.

military field...

People's livelihood field...

Wait, wait, it can be said that it involves all walks of life, and has made great achievements in various fields!
"Fuck X!"

Mo Bai cried out unconsciously.

This this……

Peat is too outrageous!
This Lin Yi, she is a god!

It doesn't matter if she is familiar with various fields, but she has won the Outstanding Contribution Award and the title of full of gold. Is this still human? Isn't she just under 20 years old? !
Mo Bai endured the turmoil in his heart and continued to look down, the comment below really made Mo Bai blind in an instant.

Skipping these densely packed titles, there is another line at the bottom, which is obviously a comment written by the boss. It is only one sentence, and it is very simple, but its power is as powerful as a nuclear bomb.

——Lin Yi, Ms. Lin, when she needs it, all departments need to cooperate without restriction.

Unlimited fits!
Peat, what the hell is this man!
It is an exaggeration to say that this "unlimited cooperation right" is simply a precious sword, completely above this society!

She was so startled that she couldn't even speak.

Seeing Lin Yi's information, she was really more shocked than when she was told that she would drive the Gundam in the anime after she won the one-in-a-million victory.

If everything in the information is true, then this Lin Yi is simply a fairy!
Holding back his surprise, after watching it again, Mo Bai was still terrified.

Just when she was stunned by Lin Yi's information, suddenly, a reminder popped up.

——Lieutenant Colonel Mobai, please note that you still have 2 minutes to browse.

Lying X, almost forgot this!

Mo Bai scolded his mother immediately.

It's like she was playing fantasy in an Internet cafe, she was having a good time, and when she was about to reach the final boss of Tongtian, a prompt popped up in the lower right corner, saying that your balance is insufficient, and she forgot to bring her wallet and mobile phone...

Mo Bai panicked immediately, she dragged the page and quickly looked down.

There are still many videos at the end of the 6S-level top-secret information. According to Mo Bai’s guess, these videos should be related to Lin Yi, but Mo Bai can and can only click on the first one, and all the latter ones are authorized. insufficient.

Hey ~
It's great to have permission, even if it's a permission dog... it's fine.

Mo Bai sighed, and clicked on the first video without hesitation.

After clicking on it, it is a video shot by satellite.

Although it is very unclear, it can still be guessed that the person is Lin Yi.

Because of the similar style of long white dress, well-proportioned figure, and fluttering long hair, Mo Bai naturally wouldn't mistake him.

It seems that in order to prevent the viewer from seeing clearly, the video is zoomed in very intimately, and then zoomed in. Although it is still blurry, it can be roughly seen that it is on the roof of a building.

Then, I saw Lin Yi walking towards the water tower, and then a goose flew out from the shadow of the opposite water tower, and then instantly turned into a husky.

Goose turned into husky? ? ?

This funny picture, which is unusually weird to ordinary people, is either said to be a special effect of [-] cents, or dismissed.

But Mo Bai knew that this was real, not a special effect.

This goose is most likely an alien creature.

Moreover, Mo Bai still knows a lot of things here.

I don't know when, the special departments in the country received reports, and some special creatures were captured.

The strange thing is that these strange creatures have not been recorded in the data of the earth at all, whether it is the ocean age, the ice age, or modern times, or even Mars or the moon.

After analysis by relevant scholars, they found that their DNA sequences were completely different from those on Earth.

After contacting more, based on the clues they saw, obtained, and grasped, they made bold guesses. They believed that these creatures came from different planes.

Moreover, to the surprise of researchers, each of them has strange abilities, such as deformation, teleportation, flight, fire breathing, water spit, and so on.

But these capable creatures are hostile to the earth, unable to communicate, belonging to, and chaotic hostile forces.

Alien species enter the earth across planes, and they are not friendly visits or exchanges. They call this phenomenon alien invasion.

Alien invasions have been happening on Earth since they were recorded, and this phenomenon has occurred more frequently in the past two months, and Mo Bai, from the first day she drove Gundam, was told that to resist aliens Invasion is one of her responsibilities.

That's why she knew such details, so when she saw a goose suddenly turn into a husky, her first reaction was that it was a creature from another world, not a tricky special effect like ordinary people thought.

The video continued to play, and then, a scene that surprised her appeared.

The big white goose that turned into a husky was somehow caught by Lin Yi, and turned back into its original body.

Then I saw Lin Yi took a piece and turned his head, drew a circle on the ground, threw the goose in, and...

The goose can't get out!

Mo Bai blinked at a high frequency and began to bite his fingers.

Let me stroke it~
On the premise that this goose is known to be a creature from another world, how could a circle drawn by a human being trap the creature from another world?

Isn't it just, draw a circle with a brick, I will do it too!
Is it poisonous in this circle?
Is there some kind of confinement in the circle, like a seal, like a fragrance of jade, the sun and the moon?

Or, is she a magician?

Or, she is also an alien creature, just wearing human skin!

The more Mo Bai thought about it, the more outrageous it became. In the end, she was startled by her own brain hole.

Ha, Lin Yi is a creature from another world, how could it be possible!

Because as far as she knew, none of the alien creatures caught, encountered, and annihilated could communicate, so Mo Bai immediately denied himself.

However, watching the big white goose circling wildly in the video but still unable to get out of the circle, she became confused again.

Lin Yi, what kind of existence are you...

(End of this chapter)

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