It was Lord Huo's heart that moved first

Chapter 12 Who doesn't have a hobby?

Chapter 12 Who Has No Hobbies?
Only then did Bai Zhen realize that he had talked too much, so he quickly shut up.

"You just need to tell me if there is any possibility of danger in this Hua Zhanyan."

"Absolutely not!" Bai Zhen returned to seriousness and seriousness: "According to the information we have so far, this Hua Zhanyan is just an ordinary woman, the difference is that because of her rank is too low, she can't compete with her stepmother and half-sister , that’s why he was kicked out by his father, nothing else.”

Huo Chuhuai looked at the pile of documents again, feeling irritable.

"Take this pile down."

"Okay, take it now!" Bai Zhen said.

Huo Chuhuai glanced out the window, it was already dark, the wind was blowing the curtains, and there was a hint of coolness.

He was about to go to the window to enjoy the evening breeze, but at this moment a scent wafted from the window.

The smell of grilled chicken.

He quickly looked towards the yard next door.

In the yard, the fat girl lit a fire and roasted chicken while warming the fire. She looked melancholy, as if she was imitating a scene in a martial arts drama.

Huo Chuhuai thought of her idol that Bai Zhen had mentioned, and felt that this girl was really a demon.

But after the magic barrier, she seems quite cute.

Who doesn't have any special hobbies? For example, Bai Zhen, who is already old, still likes to watch Ultraman.

Huo Chuhuai closed the window and went back into the room.

I didn't want to read a book, and I couldn't fall asleep, so I simply took out a guzheng and played it.


Hua Zhanyan's chicken was almost cooked, and was about to pick it up to eat, but suddenly heard the sound of a piano from the next door.

She was stunned for a moment.

Is it nostalgic?
She looked at the window on the second floor next door, where the sound of the piano came from!

She couldn't help but put the chicken down, and then walked to the wall. She wanted to use lightness kung fu to climb over the wall to find out, but she didn't have confidence in her current body.

Besides, modern society is a civilized society, which emphasizes honesty and friendliness. If she does so, she will be treated as a thief.

So, she decided to go through the front door.

The foot of the mountain in Gulao Village is very quiet at night, there is no noise, only the chirping of insects nearby and the sound of frogs not far away.

Hua Zhanyan stepped on the night and arrived at the gate of the villa in a short while.

When she rang the doorbell, she felt that someone was watching her secretly. Yes, that person was ambushing at a window on the second floor, there were two people on the left and one on the right.

But Hua Zhanyan ignored it. They must be responsible for protecting the Mr. Huo whom they saw during the day. As long as she doesn't do anything out of line, they won't make it difficult for her.

After a while, the video at the door changed to Bai Zhen's face.

"Xiao Pang...Miss Hua? Is there something wrong?"

Hua Zhanyan said directly: "I'm sorry, I didn't want to disturb you so late, but I heard someone playing the piano on the second floor of yours. May I ask, is your piano called Huaigu?"

"How do you know..." Bai Zhen was shocked again.

How did she know that the piano was called Huaigu?

"Wait a while!" Bai Zhen left the flower show to dry, and hurried to Huo Chuhuai's room.

When Huo Chuhuai saw Bai Zhen so flustered, he was naturally unhappy, so he asked while playing the piano: "You are so flustered, what's the matter?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Huo, I was reckless, mainly...the little fat girl next door, she heard you playing the piano, so she asked me if you were playing Huaigu? She actually...knows Huaigu."

The sound of the piano stopped abruptly at this moment.

Huo Chuhuai rested his sharp fingers on the strings, and frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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