The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 116 Mischievous Kiss

Chapter 116 Mischievous Kiss

Yang Zi breathed a sigh of relief, then collected his thoughts, and said cautiously: "Sister Liyuan, I want to ask you something."

"Well, listen, tell me."

"Don't be angry if I ask you!" Yang Zi carefully vaccinated in advance to prevent the other party from becoming angry and getting angry at himself after he asked the question.

Yang Zi swallowed subconsciously, and then said slowly, with a hesitant tone: "Sister Liyuan, that...that...that, you don't like women, do you?"

"Yes! What's wrong?" Li Yuan said casually.

Yang Zi's eyes widened suddenly when he heard this, and just as he wanted to get up, he found that one of his arms was still being pillowed by Li Yuan.

Yang Zi bared his teeth, his eyes rolled continuously, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

Liyuan saw Yang Zi next to her, looking at her wanting to cry without tears, as if she had jumped into a wolf's den, she smiled jokingly, and then said: "Don't worry, I like women, but I also like men, in short There are more men than women."


Only then did Yang Zi let out the suffocation in his chest, but Li Yuan said that she likes women, which still made Yang Zi feel like a stick in his throat, and he could not vomit.

Yang Zi continued to ask: "That... that... can I ask a question!"

"you say!"

"Did you fall in love with that actress from Dongfang Bubai?"

"A little bit!"

"Then what if a girl disagrees and refuses to be with you?" Yang Zi asked very cautiously.

"Ah!" Yang Zi was about to get up when he heard the words, but was stopped by Li Yuan again, and then Li Yuan said: "I'm scaring you, look at your courage, in fact, I only like men, I'm not interested in women, don't be fooled by me." Looks are misleading!
What I said just now was to tease you! "

Yang Zi patted her chest with her hands, she was really frightened, and then she thought something was wrong, so she asked, "Then why do I feel that you seem to have that kind of interest in that actress from Dongfang Bubai?"

"Actually, it's more about appreciation."

"How to say?"

"You didn't see her figure when she was filming today, wearing a red dress, wearing a half mask, standing tall on the top of the bamboo forest.

Looking down at the crowd, the tenderness and domineering coexistence between the brows and eyes is amazing, the breeze is blowing, and the sleeves are flying.

On one side is the waves and waves, and the sound of the waves is one after another, and on the other side is the bamboo sea and green forest, like a green ocean.

She stood there quietly and alone, swaying in the wind, as if walking out of a painting, very beautiful. "

Hearing this, Yang Zi conceived in his mind, and this conversation made him more curious about this actor, and then continued: "In this case, Sister Liyuan, why don't you say hello to her, so that I can get to know her better."

"You think I don't want to, but I was called back by the director before I ran to the front, saying that I want to talk about the play."

"What about her? Why doesn't she have a good chat with you? It's no big deal to get to know each other."

Li Yuan frowned, also with doubts, curled her lips and thought: "I was also wondering why she left without saying hello, she was hanging on the wire, and just after she came down, there were a few staff members who wanted to take her away, as if It's like something urgent, and I think she seems to be avoiding me deliberately, always turning her back to me, and in the end I don't know who she is?"

Yang Zi thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Maybe she has a lot of work to do, so it's too late to explain. Isn't it possible for some actors to take on two plays at the same time?"

Li Yuan thought about it for a while, and then asked: "By the way, do you know when our Liu Yufei will join the crew?"

"I heard that it's coming soon, it seems like she's going to join the group after she's done with an advertising contract she has in hand."

When Yang Zi said this, Li Yuan suddenly thought of something, and immediately ordered: "When you say that, I think of one thing, that is, director Xu Ke just talked to all of us and asked us to keep it secret for now. Don't tell Liu Yufei that I'm playing Linghu Chong."

Yang Zi was a little puzzled, and continued to ask: "What is this for?"

"Who knows, anyway, the director has his own plan. By the way, you didn't say it?"

"No, I don't know her very well. I don't even have a phone call. How could I tell her?" Yang Zi felt a little lonely when she said this. The child star made his debut, but even so, he was reduced to the point where there was nothing to film. Fortunately, his acting career has improved in the past few years.

"It's okay, you're still young, your acting skills are good, and you look good. After a long time, your resources will get better and better." Li Yuan comforted.

"I don't think I'm very good-looking, otherwise I wouldn't choose plastic surgery. There are too many handsome men and women in the entertainment industry."

"Actually, I think that you used to look pretty good, but now you're pretty good too. You've kept your own characteristics, and you've made minor adjustments. Anyway, you have to remember one thing."

Yang Zi asked curiously, "What?"

"This sentence was told to me by an actor from the previous crew. I don't know if you recognize that actor. His name is Cheng Feng."

"I know! His acting skills are amazing. Our circle of friends admires the TV series he starred in, especially the characters he plays."

"Well! Indeed, he talked with me in private. No matter what, an actor can't just follow the trend and change his appearance. He must learn to retain his innate characteristics."

Yang Zi also nodded when she heard the words, Li Yuan then chatted with Yang Zi a lot, seeing the darkness of the night, Li Yuan simply said: "Forget it, I'll sleep with you today, okay?"

Yang Zi nodded, originally she would not agree, after all she was full of doubts about Li Yuan's purpose of coming here, but when Li Yuan made it clear that she only likes men, Yang Zi was in a nervous mood, You can relax and finally settle down.

Yang Zi turned off the lights in the house, and the two were buried together. Yang Zi said: "Good night, Sister Liyuan!"

Li Yuan nodded and said with a smile: "Good night."

Sudden!Liyuan kissed Yang Zi on the cheek with lightning speed, then turned around and fell asleep lying on her side with her back to Yang Zi, but there was a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth.

On the side, Yang Zi was lying on the bed, his eyes were wide open, he seemed to be in a state of shock, his eyeballs were spinning around, and his heart, which was originally quiet, was beating imperceptibly fast, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were quietly moving. Towards Li Yuan, who was lying on her side with her back turned to her, secretly took a look.

Subconsciously grasping the quilt covering her body tightly, her lips were slightly pursed, looking very nervous.

At this time, Yang Zi was full of thoughts, and his originally calm mood became turbulent again, and he muttered in his heart.

"What she just said can't be lying to me! Does she really only like men?!"

(End of this chapter)

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