Chapter 105 Surprise
Cheng Feng was strong, and this time he wanted to talk to the fullest, just to avoid being caught in the dilemma just now again, and he didn't want to answer questions similar to just now.

The hostess chuckled, and teased: "Let's see how Zhang Xiaojing, who is known as the Five Yamas in our play, has been forced. Forget it, let's move on to the next link of interacting with netizens."

After a short period of unnutritious interaction and one-on-one answering, the session was coming to an end, and when the hostess at the side saw that the timing was about the same, she went on to say: "Actually, we are very honored to have invited someone this time.

And everyone is very familiar with this person. He also watched "A Day and Night in Chang'an" in his spare time, and was moved by a certain actor in the play. For this reason, he specially accepted our invitation to participate in this exclusive interview.

Let's have Xu engraved please!Teacher Xu! "

Xu engraved!Several actors who heard the words stood up involuntarily. This man is a genius director known as a ghost. He is over 60 years old and has created countless classic works in his life. The most eye-catching thing is the creation of 90s, a new style of action. Martial arts films, unconstrained imagination, not playing cards according to established routines, being loyal to one's own ideas, each setting is amazing.

Several actors stood up and applauded. Cheng Feng watched a person in front of him slowly walk into the studio. Looking at the same appearance as the one on the earth, this person should be a replica of the parallel world.

He is not tall, looks a little thin, with white hair and a small beard.

Xu Ke first greeted the audience enthusiastically, and then came to the special guest's seat under the guidance of the host.

"Welcome Director Xu Ke to participate in our exclusive interview. I would like to know what kind of opportunity made you take time out of your busy schedule to participate in our event?" the host asked politely.

Xu Ke smiled, and then said with a strong Hong Kong and Taiwan accent: "Actually, I came this time because I saw the drama Chang'an One Day and Night in my spare time. I see the future of our domestic cultural industry.

Many people say that today's young people are eager for quick success and quick gains, and they are impatient. In fact, in my opinion, whether it is us old people or the audience, we should give them some time.

Take Zhou Xingxing, who you are familiar with. When he first came out, his acting style was also controversial. Many people said that his acting skills were exaggerated and lacked depth.

But after so many years, people want to find Zhou Xingxing again, but find that they can't find it anymore. I think these young people should be given more time to grow up. "

The host listened carefully, and the rest of the actors, including Cheng Feng, were like students at the moment, obediently listening to the person in front of them, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

The host asked in a timely manner: "Then what do you think of the performance of the actors in Chang'an One Day and Night drama?"

"To be honest, I came here specially this time because I was attracted by an actor from Chang'an One Day and Night, so I took this opportunity to invite him to play the leading role in my next play, and to complete the work I did decades ago because of various reasons. A work that was not filmed because of the reason.”

"So director, who is this actor?"

Xu Ke heard the words and looked at the four people. At this time, the heartbeats of the four people couldn't help it, and they didn't dare to breathe.

Xu Ke smiled lightly, and finally said: "The actor I want to invite is Yuchang!"

Wow!There was a sound of exclamation from the audience, and even Cheng Feng looked curiously at Yuchang beside him.

The host was also puzzled and asked: "Director Xu, what do you like about Li Yuan, who plays the fish intestines?"

"Her fish intestines are very impressive in my eyes, and I believe I am not the only one who thinks so."

Everyone at the scene nodded in agreement, and Xu Ke continued: "The fish intestines she played, when she shaved her round inch and appeared on the screen with stubbornness, she has already deeply moved me.

For so many years, I have never seen a girl as grand as her among young actresses. At that moment, I thought she was extremely beautiful and handsome. That’s why I took the initiative to participate in this filming no matter what. .

I want to invite her to the shooting of my next film. "

The host asked: "So Li Yuan, are you willing to accept Director Xu Ke's invitation?"

Although Li Yuan tried her best to control her at this time, her eyes were still red involuntarily, and she nodded without saying a word.

When Cheng Feng saw this, he was very happy for her, because when the crew was filming, a beautiful and generous girl with jet-black hair was forced to the ground by the actor who played the villain for a scene. He took out the scissors and cut her hair randomly. It was a beautiful girl with half of her head, as if it had been eaten by a dog. At that moment, Cheng Feng saw a girl's persistence and stubbornness in chasing her dream.

When the filming was over, the hairdresser kept pushing away her hair. The girl turned her head and smiled with her white teeth. The staff at the side comforted her, but she just laughed at herself and said, "You have to be strong to be a human being." ?"

At that time, Cheng Feng at the scene was moved by this girl who was brave, stubborn, and never gave up. Today, she was personally invited by the great director, and Cheng Feng felt that she deserved it.

In a word, Cheng Feng laughed at herself and abandoned the woman's beauty with a slight smile. At that time, in his heart, he thought this girl was really handsome!
The show ended unexpectedly, and Cheng Feng also planned to return to his apartment.

Just when Cheng Feng got into his car and was thinking about going back, a phone rang suddenly. Cheng Feng picked up the phone and looked at it. It was a call from a stranger. Come: "Cheng Feng! Do you have time? I want to discuss something with you."

Cheng Feng could tell who the other party was right away, and hurriedly drove to the location he had just told on the phone.

After a while, I came to a health care center, and after waiting for a while, Xu Ke came late. The two of them were wearing the clothes in the health care center and sat on the floor. Then Xu Ke said: "Cheng Feng, I want you to play a part in my play." Very important role."

"What kind of role is it?"

"Protagonist, I plan to make a movie about Swordsman, which role do you think you should be able to play?"

The system didn't respond at this time, isn't it the system's arrangement this time, or just treat it as an opportunity I encountered alone, so I must answer well.

"I think it should be Linghu Chong?" Cheng Feng already had a certain amount of confidence under the condition that the system continued to give him nourishment. At this moment, he had the confidence to play Linghu Chong well.

Xu Ke shook his head and said: "You actually have a special quality, but many people have not discovered it, including yourself. In my eyes, your appearance is not that of an ordinary man, but delicate. I want to let you You played the role of Dongfang Invincible!"

"Invincible in the East? Isn't it fish intestines? No, I'm not talking about Li Yuan's performance?"

Xu Ke shook his head, and said slowly: "No! She is Linghu Chong!"

(End of this chapter)

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