Chapter 428

"Listen to me guys, I know some of you are worried"

With the help of Jia Moore, the old cow Kane came to the cows. He coughed twice, then looked at the bewildered eyes, and explained kindly.

"The centaur is very fierce, but Miss Lin is even more powerful. Although she has great power, do you see that she has hurt us?"

"No, Miss Lin is a good person!"

Jia Moore jumped out first to cheer.


Kane nodded.

A look of relief.

Jia Moore, the stupid bull, finally spoke something human.

"Jamol is right. Ms. Lin is a good person and powerful. It is more than enough to protect us."

"Moreover, she is kind, very principled, and has a great sense of justice. You have to trust my intuition and eyes. When will I, Kane, be wrong? No, never!"

"So, seeing this, I promised Miss Lin to set up a portal in our clan a day ago, not for anything else, and this is how I formed a good relationship with the other party."

"Look, take a look, the blessing will come soon, Miss Lin saved us today!"

"So, as long as we treat each other with courtesy, we guard the portal for her, and she protects us, it's a win-win situation!"

Kane danced and spittled, making the bulls present boil.


"The patriarch Niu X!"


The bulls began to cheer.

Kane's words spoke solidly to their hearts, and very simply dispelled their doubts.

Looking at the firm and confident patriarch Kane, every bull had a relieved smile on his face.

Of course, if Jia Moore said this, no one would care.

But when these words came from Kane, it was different. As the head of the cattle clan and the tauren who could summon fire elements, Kane's influence was not small.

"Okay, stop talking about flattery, and stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get to work!"

"Miss Lin doesn't care about some trivial things, but this Miss Lin likes to be clean the most. Please clean up quickly so that you can impress the boss."


All the cows cheered and picked up the guy.

With hope, a sense of security, and a better tomorrow, they will be more motivated to work.

Those who sweep the floor sweep the floor, those who move the corpse move the corpse, and those who cook the soup cook the soup. Soon, the garbage on the ground will be cleaned up.

5 minute later.

Looking at the neat new ground, with the scent of herbs, and the neatly arranged stone tables and chairs, and the bonfires lit one by one.

It has to be said that the tauren can't do well in a fight, but there is nothing to say when they work.

"Go away, don't come over, I want to have a private word with Miss Lin"

The tool man Jia Moore was cast aside by Kane in disgust.

Leaning on crutches, Kane walked towards Lin Yi's room alone.

It's not that he dislikes Jia Moore's ignorance, but that he doesn't want others to know about the next thing, because he plans to make a deal with Lin Yi.

When he came to the door, he faced the ground and knocked on his crutches.

Because there is no door at all in this room, only a curtain is used to block the view from the outside.

Through the curtain, Lin Yi saw Kane standing outside, and seeing the hesitant expression on the other side, it seemed that he wanted to say something.

So, after taking another look at the devil who was still in a coma, Lin Yi walked out.

"Miss Lin"

Kane stepped forward immediately, and the two chatted at the door.

"Thank you, Ms. Lin, Ms. Lin, you are the benefactor of my family. There is no way to repay your kindness. Please accept the old cow...bye...bye..."

While speaking, Kane was about to kneel down while making gestures.

He thought that with his old body and age, the other party would definitely stop him, or stop him while saying polite words.

But what surprised him was that not only did Lin Yi not speak, he didn't even move.

Well, things were a little unexpected.

Kane, who was half bent, was a little bit waxy.

He didn't know what to do, should he continue to bend down, or stand up.

But after a second, he quickly made a decision.

No, even if the other party doesn't stop, we still have to kneel!

How much face is worth, as long as the other party nods, as long as the other party can be accepted, for the sake of the herd, for the future of the tribe, you must kneel!
So, he lost control of his legs and disc, and went straight down to his knees.

But the result...

He still couldn't kneel down.

Kane only felt that his legs were supported by a pair of invisible big hands, unable to move at all.

Ah ~
Kane blushed.

It turns out that people are waiting here, which is a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, Kane has lived for hundreds of years, he is old and mature, and he has a thick skin.

"Hey, Ms. Lin respects the old and loves the young. She really has a heart. I'm an old cow, so be careful."

Kane stood up without a trace, and praised casually.

Facing Kane's rainbow fart, Lin Yi nodded lightly, still not saying a word, but her expression was already very clear.

Act, you continue to act, I will quietly watch your performance.

Kane was a little anxious. Seeing that he had said so much, but Lin Yi still had no response, Kane was shocked. He rolled his eyes twice and thought in his heart.

Could it be that she was thinking about it, and she saw through the old man's little jiujiu? !
No, no, she is so young, she is only a few dozen years old, and Lao Niu is hundreds of years old, so it is not an exaggeration to call her grandson and granddaughter.

At most, she is more beautiful, more powerful, more temperamental, better figure, and more enviable...

An elite talent like her, a lady of every family, and a proud girl of heaven must have little experience and few routines.

Then why is she indifferent under the superb acting skills of the old man...

Ah, by the way, could it be so.

The old cow's eyes suddenly lit up.

She was so indifferent and full of distance because of the incompatibility between men and women, it must be like this!

Well, then moral kidnapping is not enough, it can only be a bitter trick.

A little girl of this age has no resistance to these kindness, love, bitterness and hatred.

So, with a flick of his nose, the old cow cried out with tears and snot in his nose.

"Miss Lin, to tell you the truth, if you hadn't shown up in time this time, the cows would have suffered heavy losses."

"Some cows are over 300 years old. They are old at the top and young at the bottom. As the pillars of the family, if something goes wrong with them, the whole family will be ruined."

"The centaurs are so cruel, and we are so kind. In order to avoid conflicts, we gave way again and again, and we all lived on this stupid stone pillar, but it was still not safe. We lived in fear every day. After eating this meal, there was no next meal. miserable day"

"However, your appearance, like a ray of light, cut through this darkness and saved us!"

"So, our clan agreed that from now on, you will be our clan's benefactor, and we will be a family!"

"You said, okay?"

The old cow had a generous face, and he said that the group was passionate and righteous. Without knowing it, he thought that Kane had just returned from the lunar probe.

(End of this chapter)

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