The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 175 Complement each other

Chapter 175 Complement each other
Blue sky, yellow sand.

The yellow sand is connected to the sky, and the sky is connected to the yellow sand.

Looking from a distance, a large yellow flag is flying in the wind and sand.

The flag seems to be far away in the sky.

The lonely store seems to be far away in the sky.

This is where Cheng Feng will start filming next. Because of the arrival of winter, the crew originally planned to go to the northwest desert area to shoot, but considering the cold weather and the bitter cold desert area in the northwest.

The more important reason is that there are longer rain scene scenes in this movie.

In the end, after many considerations, I chose to shoot this movie in a film and television base in the south, which imitates the scenic spots outside the Gobi Great Wall.

Today is the day when the filming starts. As the director, Xu Ke, as always, led the main creative staff and started the opening ceremony.

People burned incense and prayed for blessings one by one, and finally tore off the red silk covering the camera.

The remake of "Dragon Gate Reversed Journey" from an old movie in [-] has officially started.

The leading actors are as follows, the first is Cheng Feng, who plays the leading role of Zhou Huai'an in the play.

Li Yuan plays Zhou Huai'an's confidante, Qiu Moyan.

Zhang Yuqi is well-known for her debut as the Star Master's Changjiang No. [-], and this time she plays the role of Jin Xiangyu, the proprietress of a black shop who is both pungent and charming.

Zhang Yi, he played the role of the old squad leader in the soldier assault. In this movie, he played the role of Tie Zhu, a righteous man from Zhou Huaian's faction.

Wang Yanhui, who has starred in countless classic criminal images, this time plays the reckless Jianghu with Zhou Huaian-He Hu.

Liu Xun, an old actor known as the Tathagata with Thousand Faces, plays the role of the Dongchang Jinyiwei, the leader of the Dongchang Jinyiwei who chased Zhou Huaian and others-Jia Ting.

Guo Haifei plays Jin Yiwei - Lu Xiaochuan.

Lei Jia, who is known as his ex-husband brother, is just like Liu Xun and Guo Haifei. The three are Zhou Huaian's horses played by Cheng Feng this time. They are the main opponents in this play, and his role is also Dongchang Jinyiwei—— add.

Chen Kun, known as the flower of the factory, this time he plays the role of Cao Shaoqin, the governor of the East Factory in this play, who is in the hands of the supervisor of ceremonies, has power over the government and the public, and has unpredictable martial arts skills.

In the past few days, there have been no scenes about Cheng Feng, and Zhou Huaian has not yet appeared in the play.

At the beginning of this movie, the plot of the shooting is set in the Jingtai period of the Ming Dynasty, when the eunuchs were in power, Cao Shaoqin, the governor of the East Factory, killed many people in order to eradicate dissidents and monopolize power, and Yang Yuxuan, Minister of the Ministry of War, was one of them.

In order to eradicate Yang Yuxuan's party, Zhou Huai'an, the head of the 80 forbidden army who holds military power, Cao Shaoqin deliberately exiled Yang Yuxuan's son and daughter as bait.

On the way, people from the rivers and lakes led by Qiu Moyan rescued the two children, and met Zhou Huaian at the Longmen Inn.

The plan for the past few days is to shoot these scenes. At this time, Zhou Huaian, played by Cheng Feng, will not be able to appear. Cheng Feng can only follow up with the crew, after all, he is also one of the producers.

Over the past few days, after careful arrangements and deployment, martial arts instructors, stunt staff, props and costumes, and camera work have been flawless.

Finally, the filming of this drama, the plot in the inn, started.

At the scene, after getting ready, Xu Ke gave an order.


Like the sound of drums beating on the battlefield, there was a bang, and the sound of beating boards sounded.

The sky was full of yellow sand, the cold wind was howling, and a group of five people rode horses, braved the wind and sand, and rushed towards the border outside the Great Wall, a boundary.

The endless desert and the whistling sound in the ears make people feel that this place is like a place left out of the world, and it is impossible for people to see the long road ahead.

The feeling of desolation and loneliness, in the depths of the dust and sand, an inn built with rammed loess stands there independently.

It was windy and sandy outside, desolate and indifferent, but inside the inn it was a different scene.

In the inn, laughter and cursing kept ringing, and foul language abounded.

A woman with a hot figure, charming, pungent, graceful, and sharp-edged is laughing with a group of men.

This coquettish and affectionate stunner, who is flirtatious and flirtatious, is laughing and cursing with a bunch of reckless men: "You guys are shameless bastards, dare to eat my old lady's tofu, see if I beat you up!"

This woman is the proprietress of this inn, played by Zhang Yuqi, played by Zhang Yuqi. Needless to say, Zhang Yuqi's own image is definitely protruding and curved, with a variety of styles.

In addition, her own character is a pungent temper, which really complements the gold inlaid jade in this movie.

Every one is reckless, these people are desperadoes in the first place, they are not willing to give up, whistles, jokes, can be heard endlessly.

But they only dare to talk cheap, and they dare not really mess around. Although the proprietress's gold inlaid jade is coquettish and sentimental, it still requires people's willingness. Using willow-leaf darts and lancets in the right hand, countless people who know nothing about good or evil have become the ghosts of her sword, chopped into meat, and made into ten-flavored meat buns to sell for money.

Her place is an out-and-out black shop, and all the people who come here are wanted by the court and meet to sell stolen goods.

Inside the inn, there was a miasma of smoke and laughter everywhere.

Suddenly the door of the inn opened, and a group of five people walked into it slowly. The five people entered the store and kept looking around.

Each wears a bamboo hat, and is full of dust.

I saw the leader, dressed in black, with a white collar, white trousers, and black boots. Black and white were distinct and eye-catching.

A pair of sword-shaped eyebrows reveals an androgynous heroism, and the water in the eyes lingers, not only has the femininity of a woman, but also has a neutral fortitude.

Holding the mother-child sword in his hand, he coldly glanced at everyone in the shop.

This person is Zhou Huai'an's confidante, Qiu Moyan, a chivalrous woman. Liyuan's own temperament fits perfectly with the character in the play who is disguised as a man.

The store was quiet for a while, and everyone was silent, falling into a strange silence.

Looking at this moment, next to Qiu Moyan, played by Li Yuan, stood several big men, two of them carried bamboo baskets, and inside the bamboo baskets were a pair of sons and daughters of Yang Yuxuan, Minister of the Ministry of War. At this time, the two children were hiding in the bamboo baskets silent.

There are also two big men who are masters of the rivers and lakes. Tie Zhu played by Zhang Yi has a cautious face and looks around carefully.

He Hu, played by Wang Yanhui, looked around, with a simple and honest face, but with a hostility, watching coldly.

Zhang Yuqi is not moving at the moment, but is in the inn, looking at the five people opposite.

Squinting eyes swept over these people one by one, and at Qiu Moyan played by Li Yuan, there was a sudden pause, the eyelids were slightly raised, the lips were slightly parted, and a sense of coquettishness spontaneously emerged.

As if he had noticed something, the corner of his mouth was a little playful, and he hooked it slightly imperceptibly.Looking at the two people carrying bamboo baskets, their eyes paused slightly at the bamboo baskets, with a sense of ambiguity.

Qiu Moyan, played by Li Yuan, looked at the desperadoes around her, looked at the bamboo basket carried by her companion with malicious intent, and walked towards the counter with a look of caution in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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