Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 365 Climbing the Dragon Sword

Chapter 365 Climbing the Dragon Sword

After setting up the barrier first, Lin Yi pushed open the door of the laboratory.

The furnace placed in the middle of the laboratory is very conspicuous, more than two meters high, almost touching the ceiling.

The entire body of the furnace is bronze in color, with simple and mysterious patterns branded on the surface, coupled with the perfect gourd-like curve, it makes this furnace look very tall.

Standing under the stove, Lin Yi pointed in the air, and the stove lid popped out spontaneously.

This time there was no flame coming out of it, and the fire in the furnace seemed to have been extinguished. In the middle of the furnace body, a white bone sword that had been tempered, but was still thrown into the furnace and burned again was suspended in mid-air.

Lin Yi waved, and the sword flew straight out, circled in the air, and finally hovered in front of Lin Yi.

Looking at the "sword" which was gray and a bit bent, and there were even some branches hanging around the body, Lin Yi held the hilt with his left hand, shook it lightly, and then moved along the body with his right hand. Next swipe.

A white light flashed, and in the blink of an eye, all the residue and water chestnut attached to the outside of the sword body were completely wiped off, leaving only the real sword.

The body of the sword is about one meter long and about 3cm wide. It is pure white and transparent like jade bones, which are joined together piece by piece to form the body of the sword.

It looks like the exorcism copper money sword made of copper money and red rope in the movie of Uncle Nine Zombies.

However, for this bone sword, the gaps between the blades are even smaller, and almost only exist on the surface. After all, it was smashed several times with a hammer, and then returned to the furnace again. The original gaps between the bones have long been smoothed out.

Weighing casually, and then switching from left hand to left hand, Lin Yi lightly exerted force on his wrist, and pulled a beautiful sword flower.

The weight, length, size, and thickness are all very suitable, exactly as Lin Yi expected before forging.

Looking at the beautiful and strange white bone sword in his hand, Lin Yi was very satisfied.

she said softly.

"Let me tell you to climb the dragon sword"

Now that the sword is ready, let's try it and see how powerful it is.

Although, the sword is known as a gentleman among all weapons.

Whether it's a pot of wine or a sword, walk the rivers and lakes with the sword.

It's still a formula, a fairy method, and flying with a sword, all full of poetry and free and easy, which make people yearn for.

But in fact, the weapon that Lin Yi wants to make most is an umbrella.

The best is a white bone umbrella, the umbrella handle is also white, and the umbrella bone and umbrella surface are also white.

Think about it, in the drizzle, wearing a white skirt, leaning on a white umbrella, repelling thousands of people in a flash, beheading a powerful enemy in a moment, and finally shaking off the rain from the umbrella, turning around and leaving.

Good-looking, elegant, and spiritual.

Such a scene is very in line with Lin Yi's thoughts.

But it's a pity that these bones are not good, there is no way, Lin Yi can only make the next best thing, make a sword, and use it together.

Throwing the sword into the interspatial bag casually, Lin Yi drew an oval portal as tall as a person, and then stepped forward and disappeared.

Daping Yang.

Outside the white fog, at 2000 nautical miles.

Even though Lin Yi suffered heavy losses last time, the aircraft carrier was scrapped, and the soldiers rushed to the street, it can be said that they lost their wife and lost their soldiers, but their brains were twitching, and they believed that there must be good things here.

Although after the last tragic battle, most people know that Dapingyang is weird and dangerous, but there must be brave men under heavy rewards, and Yingjiang can still send people to station and patrol here.

It's a pity that the fog is too thick, the range is too large, and it has various fatal negative effects such as loss, shielding, and loss of sound.

Even these thug soldiers who risked their lives for money did not dare to rush in, they could only patrol around the edge, anyway, the money was paid, so why take risks?
On this day, the Great Pingyang area covered by heavy fog is still calm.

Standing on the edge of the fog and looking in, the inside of the fog is white and the visibility is appallingly low, but outside the fog is still blue sky and white clouds, and the sea is clear.

This white mist is like a dividing line.

Split the dividing line between reality and science fiction.

Such a weird scene, I guess everyone who sees it will think, this is definitely not something that can appear on the earth at this stage, maybe it is really alien technology!

In an area close to the heavy fog, nearly 5 nautical miles, many ships that had been traveling side by side separated one by one and headed towards their respective patrolling directions.

Because the foggy area is listed as a forbidden area by Yingjiang, it is always blocked.

But because there was too much movement in the last battle, and Eagle Sauce once claimed that there are aliens here.

All of a sudden, lovers of mysterious phenomena flocked from all over the world.

Explorers, adventurers, archaeologists, alien experts, Internet celebrities, anchors, hosts, etc., all kinds of gods gathered together.

Therefore, farther away from the periphery of the fog, Yingjiang's army is still on guard against and driving away those curious idlers, for fear that others will sneak in and rob things.

As the strongest country on this blue star, Eagle Sauce's logic is.

——Even if we don't get any good here, but you dare to reach out, hey, then it won't work!
Compared with the hustle, bustle, and conflicts in the outer circle, the inner circle is quiet and quiet. There are no monsters or aliens, and everything is normal.

Soon, 30 minutes passed, and the patrol ships that had just dispersed gathered again. Because there was no abnormality, it was just a routine patrol, so it didn't take much time to patrol around.

While waving semaphore and making contact, they prepared to return to the newly built seaport 50 nautical miles away.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

In the foggy high altitude, on the thin clouds, a white portal suddenly appeared, and it stabilized after shaking twice.

Then, a white figure floated out from the portal and stepped lightly on the clouds.

After walking a few steps along the path paved with clouds, the white mist in front of her eyes dissipated automatically, and Lin Yi looked at the disgusting bugs still patrolling everywhere under the clouds.

She was slightly displeased.

After all, this is his own outdoor laboratory, and anyone would be unhappy to be disturbed by these bugs all the time.

She decided to give these bugs some more punishments so that they could improve their memory.

With a light snap of her fingers, a small and delicate white interspatial bag jumped out, and then she tapped it lightly, a star of light flashed, and the newly refined Denglong Sword jumped out cheerfully.

It circled in mid-air first, and then returned to Lin Yi's side obediently. Finally, under Lin Yi's instruction, the sword tipped and pointed directly at the patrol fleet that had just assembled.

Then, with a whoosh, Denglongjian flew tens of meters in the blink of an eye.

During the flight, it continued to grow larger against the wind, and soon became the size of an antenna mast. At the same time, its white sword began to gather light.

The light became more and more intense, and it seemed that it had reached a critical point.

Climb the dragon sword, stab it with a sword, and send out bursts of dragon chant.

(End of this chapter)

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