The sweet wife of the cold king

Chapter 299 Full of Reluctance

Chapter 299 Full of Reluctance (5)

Beiming Qingcang's hands froze in place, with a hurt look in his eyes.

She is still blaming herself.

Beiming Qingcang sighed and looked at her, as if going back to more than ten years ago, when Huier was like this.

Even this temperament is the same as her mother's.

"So, you insist on leaving!"

Dong Xue didn't even think about it, and continued to nod.

"Can't we stay for daddy?" Looking into her eyes, there was hope, even though he knew that the hope was so small that it could only be an extravagant wish, he still couldn't help asking.

However, as much hope is doomed, as much disappointment is.

Dongxue remained silent, her lowered eyelashes cast shadows around her eyes.

She could see that he was sincere, so she didn't want to destroy his hope with her own hands.Thinking about it, maybe he was sincere just like the mother who loved her back then.

However, his sincerity also became the woman's life-threatening talisman.

Not to mention that she is unwilling, but she is willing. Who can guarantee that after returning, she will not be killed again like her mother or when she was a child.

As the saying goes, it is easy to hide a sharp spear, but hard to guard against a hidden arrow.

Miss also said that jealousy is like a poisonous snake. For big families, power always eats people's hearts.

This time, she has offended so many people, her heart is full of poisonous snakes, if she makes a wrong move, what awaits her will be doomed.

So she is willing, and only willing to follow the lady happily, even if she is only her maid for the rest of her life, she is also very happy.

Seeing her bowing her head, Beiming Qingcang knew what she was thinking, waved her hand and said, "That's all, that's all, I get it." Since she has her own thoughts, just like what Sixth Princess said, let her do as she pleases.

But she did follow a good master.

"If you are wronged in the future, the door of Beiming's house will be open for you." He sighed, seemingly helpless and emotional.

Time is not forgiving!

It has been more than ten years in a flash, it seems that all this happened yesterday, right in front of our eyes.

Dongxue suddenly raised her head in disbelief.

She removed the guard from her eyes, but at this moment, all she saw was a kind father, full of helplessness towards his children.

I want to speak to comfort, but I don't know how to say it.

Beiming Qingcang raised his feet and walked out. He still had to pick up Yaoer's mother and daughter, but his heart was like a boulder pressing down on his heart, he couldn't breathe, and his steps were not as steady as when he came, but a little heavy.
"Take care of yourself too." Seeing him leave, Dongxue couldn't help shouting.

Standing still, Beiming Qingcang nodded with his back to her.

In the inn, people were coming and going, obviously extremely lively, but at this moment, the father and daughter could not feel it, only the indescribable complexity remained in their hearts.
When Beiming Qingcang returned to Xiao Muxi's place, he saw the servant girl of the Sixth Princess arguing with her, but the Sixth Prince just watched and didn't say much.

I was astonished in my heart, could it be that Xue'er was so mischievous on weekdays, with a soft light flashing in her eyes.

She seemed to believe in what she said.

Shangguan Yu was the first to notice him coming in, his dazzling black eyes flashed lightly, and he coughed to signal the two of them to stop messing around.

As soon as Xiao Muxi turned her face, she saw Beiming Qingcang standing in front of her. At this moment, his face lacked the vigor, and there was only a touch of helplessness on his face. Even though she tried her best to conceal it, she could still feel that as a father, there was something in her heart. desolation.

It seems that Dongxue is determined to follow her.

(End of this chapter)

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