Chapter 379 Suicide
"Ni, kan, qi, lai, si, hu, you, hen, duo, yi, huo?"

In the quiet prison, a cold voice suddenly came.

Dio turned around immediately.

A girl, a girl in a white dress, suddenly appeared in the cage, and strangely, the guards outside seemed to turn a blind eye.

I don't know if it's acquiescing, or if I didn't see it at all.

The guards were unaware, but Dio exclaimed.

——shi, ni!

He widened his eyes,

At that moment, he seemed to recall something.

Ah, it's her!

That girl must be her, that's right!
Seeing the astonished and disheveled Dio, who even pointed at himself excitedly, Lin Yi didn't care.

It was indeed Elvish.

So, she spoke again.

——ni, ye, lai, zi, ai, ze, la, si, da, lu, ba.

The same white long dress, coupled with the indifferent tone, reminded Dio that it was the person in front of him who attacked him, and then...

She also imprisoned herself?
This is impossible, she, is she 20 years old?

Dior, who was almost 200 years old, looked at this immature face opposite him in disbelief.

In shock, he heard what Lin Yi said, and subconsciously wanted to answer, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

After turning the other party's words in his mind, Dio was overwhelmed again.

"Wait, how do you speak Elvish?!"

Lin Yi smiled without answering, but asked softly.

"Why, can't you?"


Dio talked to you for a long time, and he didn't know what to say, but when he saw the playful eyes of the other party, which was exactly the same as he usually saw those farmers, his heart skipped a beat.


The opponent is very powerful, and is waiting for himself to die...

Although I have never seen this girl make a move, looking at his current situation and the fact that the other party appeared in this prison without anyone noticing, Dio can guess that the other party must have extraordinary means.

By this time, he knew he had met a master.

Maybe the other party is the hidden power of this plane, and it belongs to the extremely powerful type.

So, all the minions sent to this plane by His Highness the Lich King were also taken care of by her?

Thinking of this possibility, Dior's heart suddenly set off a storm.

But why, why is there such a powerful existence on such a low-level plane?
Moreover, what's even weirder is why he can't feel her fluctuations, which makes Dio very puzzled.

It's like a person who has been eating with both hands, but suddenly came to a different plane, and the people here actually eat with their feet. No matter how you look at it, you will feel puzzled and violated.

Looking at this mysterious human being, Dio stared with wide eyes.

A white dress, that is, an ordinary human appearance, but this appearance is comparable to those of the most beautiful elves.

Her temperament is dusty, light and elegant, she is completely an ordinary beautiful girl, and her skin is smooth and fair, and she does not show any appearance of martial arts or magic.

So, what kind of existence is this plane!

Or, I guessed wrong...

"I'll ask, you'll answer"

It can be seen that Dior should have many puzzles, but Lin Yi didn't intend to waste time, but said it directly.

"If your answer satisfies me, maybe I'm in a good mood and can explain your doubts for you."

As the strong side, she naturally doesn't need to say any high-sounding words such as guarantees for a weak character like Dior. Force is the best deterrent.

After saying this, she waved her hand and grabbed a bolt of lightning from the empty air.

Like a swimming snake, tiny lightning bolts writhed around in Lin Yi's hands, but he couldn't escape.

Then Lin Yi waved his hand again, and fabricated a white light out of thin air, and then snapped his fingers lightly, the two elements began to merge, and soon, they merged into a round ball with lightning jumping on the surface and bright light inside.

It was about the size of a ping-pong ball and floated in the air, beeping and beeping.

As for why you want to make a circle instead of using some temptation magic directly, because Lin Yi has never tried it, and I am afraid that it will ruin the other party's brain. After all, this is a human from another world, and the brain circuit may be different from ordinary people.

Moreover, this is the first intelligent creature that can speak and communicate with each other. Lin Yi naturally wants to know more.

In fact, she has always been curious about what the Azeroth continent looks like.

World of Warcraft?

Gaowu world?

Super plane?
Or fantasy?


Or is it a suspected wild land with many races?
Not surprisingly, Dior was stunned.

Grabbing lightning at random, creating light out of thin air, such a light lifting, this kind of magic attainment is simply at the level of the Dalaran Archmage!
Moreover, this indiscriminately fused lightning ball gave Dior a feeling of palpitation when he faced the serial electromagnetic mines again.

Now he was really sure that the girl in front of him was really a super existence of this plane.

Do not!
Not to mention this low-level plane, even in his hometown, Azeroth, where there are many powerful people, she definitely belongs to the top category.

Can't match...

After recognizing the reality, Dio calmed down instead.

He leaned against the wall and stood up slowly, with an indifference on his face.

"The strong man of this plane"

"I admit, you are amazing"

"But don't be delusional, I won't say anything!"

"As the most elite soldier of His Royal Highness the Lich King, death on the battlefield is the highest honor!"

"Don't get complacent too early, the professor will avenge me!"

Lin Yi frowned slightly.

This is, a fanatical worshiper of the Lich King?
Or, an unrepentant fool?

At this moment, there was a slight clicking sound from the opposite side, and then a strong wave burst from Dio's body.


"Woman, let's die together!"

Seeing the madness and laughter on Dior's face, Lin Yi was not afraid.

With a random move, a white light appeared, covering Dio's whole body, and then shrank instantly, imprisoning Dio.

But who knows, even so, the opponent still exploded.


It was as if a watermelon had been crushed in an airtight container.

The red and green liquid mixed together is nauseating.

Looking at the rotten Dior and the blood slowly flowing down, Lin Yi frowned and stepped back slightly.

For Lin Yi, this kind of filthy disgust is far more lethal than the strange beast.

But why the rush to die?
Is it because he is afraid that he will use some despicable means?
Or is it just the death knight's style, if you don't succeed, you will succeed?

Lin Yi was a little annoyed that he couldn't stop the other party from exploding himself.

But think about what the other party said before he died...Professor, revenge?

So, the other party will invade again?

With a wave of his hand, after fixing the filth in a closed area that glowed from all sides, Lin Yi left straight away.

For her, this rotten meat is naturally useless.

But for others, especially some mad scientists, dead things are far more useful than living things.

As for destroying the other party's "things"...

Lin Yi felt no guilt about this.

"He blew himself up~"

she said so.

(End of this chapter)

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