Chapter 468
"Miss Lin, please wait"

"This portal is not connected to Azeroth..."

"I sense the breath of another world..."

Seeing that Lin Yi really staggered and walked past him, You Dian, who was still hesitating, panicked for a moment, and he yelled out immediately.

"Miss Lin, I said it, right?"

Lin Yi, who had not gone far, stopped, turned her head to look at the other party, and said lightly.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

what happened?
Seeing that Lin Yi didn't quibble, nor was he furious after being exposed, or became angry from embarrassment, but still a little doubtful?
You Dian suddenly panicked.

Could it be that I made a mistake?

No, not possible.

I can't see, but I'm not blind.

This portal is not connected to Azeroth, this is a certainty.

Moreover, I did perceive the breath of another world from the monkey, so this portal must lead to another world, and the elves must be doing something.

hey, wait.

Is there any possibility of this.

It was those old things in the elves who deliberately concealed Miss Lin and didn't tell her the real purpose.

Well, it's possible.

The more You Dian thought about it, the more likely it was.

So, Ms. Lin is not an insider, so I have to make it even more clear, so that Ms. Lin can no longer be deceived, and this matter can't just go on like this, and get worse.

So, he walked slowly towards Lin Yi, thinking about his words while walking.

If you want to calmly tell the seriousness of this matter, you must not make the other party disgusted, but also let the other party listen to it sincerely. This is really too difficult for him, an illiterate.

"Miss Lin, you should know that the universe is so big that it is unimaginable. Moreover, in the vast universe, there are many races known to exist. Simply divide, these races are not all good people, like the orcs thousands of years ago, As well as the Burning Legion and the Void Demon, there are also some pure evils, and these races belong to the devils who play with people's hearts. They accept prayers, answer prayers, and then tempt the host with small profits, and then seduce the host, and then control the host , and finally descended to various planes through the portal, ran amok, provoked the flames of war, and finally lost all lives..."

Youdian spoke these words very slowly, sincerely and carefully, and he believed that with Lin Yi's intelligence, he would definitely understand the meaning of these words.

To be honest, the moment Judian sensed the alien atmosphere from the monkey, he was so surprised that his heartbeat slowed down a beat.

After checking and confirming that it was correct, he began to think, and then came to some conclusions.

His previous speculations became facts, and the elves were indeed planning something.

But what I didn't expect was that the elves played such a big game this time, and even built a portal to another world.

Therefore, in order to achieve these shady things, they chose to establish a portal in this remote place.

If this is the case, things will be a big deal.

Because this door really leads to another world, and it has already been connected.

Why is You Dian so nervous, because he has done such shady things before.

At that time, he was in his heyday, extremely conceited, claiming that God was first and he was second.

In order to challenge himself, he once made a summoning circle in the wilderness, allowing a void demon to descend.

Although there is only one of them, it is huge and full of fire. Even though Youdian is stronger and can subdue the opponent, but because he is not familiar with the void demon, during the battle, Yudian failed to trap the opponent and let The demon destroyed the entire village under the mountain.

Although Yu Dian still smashed the opponent in the end, the person who died because of this could never be resurrected.

Because he blamed himself for this for a long time, he was so nervous when he saw the gate to another world, because he was familiar with this routine.

Open the alien portal, put down the sacrifice that the other party cannot ignore, actively communicate and summon, and let the other party come, commonly known as fishing.

He didn't know what the elves were going to summon, but looking at this expensive portal, he knew that it must be a big picture, and if he really waited for the elves to finish all these, it would be too late.

Moreover, the current Azeroth is already very difficult, and it really can't stand the toss.

If there is another terrifying existence like Alsace, and what's worse, the other party is still in the hinterland of Azeroth, it will really set the backyard on fire, and it will be completely finished.

So, when he thought of this, his whole body was like falling into an ice cellar.

Very nervous, very worried, very entangled, because it happened to be his savior, Lin Yi, who did this.

For a moment, various complex emotions swirled in his mind, making him scratch his head.

Concern is chaotic, but in the end, Yudian, who has experienced so many things, calmed down alone.

He told himself that these were just speculations, and there was no evidence to prove that what he thought was true.

As long as there is no evidence, then these are all nonsense.

That's why he was able to resist not getting angry at the tauren and not asking questions, so he gritted his teeth and waited to ask Lin Yi when they were face to face, because he only wanted to hear the other party's explanation.

If it's fake, that's the best. If it's true, he's ready to dissuade him. If the other party doesn't listen, he will, uh, of course he won't attack Lin Yi, and of course, he won't be able to.

Lu Xiucai once said that a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands.

Therefore, he will argue with reason, move with emotion, understand with reason, and come to sleep and convince the other party.

Because he was really doing it for Lin Yihao, and he really didn't want him to get involved.

So young, so beautiful, with such a good temperament, and extremely talented, in time, she will definitely be famous for thousands of years.

But now, Lin Yi personally admitted that this door indeed leads to another world.

At that moment, Judian's heart beat faster, but immediately calmed down again.

It's not a big problem, don't panic. Although Ms. Lin admitted it, it's obvious that she hasn't realized the seriousness of the matter.

Of course, it is very likely that they were deliberately deceived, hmph, those nasty old ugly elves must be jealous of Miss Lin's beauty and talent, so they buried this hole, it must be so.

No, the righteous self has to wake up Miss Lin.

So, looking at Lin Yi's still indifferent expression, You Dian cautiously persuaded.

"Miss Lin, the other world is very dangerous"

"The elders in your family must not be telling the truth about the portal. They are using you and your magical talent"

"Miss Lin, you may not know the inside story about the consequences of this matter, so stop before it becomes a catastrophe."

"I feel that there is no evil aura inside or outside the portal for the time being, everything is still too late, so don't continue."

"Let me help you, let's destroy this portal, or seal it up, so that those horrible and evil extraterrestrial creatures cannot descend."


You Dian sincerely looked at Lin Yi eagerly.

There is no way, who made him not as powerful as Lin Yi.

Can't beat it, but still want to stop it, it can only be so humble.

(End of this chapter)

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