
Chapter 299 Killing Demon Hand

Chapter 299 Killing Demon Hand (1)
Qiao Kang took out the Demon Slayer Sword vigilantly. He couldn’t tell which faction they belonged to because they were all dressed in black. Maybe they belonged to the No. 20 faction that popped up suddenly, or they belonged to which faction at all. People are secretly killing others.

"I don't know how many—" Long Wu wanted to say a few words to them, but those people attacked them without any explanation, and all their moves were killing moves.

The dragon dance was extremely angry, colorful flames ignited in his hands, and he clapped his palms, and a fire dragon burned towards those people.

Qiao Kang was speechless. It seemed that Long Wu was not easy to mess with. Her multicolored flames could even wipe out an army of skeletons. Even if these people survived, they would be seriously injured.However, these people were like natural fire extinguishers, the multicolored flames of Longwu couldn't get close to them at all. Not only were they not injured, but they shot more quickly.

Qiao Kang muttered inwardly that it was not good, could these people be some kind of unkillable monsters?Or do they have something that specifically restrains the colorful flames of the dragon dance?

Qiao Kang unleashed the Demon Slayer Sword, and slashed at a man in black with lightning speed, but it seemed to be stuck in a swamp, and the Demon Slayer Sword seemed to be stuck in it and couldn't get out.Taking advantage of this opportunity, the man in black waved his palm and knocked Qiao Kang back several steps.Qiao Kang was secretly startled, what is the origin of these men in black to have such astonishing strength?

Qiao Kang also tried his best, using "Four Elephant Limits", and using the palm of his hand to melt a knife, he hit the "Split Sky Ten Strikes" with a high momentum, and slowly approached the man in black. He must Find out who that person is.

Qiao Kang struggled with the men in black one-on-one, while Long Wu and Cang Lan faced the four men in black and lost even more.The men in black used very common attacks, even mechanical and primitive physical attacks, but they were irresistible.Qiao Kang felt anxious, only felt that his right hand was in unbearable pain, and he slapped it unconsciously, and the man in black was so close to him, that he smashed it to pieces.

As for Long Wu, who was already very weak, facing such a powerful enemy, it was naturally even more difficult. A man in black directly pierced her body with his hands, blood flowed, and Long Wu also fell to his knees on the ground.

Stimulated by the fresh blood, the red light in Cang Lan's eyes became more intense, and his strikes became more swift and violent. Qiao Kang also felt that his right arm was very hot, and he was in a daze for a while, and mercilessly swung his right hand again, attacking Long Wu. The two men in black were also shot into pieces.

At this time, the people who were chasing them also rushed over when they heard the commotion here, and Qiao Kang didn't hold back anymore.Cang Lan also dealt with the two men in black, and started to fight with them while holding Long Wu.The commotion here became louder and louder, and more and more people came, and they all shot at them in unison.Because at this moment, Cang Lan became mad again, and Qiao Kang was also like a murderous demon. He dropped the sword in his hand and smashed the attackers with his right hand. Flesh and blood flew everywhere. squinted.

Seeing how ruthless Qiao Kang's attack was, some people who wanted to take the opportunity to destroy this genius were a little scared and backed away. However, Qiao Kang did not intend to let them go. Even though they had no fighting spirit, he still mercilessly fought Killed many people.

The more people died, the stronger the smell of blood, the more Qiao Kang felt that he wanted to kill and smell more blood.He can no longer tell the difference between friend and foe, as long as people appear in front of him, he has only one thought, and that is - kill without mercy!

Qiao Kang is now a bloody war monster, he has nothing else to think about except killing.

(End of this chapter)

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