Chapter 460 The Monkey
The bosses were persuaded to leave, but Jia Moore was naturally unwilling to leave, and he wanted to take another look and learn more.

But the reasons given by the bosses are also very good. It is necessary for him, a native of Azeroth, to distinguish the nature and use of these things. After all, apart from Lin Yi, only Jia Moore understands these things.

And this kind of trivial matter, Lin Yi naturally wouldn't do it.She just left a note with a general idea.

After all, there are tauren here.

After finishing the portal, the cow was in a panic and had nothing to do. Now it's time to find something for him to do.

After sending the boss away, cleaning up the scene, and then dismissing some irrelevant soldiers, leaving only a few assistants, Lin Yi started to work.

The reinforcement of the portal has already been completed. Now, she needs to conduct an experiment to see if the reinforced portal is loose or if there is any energy loss, so as to determine whether the result of her reinforcement is perfect.

Several beams of white light entered the portal and swam back and forth in the "energy cornerstone" that constituted the portal. After about a minute, these white lights turned into a strip of white light and flew straight out.

Lin Yi stretched out her finger, and the white light penetrated into her body against her finger. She closed her eyes and carefully felt the feedback brought back by the white light.

It is generally unharmed, with only a little change, which is within the controllable range.

OK, so let's start experimenting.

Lin Yi beckoned, and soon, a soldier moved a cage.

In the cage is an ordinary monkey with golden fur, which is the pig's foot for today's experiment.

As for why monkeys were used, this was Lin Yi's conclusion after discussing with several full-level biologists.

To simulate the process of humans passing through the portal as realistically as possible, the experimental subjects must be very close to humans.

Because humans cannot be used for experiments, only animals can be selected.

And on this blue planet, monkeys and chimpanzees are the most similar species to humans.

In fact, strictly speaking, chimpanzees are the most suitable, but they were rejected by Lin Yi.

Without him, the taste is too big.

In the future, there will be places to come and go, so she doesn't want the inexplicable stench both inside and outside the portal.

Facing the mighty Lin Yi, scientists who have no power to restrain their chickens really can't fight, there is no way, although they are very reluctant, but who makes Lin Yi the biggest fist, the strongest force value, and the most knowledgeable, they can only be passive accept.

The monkey was very naughty and energetic, and even grabbed the cage and grinned at the soldiers.

However, as soon as the cage was put on the ground and in front of Lin Yi, the monkeys in the cage immediately calmed down, and even shrank into a ball and hid.

Lin Yi tilted her head to look.

Seeing this beautiful appearance, the monkey was even more frightened, and even buried his head in his body.


It is said that monkeys are very smart, and it is true, Lin Yi thought so.

Standing up straight, Lin Yi took the glove from the soldier's hand, put it on carefully, then tapped his right hand, the cage floated up in the air, and when it was parallel to it, it stopped.

Looking at Lin Yi outside the cage, the monkey became even more frightened, and even started to tremble. At this moment, the monkey's pitiful appearance vividly interpreted its weakness, helplessness, and shivering.

For a monkey, Lin Yi has no psychological burden.

Besides, she was not one of those female medical students who was crying over the stray cat that was run over by the side of the road one second, and picked up the scalpel and screamed at the little white rabbit the next.

And, most importantly, this monkey will not die, so there is no need to be so sensational.

Her right hand volleyed a little, and the cage door clicked open.

With a swoosh, the monkey who saw the timing came out suddenly, startling the soldiers on the side.

The soldier just reacted and was about to catch it, but stopped because Lin Yi was much faster than him.

With a swish, a shield was put on the monkey, like a soap bubble, making it suspended in the air.

Why can stand in the air without falling? The monkey's brain capacity is not enough to think about such a philosophical topic.Its attention is all on this shield.

Suddenly there was an unknown object around the body, and the monkey was very panicked.

But no matter how it ran, the shield was still there. The monkey was furious, squeaked twice, and then stretched out its paws to scratch everywhere.

Unexpectedly, this transparent shield, as thin as a cicada's wings, swayed left and right under the monkey's claws, but it was not affected at all, and it could not be torn apart at all.

In fact, let alone a monkey, the 99A may not be able to penetrate it with a single shot.

That's right, this shield is the product of Lin Yi's third improvement, which is thinner, softer and stronger in defense.

Ok, with the protection, let's start the experiment.

Seeing that the shield was perfectly effective on the monkey, Lin Yi started the next step.

She pulled lightly, as if pulled by an invisible thread, the shielded monkey struggled to fly over, and flew to the portal.

At this time, the monkey seemed to be stupid, completely unaware of what this shiny white thing was.

Then, its monkey eyes dazzled, as if it was sucked into the portal.


There was a panicked cry of monkeys from the portal.

Here, the monkey just got into the portal with its front feet, followed by a white light on its back feet, wrapped around the opponent's body, and flew into the portal as well.

Lin Yi pulled the white light belt, closed her eyes and sensed the feedback from the other end of the light belt.

At this time, the square was quiet and quiet, only the rustling sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves.

The guarding soldiers standing nearby held their breaths, not daring to breathe.

After 1 minute passed, Lin Yi pulled the white light belt back.

The white light band kept shrinking, and then, with a bang, the portal shook slightly, and a monkey wearing a round shield appeared in front of Lin Yi.

The monkey is still there, and the shield is still there, without any damage.

With a snap, Lin Yi snapped his fingers down, and the shield disappeared.

Lin Yi let the monkey who had just passed through the portal and came back from Azeroth float to him again, and examined it carefully.

The monkey has a mark made by an old cow, a seal with a bull's head on it.

Moreover, this monkey is indeed contaminated with the breath of Azeroth.

The word breath sounds very mysterious, but in Lin Yi's perception, there is indeed a faint and different kind of breath entangled in this monkey.

Compared with 1 minute ago, it is particularly obvious, so it is impossible to make a mistake.

But our pig's feet, the experimental subjects, have lived up to their previous lively appearance at this moment. They are a little sluggish and a little scared, but the rest are fine.

Although to be on the safe side, the monkey will have to observe it for a few more days and do some corresponding tests, but at this moment Lin Yi already knows that this experiment was a success.

(End of this chapter)

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