Chapter 110 Tricks
Xu Ke looked at Cheng Feng's state at this time, and compared it with the effect he wanted to achieve in his mind, and found that Cheng Feng not only had the femininity of being the invincible in the East, but also possessed the personality of a leader of a generation, possessing unique skills and awe-inspiring skills. Proud, with a lonely and fierce look between his brows.

In Xu Ke's eyes at the moment, Cheng Feng's acting state at this time is only showing half of the effect, that's because he only has makeup on his face, and he is still wearing modern clothes.

Cheng Feng hadn't really worn that red ancient costume yet, and Cheng Feng at this moment couldn't be regarded as the real Dongfang Bubai in the play.

Xu Ke was already very satisfied. Cheng Feng really lived up to his trust in him, and really performed the phantom in his mind so vividly.

But in the real sense, the protagonist of this film is Linghu Chong played by the actress Li Yuan. She is the real hero of this film.

Dongfang Invincible is only a supporting role in this movie, Xu Ke has to design Liyuan's makeup plan together with the styling team he hired.

Xu Ke is looking forward to the moment when the film starts, Cheng Feng as a "female", and Li Yuan as a man, what kind of sparks will be created by such a strange performance of the two.

Xu Ke first praised Cheng Feng. He has always praised excellent performers. Besides, he was really happy that Cheng Feng performed the Eastern Invincible in his mind.

Xu Ke especially wanted to see what kind of scene it would be when Cheng Feng put on the outfit in the play on the day of the start.

Then Xu Ke and Cheng Feng exchanged a few words, and then Xu Ke told Cheng Feng that he would send someone to negotiate an agreement with Cheng Feng, and let Cheng Feng start preparations in the near future, and go back and wait for the phone to start shooting.

Cheng Feng said goodbye, left the modeling studio, and returned to his residence.

After Cheng Feng left, Xu Ke said to William again: "Next, I want to talk to you about Linghu Chong's appearance and other characters in the play."

"Okay, then Director Xu, can you show me their true faces, I don't want to be caught off guard again like today."

"No problem, I'll call my assistant over first."

After a while, Xu Ke's assistant came to the two of them with a tablet in his hand, and took the computer from the assistant.

Looking at the screen of the tablet computer at this time, a video was paused. Xu Ke clicked on the video and brought it in front of William and said, "Look, this is the actor I'm looking for to play Linghu Chong."

William watched the video on the screen, a girl with disheveled hair, half of her long hair had already been cut off, the stylist mercilessly pushed the long hair to cut it off with electricity, three thousand strands of trouble, strands from Li Yuan's cheek slipped down.

With a head of hair, this existence that women regard as a second face has disappeared since then. A handsome girl with a round inch, smiled lightly, and said with a little self-mockery: "If you are a human being, you have to have a face." Are you strong?"

The scene changes slowly, dressed in black black armor, leaning against the door frame, Yuchang played by Liyuan stands with his hands behind his back, looking from the side with a high nose bridge, sharp eyes, a little melancholy, and an indescribable taste.

William stared at the woman on the video, and was touched by the woman in front of him unintentionally. This strength not only moved William, but even the audience in the video barrage burst into tears, obviously female audiences, maybe They can feel the sacrifice that Liyuan made to play Yuchang.

William watched the video and saw Liyuan's gutsy appearance, that kind of handsome, thick and sharp eyebrows, bright eyes, William suddenly discovered that after Cheng Feng was outlined, there was a girl named Liyuan, They all have an androgynous beauty.

Cheng Feng's hermaphrodite is hidden, just like the moon hidden behind dark clouds. Someone needs to peel off the clouds to see the true face.

And Liyuan's androgynous beauty cannot be hidden, it is rustic and beautiful, and has a high degree of plasticity!It is a rare aggressive beauty!
After watching the video, William couldn't control his expression, and looked at Xu Ke with wide eyes: "Is Cheng Feng really going to play Dongfang Bubai, and this girl is Linghu Chong?"

Xu Ke smiled faintly, nodded, and continued, "What do you think of my decision?"

"I don't know what the final effect will be, but I'm looking forward to it."

"By the way, tell your staff, remember to keep it secret, don't disclose any information about Dongfang Bubai to Liyuan, and the same goes for the outside world, the two actors must not disclose any information."

"why is that?"

Xu Ke actually had the mentality of an old urchin in his bones. Seeing William who was puzzled, Xu Ke smiled and explained his reasons.

"Because I want to see what kind of expressions Li Yuan and Cheng Feng will have when they play opposite each other. Sometimes the actors' performances and some unexpected situations may bring unexpected effects.

As for not announcing it to the public, I just want to stimulate the audience and treat it as a surprise for them! "

"Director Xu! You are really..." William shook his head helplessly. He no longer knew how to evaluate the person who was known as a genius in front of him.

On the other side, Li Yuan was lying on her bed, flipping through the original work of Swordsman alone. In the past two days, she has made up countless movies and TV dramas about Swordsman, especially Xu Ke's first film "Swordsman" Rivers and lakes.

While watching, I combine the data I have collected, ponder carefully, and constantly conceive in my mind. From time to time, I will perform in front of the mirror, and I will also take out the video camera at home to shoot, and then broadcast and observe.

As for the plot of the script played by Li Yuan, Li Yuan has already received the electronic file. Looking at the story in it which is completely different from the original, even Li Yuan couldn't help admiring Xu Ke's strange imagination.

Before chatting with Xu Ke about the actor of Dongfang Invincible, Xu Ke didn't say it clearly, but revealed that the other party was a woman.

"It turns out I want to play Lily! It's interesting!"

This was Li Yuan's first reaction, when Li Yuan was still thinking about the character of Linghu Chong, the phone rang suddenly, Xu Ke called and asked her to go to William's studio to confirm the makeup.

Xu Ke intentionally asked Cheng Feng and Li Yuan to stay away before the shooting. This was a trick he deliberately played in order to capture the wonderful moments of the actors' performances during the shooting.

On the other side, after answering the phone call, Li Yuan drove there in a hurry. After Li Yuan arrived, William and his team members, after careful observation, quickly determined Li Yuan's makeup plan.

Compared with Cheng Feng's makeup, William and his team became more comfortable with Liyuan's makeup.

Among Liyuan's facial features, the bridge of her nose is high and straight, so she doesn't need to be modified at all.

The first is the treatment of Liyuan's eyes. Liyuan's eyes are inherently sharp. The only shortcoming is that the eyelashes are too thick. After obtaining Liyuan's consent, William led someone to trim them.

As for the eyebrows among the facial features, Li Yuan already has thick and heroic eyebrows. Just a little mention will make her feel heroic. Instead, she chooses a light color for her lips. Originally, Li Yuan's lips are very red, but now she wants to get closer to the character The masculine characteristics are turned to light treatment.

Then there's her hairstyle.

(End of this chapter)

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