Chapter 7

"Miraculous doctor Lu really has a wonderful hand and rejuvenation, he is a well-deserved 'God of Medicine'!"

"God of Medicine! God of Medicine! God of Medicine!" All the miracle doctors felt sincere admiration for this method, and began to ask Luo Yixian to award the title of "God of Medicine" to this so-called God of Medicine Lu.

"Everyone be quiet, everyone be quiet. Miracle doctor Lu's prescription is indeed wonderful, but whether it is successful or not depends on the actual use of the prescription. Come on, please come out with Li Taishou!" Luo Yang's voice was slightly excited, and several hundred No one has become the God of Medicine for many years, but in the generation where he is the owner of the valley, there is a God of Medicine!How can this make her not excited, how can she be calm?
"Yes." A disciple in Tsing Yi next to him took the order, and greeted several fellow disciples to carry them to the backyard.

While everyone was waiting patiently, in a blink of an eye, Yisheng's mind came up with the limitations of the traditional Chinese medicine treatment that he had seen on the Internet before time travel.

(1) Stones with a diameter of less than 1 cm, regular shape, smooth surface, and no adhesion to the renal pelvis and calyx but free in the cavity;
(2) The urinary tract has no obvious deformity, stricture and infection;

(3) Those without severe hydronephrosis and with good renal function;
He also said that it is calcium dioxalate stone, the surface is rough, and the diameter of the stone is more than one centimeter, so rashly using the "stone removal granule" will not only lead to renal failure, but also may cause ureteral obstruction, colic... ...If this is the case, not only will it not be able to heal, but it will harm the person who can be healed!
Yisheng stared wide-eyed, not daring to think about it any further.Looking up, seeing that the so-called Paishi granule was about to be poured into the patient's mouth, Yi Sheng said without thinking: "No!"

"Hey!" The disciple in Tsing Yi, who was pouring the medicine, heard the extremely high-decibel stopping sound, his hands trembled in fright, and the medicine spilled all over the floor.

"Dare to ask Miss Xia, what is the so-called matter?" Luo Yangyi was extremely displeased, and his words were naturally a little aggressive.Even though the address was cute, it did not reduce the anger in the words at all.

""Yijue" said: The diameter of the stone is more than one centimeter, and it is a double calcium oxalate stone, the surface is rough, and then it will cause renal failure, and Paishi Granules can only be used for stones under one centimeter, not to mention that he is not good at this point. If you don’t do it, even if it’s a stone under one centimeter, you can’t use it if you have kidney failure... If you use it rashly, it will only make Li Taishou’s kidney function fail.” Yisheng thought about his words, and basically replaced them with ancient Chinese Only dare to explain aloud, the natural speed of speech will be a bit slow, but, on the contrary, it adds a bit of charm that only experienced doctors have.Although it is a bit strange to match her innocent face.

"What do you, a little girl, know?" The genius doctor Lu who proposed the prescription of Paishi Granules said angrily.Although I had to admit that what she said made some sense, I just couldn't help but want to refute the prescription I had worked so hard to come up with.

"Miraculous doctor Lu, don't get excited, listen to Miss Xia." Luo Yang corrected his previous displeasure one by one, smiled at Yi Sheng with a pleasant face, nodded, and signaled him to continue talking.His current mood is really excited, not for anything else, but because this little girl has such high medical attainments at such a young age, he should be happy as the owner of the Valley of Immortal Medicine.No matter whether she can answer this medical formula or not, it is good to be able to answer it, even if she can't answer it, she will definitely be recruited to become a medical fairy!
"Well, since the kidney function has failed, a nephrectomy should be done anyway."

"Nephrectomy? That's not okay. If you don't have a kidney, how can you live?" The so-called Miracle Doctor Lu just picked a needle, caught a loophole he thought, and began to criticize him mercilessly. It's boring.

"Humans have two kidneys. If only one is left, they will not die. They are just a little weaker than ordinary people, so it is not a big deal to remove one." Yi Sheng replied calmly.Old man, if you want to fight her, you should learn western medicine for hundreds of years first!

"That's right. Miss Xia, how is this so-called operation done?" Luo Yangyi asked curiously.On the surface, he was calm, but in fact his heart was already turbulent.He really is a rare genius in hundreds of years!
"If you are willing to believe me, then please give me a quiet and tidy room with only one bed and nothing else. You can watch from the sidelines." Yisheng couldn't explain it, so he directly asked him to see it by himself. .

"I believe in you. Someone, move out everything in Xiyuan except the bed." Concealing his inner excitement, Luo Yang said calmly and gently.

"Yes!" After saying that, several disciples in Tsing Yi trotted to the so-called Xiyuan.

"Please come with me." Luo Yang made a 'please' gesture to Yi Sheng.When Yisheng came up to him, he turned around and told his disciples: "Take Li Taishou to follow!"

The group left in a mighty way, leaving behind the distraught doctor Lu and the innocent Luo Yanxiao, as well as the disbelieving Chu Xiaotian and the other doctors with blank expressions.

This little girl is so young, can she do it?The genius doctors all doubted in their hearts.


"During the operation, you can't talk, and you have to help me. Follow if you can do it, and go out if you can't." As soon as she entered the ancient 'operating room', Yisheng immediately became serious, talking It is also solemn and solemn.

"Yes, don't worry!" Luo Yang looked ready.

"Well, good, the operation starts now!" After Yi Sheng announced, the nerves of the two of them tensed up immediately.

She skillfully took out the scalpel, normal saline and glutaraldehyde in the sack, and then disinfected the scalpel with glutaraldehyde, and then rinsed off the residual chemical disinfectant on the surface with normal saline.After completing this series of disinfection, Yisheng gripped the scalpel tightly and began the intense nephrectomy.

Because there was nothing, not to mention anesthesia, only a scalpel, not to mention that her body was only five years old, and she couldn't operate well at all, so Yisheng could only start the operation with great difficulty.

"Physiological saline!" Luo Yangyi immediately handed over the bottle in his hand.

"Hey, put it back!" Since there was nothing else, she always used physiological saline to clean the sticky bloodshots. Although it was inconvenient, it was still relatively smooth.

"Basin." Yisheng stretched out his hand over there, and Luoyang quickly handed it over.

"Needle and thread." Taking over the ancient embroidery needle, Yisheng sterilized it and started sewing.

"No, it's bleeding! Hurry up and find a piece of clean gauze! And ask the people outside to find some herbs to stop the bleeding! Hurry up!" Yi Sheng looked at the gurgling blood, feeling a little anxious.

"Come here, here!" Luo Yangyi also understood the urgency of the situation, and hurriedly sent people to the pharmacy to get the medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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