Chapter 397 I Know

Gamol gave too much information, too amazing.

Fortunately, milk tea belongs to the house girl, who plays games, watches live broadcasts, and occasionally releases cosplay, so she is keenly aware that what Jia Moore said is very similar to the content in a certain game.

Milk Tea can be sure that this cow can't even speak, and naturally he can't play games, so what he said should be true, or most of it is true.

So, after confirming with Jia Moore again and again, she stopped the questioning immediately.

In the next room, Milk Tea explained in detail how amazing Azeroth is to those big guys. Blue Star faced Azeroth and it was like fighting primitive people against modern people. The guys were also shocked.

Although there are still some people who are skeptical, thinking that this treacherous tauren came to Blue Star to spread rumors and disintegrate the morale of the army.

But after reading the game information given by Milk Tea and comparing the information provided by the Tauren, they found that this matter seems to be really possible as what Milk Tea said.

——The Tauren Gamor comes from Azeroth, and Azeroth belongs to the game universe created by Glass Slag in 05.

——One belongs to another world and exists in reality, and the other belongs to games and is virtual and ethereal.

——Obviously they are two irrelevant things, but they are strangely overlapped.

What does this mean?

Or, some kind of omen?
The more I thought about it, the more horrified I became, and now everyone fell silent.

In fact, Azeroth and the game are not 100% similar, even if it is only [-]%, or even less, Blue Star is very dangerous.

The invasion of alien creatures is real and happens constantly. They not only make human beings feel like they are facing a big enemy, and they are exhausted, but also support the statement of the tauren Jia Moore.

Anyone who can sit here and be called a boss has seen many alien creatures.

For example, green-skinned orcs, human death knights, half-fish, half-human Naga, these alien creatures that appeared in front of them are not only the elements in the game, but also the aborigines of Azeroth in the tauren population.

Things seem to have been hammered away.

——Jamol's hometown, Azeroth is World of Warcraft.

On the premise of tentatively assuming that this is the fact, the bosses stopped entangled and held a meeting immediately.

Based on the information at hand and the alien creatures captured in the past as a reference, they began to analyze the strength of the enemy and us, and listed the information of both sides. The top think tanks also joined the video conference to find countermeasures overnight.

With the collaborative efforts of elites in various fields, the leaders of various departments quickly reached a simple consensus.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, in addition to speeding up the development of high-end precision strike weapons, it is to seek help and unite all forces on Blue Star, including other countries and a certain person.

Such a decision is not rash or unfounded.

Although Jia Moore's words will be further screened later, but for now, what the other party said seems to be correct.

Taking a step back, even if the information in his mouth is only partially true, it is very scary.

Therefore, it is really necessary to plan ahead and plan early from now on.

As for whether to tell other countries about this news...

In fact, there is no choice at all.

The enemy is too strong. In the face of the choice of life and death, the contradictions among human beings are nothing.

So, under the explicit instruction of "unity with all forces that can be united", Milk Tea couldn't wait to come to Lin Yi.

"So, Miss Lin, are you really not surprised?"

Like a machine gun, Milk Tea chattered a lot.

But after she finished speaking, she looked at someone who was still calm, and she almost jumped up in a hurry.

"Miss Lin, the other world is really the world of Azeroth, take a look!"

Milk Tea took out her phone, opened, and clicked on World of Warcraft.

"The land there is huge and abundant, and the light area is hundreds of times that of Blue Star. Humans, orcs, elves, undead, tribes, alliances, these messy forces, all of them are awesome. If they attack, we will be finished in an instant."

"Moreover, in addition to these intelligent races, there are countless strange and terrifying creatures in Azeroth"

"Titans of the giant race, lizard dragons the size of the Great Wall, and disgusting monsters with tentacles"

"Ah~ it's over, it's over, Blue Star is over!"

Cooperating with the exaggerated movements of dancing and dancing, the milk tea's voice was full of emotion, and he talked worriedly for a long time.

She thought that her tense performance would infect the other party, and let the other party give her a high evaluation of A+ without hesitation.

But after stopping, she realized that Lin Yi on the opposite side was still drinking tea slowly, and even moved back quietly.

Milk tea: Meow? ? ?

Taking a half step forward, she was about to tell Lin Yi that even if what she said was a little exaggerated, it was true.

She opened her mouth, but stopped, suddenly seemed to understand something.

"Could it be, Miss Lin, you already knew!"

Seeing that Milk Tea finally stopped acting nervously, Lin Yi nodded and said.

"Yes, I roughly guessed it."

"How did you know that!"

Milk Tea asked hastily.

She can guarantee that the cow is still learning Chinese in the base, that there are a lot of positioning in the interlayer of the clothes on her body, that she will be followed by bodyguards when she goes in and out, and that she will be secretly monitored even when she goes to the toilet.

And, most importantly, this cow hasn't been there for a few days.

So, she was very curious how Lin Yi knew in advance?

Lin Yi replied.

Sure enough, looking at it this way, what Zhou Zhuo said was true.

Seeing the shock and doubt on Milk Tea's face, Lin Yi confirmed the authenticity of the information that Blizzard screenwriter Zhou Zhuo said.

The milk tea is dizzy.

She could see that Lin Yi didn't intend to go into details, although she really wanted to know, but there was nothing she could do.

Miss Lin can't be offended, can't be offended.

And, hey, by the way, business, I almost forgot the business.

So, Milk Tea slapped his head and said.

"The cow spoke very vaguely, and the sign language is still being practiced, and some of the words are not true or false. I wonder if I can bother Miss Laurin to take a look."


Even if the milk tea is not mentioned, Lin Yi still plans to go to the dragon group.

She has some questions and needs to ask this native from the planet Azeroth.

As for how to distinguish the authenticity, this is simple.

The special fluctuations make Zhou Zhuo's alien status beyond doubt. As for what he said, part of it is obviously exaggerated and bragging, which is a common problem of adventurers.

But it doesn't matter, as long as there is information, Lin Yi can make a judgment.

Besides, there is still this cow now, and Lin Yi can naturally tell who is lying by comparing the words of the two.

After agreeing on a time, Lin Yi sent away the joyful milk tea, and Lin Yi poured himself a cup of tea again.

Her sixth sense faintly told her that this cow is the key.

The key to the door to another world may be hidden in the other party, so what could it be?

Lin Yi looked forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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