Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 404 The Story of Azeroth, Up and Down

Chapter 404 The Story of Azeroth, Up and Down
Just as the Horde and the Alliance coalition forces were about to set up camp in Northrend and gain a firm foothold, news suddenly came from the Eastern Kingdom and Kalimdor.

——A large number of undead appeared in Novice Village and various low-level dungeon areas!

For a while, facing the rising momentum of the Scourge, the entire coalition had to leave two bridgeheads and lead their troops back.

But as soon as they evacuated, another news came.

——There is no Scourge in the territories of the Alliance and the Horde, they are just left behind by Professor Putricide. Those skeletons and undead groups are just illusions and deceptions!

That's right, with the assistance of the professor, those adventurers and bards who once boasted that Illidan was the savior, took advantage of Alsace's great deterrence, and once again stabbed the coalition forces.

Not only did they wantonly spread the news of Illidan's defeat in the eastern continent and Kalimdor, they even declared that the coalition forces were also defeated by the Lich King.

That's right, they are not human beings, but undead in human skin.

In this way, using Illidan, Arthas drove the coalition forces out of Northrend without any effort.

After conquering the Howling Fjord and Warsong Fortress, clearing the coalition forces, Alsace, who has a reliable base camp, has begun to incorporate the remaining forces in Northrend.

He gathered his forces and prepared to counterattack.

The entire Azeroth will once again face the invasion of natural disasters.


"These are the chants of bards and the information I got when I was working in Icecrown Citadel. Anyway, before I came, Azeroth was already like this. As for what it looks like now, it may be bad. Or worse, I don't really know."

Gamol finally finished speaking.

The conference room was silent, as if everyone was digesting what the cow said.

Lin Yi listened very carefully, and only asked when what Jia Moore said was inaccurate or vague. The rest of the time, she listened carefully.

She just sat quietly like this, and in her mind, it seemed that there was a super sophisticated computer running at high speed.

She clearly remembered what the other party said, as well as the expressions and movements when speaking.

Based on this short period of contact, she can roughly deduce the meanings represented by the tauren's many small movements.

The powerful consciousness can cover any corner, and the abnormal memory can ensure that no details are missed.

Now, when Jia Moore had just finished speaking and the conference room was relatively quiet, Lin Yi reviewed the game again in her heart.

Azeroth continent.

Horde, Alliance, Thrall, Varian, Malfurion, and Illidan.

Lin Yi's brain was spinning rapidly, and the meticulous logical chains were listed one by one. They seemed to slip through the net one by one, helping Lin Yi to filter information.

Separate a part of the thoughts, like a guard, to examine and pick again, and finally, based on the information that can be determined to support what the tauren said.

Useful, stay, useless, remove.

Lin Yi soon got some objectively correct information.

Although what Jia Moore said was very vague and subjective, Lin Yi finally got some useful information by "digging for gold in shit".

Although this information is not comprehensive or accurate, it can still reflect some real conditions of the Azeroth continent from the side.

It is known that, for example, on this continent, various races are intertwined.

Magic, martial arts, and machinery coexist.

Myths and legends.

Angels and Demons.

Warriors and dragons.

The lower limit is very low, but the upper limit is absolutely high, belonging to a very dangerous high magic world.

For example, if it is placed in the final horror, that is, whether it is an angel or a demon team, whichever one goes, there are ten dead and no life.

As for the number one enemy of Azeroth and Blue Star, the Lich King...

The good news is that Alsace's undead army has a coalition of Horde and Alliance to fight against it, and Blue Star is not alone.

The bad news is that Alsace is really strong.

Brave and resourceful, it is said that he is also handsome, after all, he was born as a prince.

If this kind of character was placed in a manga, it would definitely make people scream when they appeared on the stage, make people fascinated when they opened their mouths, and fascinate thousands of girls with a wave of their hands.

In addition to being strategic and handsome, the other party also sees far away.

According to Gamol, the Lich King had already started researching plane transfer very early on, and it was not known whether it was to leave a way out for himself, or to lay the foundation for future invasion of other planes.

But no matter what the reason is, Alsace's vision has surpassed those so-called heroes in Azeroth by a large margin.

To sum up, Alsace has strategy and vision, and is a very powerful figure.

But this is very bad news for Lin Yi and the people on Blue Star.

So, how to deal with this big man who wants to invade Blue Star?

This matter is very tricky and difficult to handle, even a boss like Lin Yi is a little worried.

Even if Lin Yi knew that she was invincible in Blue Star under the women's clothing, but what about the other side.

In that dangerous plane where magic, gods, and demons dance wildly, the most basic physical rules at the bottom may be different, and in that case, many accidents will be caused.

For example, as described in some time-travel novels, if a good-for-nothing travels from Blue Star, there is a high probability that he will still be a good-for-nothing, but there is a small probability that he will become a dragon and a phoenix, a soaring sky.

In short, it is still right to be careful now, and the rest can only be known by looking at it.

Therefore, although Azeroth is very dangerous, Lin Yi still yearns for it in his heart.

After all, on this earth, there was nothing she could care about anymore.

On the other side, in some places that Lin Yi couldn't see, after hearing the desperate news again, the bosses were quiet.

No one in the video group of the online meeting spoke. They all seemed to be frowning, digesting information, thinking about countermeasures, or waiting for someone to perform miracles again.

"His words are true"

"Or, it is the truth in his cognition"

"Although the situation facing Blue Star is very bad, for now, don't worry too much, it's still early"

“However, it is necessary to plan ahead.”

After finishing what should be said, Lin Yi got up and left.

Lin Yi is not their nanny, there is no need to speak so thoroughly, let alone take care of their mood.

Moreover, these bigwigs are not stupid. Those who can see the tauren and listen to the stories told by the tauren are the top group of people in this country, with nothing to say about IQ and EQ.

These people may have been shocked and frightened when they first heard that Azeroth was so terrifying, but when they thought about it carefully, they seemed a bit unfounded.

It's like knowing that the earth will explode in hundreds of millions of years. Although it will happen sooner or later and it is unavoidable, it is always out of sight. Humans, after all, live in the present.

Therefore, Lin Yi believed that once he mentioned it, they would definitely understand.

However, another reason for leaving in such a hurry is that the smell of the tauren is too strong!

Although it was isolated by spells, the faint stench still existed in my heart.

Extreme cleanliness may be her only weakness.

After sitting in the room for so long, she basically listened with frowns.

Pushing open the door, Lin Yi walked out of the dragon group along the corridor, but when she looked up and saw the round incandescent lamp on the ceiling, she stopped again.



(End of this chapter)

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