Chapter 47 Conflict
The study room is at the end of the corridor, and there is no light in the corridor, except for the little lights squeezed out from the study room, it is dim, and after touching for a long time, there is still no light in the corridor, so Chen Xi had to tiptoe to the study room.

After approaching, he found that the door of the study room was not completely closed. Chen Xi gently pushed the door open and poked his head in. He found that although the light was on in the study room, Le Jinghuai was not inside.

She walked into the study, looked around and found that the person was really not there, "Not in the study, not in the bedroom."

Chen Xi immediately retreated in her heart. If she returned to the bedroom, she would not go in again, lest the sheep fall into the wolf's mouth, and then she would not know how she was eaten up.

Just as he was about to step away from the corner of the eye, he flipped a stack of documents on the table, and the name of the top document immediately attracted Chen Xi's attention.

Kang Siyuan, it was actually Kang Siyuan!

Chen Xi suddenly became nervous, and hurriedly stepped forward to pick up the document with Kang Siyuan's name printed on it, and she immediately found that there was another document with Song Chuwei's name written on it.

She looked through it immediately, and found that the contents of the two documents were all evidence that Kang Siyuan and Song Chuwei killed her, kidnapped her father, and the two secretly exchanged company shares, as well as evidence that Kang Siyuan had secretly resold business secrets for many years. The more Chen Xi read it, the more frightened she became It turns out that the two of them started planning to seize the property of Ouyang's family two or three years ago!

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help taking a few breaths. As long as these evidences are sent to the police station, they will get the punishment they deserve, and she can take revenge.

"What are you doing?" A man's low voice suddenly came from the door of the study.

Chen Xi looked up and saw Le Jinghuai frowning, looking at her coldly.

"Since you found the evidence that Song Chuwei and Kang Siyuan killed Ouyang Linxi, why didn't you send the evidence to the police station?" Chen Xi raised the folder and asked aggressively.

Le Jinghuai stepped forward with a cold face, relying on being taller than Chen Xi, he snatched the document from her hand, and said coldly, "This is not something you can interfere with."

Chen Xi immediately looked at him in surprise, "You don't intend to send these evidences to the police station? Why?"

She couldn't believe it at all, she had evidence, she could send the murderer to the cell, she could avenge Ouyang Linxi, why didn't Le Jinghuai do this?
"Don't you want to avenge Ouyang Linxi?" Chen Xi looked at him with big scarlet eyes, obviously he liked his former self for many years!
"Why do we need revenge? Everyone knows that Ouyang Linxi and I are deadly enemies. If she is gone, I can manage the Le family better and grow the Le family more smoothly?" Le Jinghuai smiled darkly, and looked out the window, "Now Kang Siyuan has become the helm of the Ouyang family, he only looks at the profit and not the person, maybe we can cooperate and benefit each other!"

Chen Xi felt as if her heart had been stabbed with a needle. She could feel her heart bleeding slowly. Le Jinghuai actually wanted to cooperate with Kang Siyuan?Cooperate with someone she has a blood feud with!
"Didn't you always love Ouyang Linxi? Didn't you say you wanted to avenge her? Why did you change your mind now?" Tears welled up in his eyes, but Chen Xi stared desperately trying not to let it flow down. She couldn't cry, she couldn't cry in front of Le Jinghuai, she couldn't cry in front of this annoying person.

After hearing her words, Le Jinghuai narrowed his eyes, and grabbed her by the neck, "What's the relationship between Ouyang Linxi and you? Why do you have Ouyang Yuanshan's phone number?"

(End of this chapter)

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