Chapter 141 Invitation

Descending from the cemetery hill in Xiangjiang, the mother and daughter returned to their villa by car.

At the request of her daughter, Wu Lian found a photo that had been cherished by her all along. The background of the photo was the streets of Hong Kong in 1990.

Standing in the C position is the young Wu Lian, with curly hair, thick eyebrows, single eyelids, and an innocent smile.

On the right is a parted head, flowing black hair, bright eyes, off-shoulder blue and white denim jacket, blue and white jeans, and a handsome smile.

On the left is a middle-aged man with a small beard and a simple and honest look, grinning.

The mother said slowly: "The one in the middle is me, how about it, did you look exactly like you when you were a mother?"

Wu Qian nodded subconsciously when she heard the words, and Wu Lian took the yellowed photo and continued to introduce: "The one on the right is called Uncle Da. He was about 45 years old at that time. I don't know if he is still alive or not."

Seemingly recalling the past, Wu Lian sighed involuntarily.

Wu Lian continued to introduce: "The boy on the right is my first love - Chengfeng!"

Wu Qian nodded noncommittally, then looked at the young man in the photo, and let out a small sigh.

Mother Wu Lian, seeing her daughter's reaction, was puzzled: "What's wrong? What did you find?"

"It's called Cheng Feng, and it's very similar to an actor I know, and his name is also Cheng Feng, but Cheng is Cheng Yaojin's Cheng."

Wu Lian shook her head, apparently not convinced. In order to prove that she was not talking nonsense, Wu Qian picked up her phone and searched immediately.

When the photo of one person appeared in front of Wu Lian, Wu Lian was shocked. There are really two people who look so similar in the world.

Seeing her mother's shocked expression, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Wu Qian's mind.

After this idea appeared, Wu Qian could no longer restrain her inner desire.

Time flies, in the middle of the night, tonight is a sleepless night for Wu Qian, tossing and turning, thoughts flashing in her mind, but she just can't fall asleep.

Until the next morning, Ms. Wu Lian got up early, when she was about to enjoy the breakfast prepared by the servant.

The daughter who has never stayed up in bed has not woken up until now, and asked curiously to the housekeeper at the dining table: "Mother Wang, why hasn't Miss got up until now?"

Wang Ma shook her head, and finally said: "I don't know, ma'am, why don't I go and urge her."

"Alright, go and wake her up!"

As she said that, Wang Ma ran outside Wu Qian's bedroom and kept knocking on the door, urging her to get up quickly.

Wearing pajamas, Wu Qian left the bedroom sleepily, and came to the restaurant on the first floor to see her mother looking at her curiously.

Looking at my daughter, with messy hair and panda eyes, I can tell at a glance that she must have stayed up late last night.

Wu Lian reprimanded: "Look at you, I've said it many times, it's best for girls not to stay up late, or they will grow old quickly."

Wu Qian yawned, and said sleepily, "Mummy, the reason why I didn't fall asleep last night was because I had an idea. I hope that Mummy can promise me."

"What's the matter, tell me."

"I want to write the story of Mommy and Chengfeng into a script and make it into a movie."

Wu Lian who heard the words was slightly surprised, and wondered: "Then who do you plan to play Chengfeng and who will play Mommy?"

"Cheng Feng is of course the actor I showed Mommy yesterday, as for the person playing Mommy..."

After Wu Qian said this, she pointed to herself, smiled and remained silent.

Wu Lian's eyes lit up when she heard the words, then she thought for a while and said, "It's a good idea, mom supports you."

After hearing her mother's promise, Wu Qian was full of energy, washed and dressed in a hurry, took a paper and a pen, came to Wu Lian, and kept asking about her mother's past experiences...

Time passed day by day, and when the script was completed, Wu Lian looked at every detail described in the script. Even after many years, she was still deeply moved.

This script also added information that his daughter Wu Qian found from the police files.

In order to realize her daughter's idea of ​​acting in a movie, and also to realize her wish of the past time reappearing in front of her eyes.

Wu Lian plans to invest in the filming of this movie through her contacts.

More than a month later, Cheng Feng was busy with the work at hand. During this period of time, he attended some activities from time to time, firstly to increase his popularity, and secondly, as a shareholder of Lotte, he helped the newcomers of his company to increase their exposure. internal affairs.

After finally being able to rest for a while, Cheng Feng was alone in the hotel where he lived for a long time, playing with the computer and killing the time.

A girl found Cheng Feng under the guidance of Lotte staff.

Cheng Feng opened the door, and the first thing he saw was a girl with single eyelids.

Cheng Feng couldn't help but see a bright light, single eyelids, thick eyebrows, no makeup, this kind of natural girl, Cheng Feng has not seen for many years.

The introverted and unassuming beauty is like a jasmine flower, not gorgeous or coquettish, just giving people a peaceful taste.

Cheng Feng hurriedly invited the girl and the staff to his room.

The girl introduced herself generously: "Hi, senior Cheng Feng. My name is Wu Qian. I'm a first-year student at Binhai Drama Academy. I want to ask you to act in a movie."

Cheng Feng responded with a smile when he heard the words: "So it's a school girl, what kind of movie are you going to ask me to act in?"

"Senior Cheng Feng, how about reading this script first?"

Cheng Feng took it, saw that the script was called "A Dream of Love", curiously flipped through the script and began to read.

I was fascinated by watching him, until I finished watching the whole story, I suddenly remembered a movie I watched as a child in my previous life.

The movie was starred by one of his favorite heavenly kings, and scenes of classic scenes that he watched as a child kept reappearing in his mind.

He still remembers that when he was a child, he went to watch a movie on the VCD of the neighbor's house on the weekend with a few children in the neighbor's house.

The eyes of each child were shining with gold, and finally they kept scrambling to imitate the classic pictures inside.

Cheng Feng still remembers that when he was a child, he found a children's bicycle by himself, the kind with two detachable small wheels on the rear wheels.

In my living room, wearing my father's light-colored suit, of course, looks like wearing a sack, which is extremely ill-fitting.

Several friends, one is holding an electric fan, and the other is holding a bicycle.

The little girl next door even changed into a white skirt and sat in the back seat.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Feng, a child, imitated the movie, riding on a bicycle, and said in his mouth: "Toot, toot, toot..."

The little girl leading the house, imitating the actresses in the movie, put her arms around Cheng Feng's waist.

Turning on the electric fan, Cheng Feng just fantasized about the plots in the movie, and kept imitating them. In order to restore the plot in the movie, Cheng Feng even found red ink from colored pens, painted it on his nose, and drove his car. The "motorcycle" in my mind dyed the red ink on my nose over and over again, and I had a lot of fun at that time.

As a result, my mother came home suddenly and saw Cheng Feng with "blood" on his chin. Cheng Feng's old lady was so frightened that she almost called the ambulance.

Afterwards, he was beaten up by his father because he stained his father's light-colored suit. Cheng Feng, who couldn't have fun, wasted a whole bottle of red ink.

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng couldn't help but smile, and then said: "I like this script, when will the filming start?"

(End of this chapter)

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