Chapter 476
"So the mages of Azeroth, the teleportation technique that the world says is extremely mysterious and envied, only teleports to fixed teleportation points, such as Orgrimmar, such as Stormwind City, and they can't be free. If you want to go, then Going there, no matter how big Azeroth is, these portals cannot run independently, and they are completely under the jurisdiction of Dalaran."

"To put it simply, if you want a new door, you have to apply for it. After the application is completed, Dalaran agrees. Divert, divert, control, register, and then this door can be used."

"is it?"

The portal turned out to be like this.

Lin Yi was really surprised this time.

"Yes, otherwise, Alsace would have spread the portal across the entire Azeroth!"

Lin Yi nodded silently, thinking about it.

Something doesn't seem right.

Why is my portal completely different from what Yudian said?
The other party is lying?
No, he was telling the truth, which Lin Yi was sure of.

It's hard, very hard to lie to her face to face, in front of her.

Lin Yi will not ignore some subtleties at all.

Even the blood flow rate and pulse rate, these factors that cannot be concealed when lying, Lin Yi can see clearly, so it does not exist to want to lie in front of her.

Since this is the case, according to the other party, in the portal system, Dalaran is the heart and the generator, and many portals are cars, no matter how powerful the horsepower is, there is no body, no electricity, no power. Certainly not oil.

Therefore, whether it is A-class or B-class, or even million-class luxury cars, they are restricted by Dalaran everywhere and cannot get rid of them.

But it's strange, my car doesn't need it at all, it is very self-conscious and can run on its own, as if it has its own solar panels, which is non-polluting and can get a green card.

This is strange, they are all produced by the same manufacturer, and other cars burn gasoline or a mixture of gasoline and electricity. Why did they suddenly become pure electric when it came to me?

In the end, there was a problem.

Moreover, Lin Yi also discovered that this problem seemed to have existed from the very beginning.

Back then, when she was in Blue Star, she could set up her own portal at will as long as she knew the exact coordinates and supplemented by mental arithmetic. Although it was temporary, it could explain the problem very well.

The portal she set up does not need any heart or center at all, as if the portal has its own small computer and supports 5G transmission, it is a completely independent individual.

Therefore, Lin Yi always thought that the portal was like this, whether it was temporary or permanent.

But who knows, if this is not the case, then is my sect considered a mutation?

The first cross-boundary portal, that is, the portal on the back mountain of Blue Star, was built by Jia Moore, but because she participated in the whole process, she also has a rough understanding of the specific core of this portal.

Thanks to the unforgettable memory and the fast-moving brain that analyzes, grasps, and attributes to himself all the time, Lin Yi is also familiar with the specific steps and points that need to be paid attention to in the construction of the portal.

Therefore, after making all preparations, she established the opposing portal on Azeroth, and there were still two of them.

As for Azeroth, she also followed the steps Gamor built the gate step by step. In principle, apart from the builder, there should be no difference between the two gates.

But why did the door change after passing through her hands?
Lin Yi recalled the many details of building the gate, and probably guessed the reason.

Compared with the tauren, in addition to her delicate mind and more superb techniques and skills, she has also undergone many reinforcements and improvements after the portal was connected.

Although at that time, this improvement had a certain experimental nature, and her original teleportation system was added, but after the actual experiment, the effect was very good, the portal was very beautiful and stable.

Therefore, Lin Yi felt that his improvement at that time was correct, but in fact, at that time, after the combination of two different transmission systems, the door had changed beyond recognition.

It used to be a Fit, but now it's just a McLaren with wings and solar power?
It's just that this change, in the absence of other comparisons, Lin Yi himself thinks it's normal, but in fact, this door has long since changed beyond recognition.

Therefore, this series of coincidences is really wonderful.

After being briefly surprised by these many coincidences, Lin Yi quickly calmed down and thought again.

From the looks of it, the problem with the portal was indeed on him.

But after handling it, it mutates. Where is the source of this problem?

First of all, part of my spell system is brought by women's clothing. It seems to be innate, and I can use it freely. No matter how much I squander it, there is no pressure.

The other part was self-taught with reference to the spell books and diaries dropped by the intruders.

Because it is someone else's property, Lin Yi was very careful and prudent when studying.

Those new spells and new knowledge points have been corroborated many times, and they are recorded after they are confirmed to be correct, and they are deduced, and finally they start to learn, integrate, and understand.

This way, although slow, but very safe.

It was thanks to such a rigorous learning attitude that Lin Yi's journey as a great magician was so smooth. It's just that some people didn't know about the hard work, and only saw her infinite beauty.

It is true that with the support of women's clothing, it is hard work, but learning is always a very cumbersome process, and there is no shortcut to take.

In the spell book that she had memorized by heart, Lin Yi went from the first page to the last page, and when she got it all together and looked back, she found that this spell textbook was not bad.

Except for some extreme and strongly personal content, the others are all starfish, which is in line with the general laws of the rigorous discipline of magic.

And the diary that was dropped from the Monster Fighting Book, the content in it also conforms to this rule.

After all, it's a diary, normal people, who would write a diary?

Now that I wrote it, I definitely hope that future generations can see it.

With such an attitude, diary writers will naturally not write indiscriminately.

And because the diary is relatively private, others can't see it before it spreads out. Isn't it cheating yourself by writing indiscriminately?

Therefore, spell books and diaries belong to external forces, and what women's clothing brings belongs to their own strength. These two systems are the abilities that Lin Yi possesses now.

Then get rid of these learned from others, the root cause of the mutation of the portal is obvious, it is a problem with his own spells.

Women's clothing?

Yes, women's clothing!

This must be the reason.

Problem found.

Moreover, in the process of thinking, Lin Yi also suddenly thought of another thing, which seemed to be ignored by her before, but in fact, this point had already told her some information from the side, but she didn't notice it.

(End of this chapter)

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