The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 196 Follow the Traces

Chapter 196 Follow the Traces
Huang Lei's explanation explained well why the criminals played by Cheng Feng would inadvertently give people a feeling of fear, reality and horror.

After listening to Huang Lei's analysis, the students of the Acting Department of the Academy of Film who were sitting were all amazed. First, they were amazed at Huang Lei's professional analysis, and the role deconstruction from the shallower to the deeper. I feel that this class is full of dry goods. Full.

Secondly, I have a new understanding of Cheng Feng's acting skills, and I have gained a deeper understanding of Cheng Feng's wonderful performance skills when shaping characters.

The more I know, the more I feel insignificant in the end. Compared with Cheng Feng, I suddenly feel small, as if there is a towering mountain range in front of me, which stretches for thousands of miles and cannot be surpassed, let alone compete with it.

"How can we have the deductive ability like Cheng Feng?!" One person seemed to be asking a question, but also feeling emotional.

When Huang Lei heard the words, he also sighed: "Yes, when will he have the ability like him."

Then Huang Lei said: "If you want to achieve the same ability as Cheng Feng, unless you have the same outstanding acting talent as him, but if you don't, there is only one way for you."

"What way?" The students asked in unison.

"Learning, accumulation, and careful observation and continuous imitation!"

"Teacher Huang Lei, is imitation really useful?"

"Yes! People's initial learning ability comes from imitation, imitation of animals, imitation of natural laws, and then absorb nutrients from it little by little, and continue to evolve.

Some people are born different, and they all have talents that ordinary people cannot possess. We call these people geniuses.

It is really difficult for ordinary people to catch up with them. This is the reality. Some people say not to lose at the starting line. compared to.

In terms of acting, Cheng Feng was born out of nowhere. You can look at the roles he has played in the past few years. The roles in his works are not insignificant, and all of them are excellent. The old artists, my predecessors, are full of praise for him, and they are not as good as they are.

The only thing we can do is to imitate the traces of a genius like Cheng Feng, and then absorb his nutrients little by little. "

"How to imitate? Is it useful?"

"Just like I did just now, I kept analyzing his every movement, every look, tone, and expression, and then brought myself into it little by little, to perform, to imitate!"

"Did it take too long?" A girl asked curiously.

"No! But it's a test of patience. I remember when I was a child, I practiced calligraphy. I used copybooks. I just started copying. I found that I had to imitate every stroke and stroke carefully, which took a long time.

But as time goes by, it will get faster and faster and more and more handy.

The same is true of imitating other people's performances. "

"Will that lose my own performance style, or my own characteristics?"

Huang Lei chuckled: "That's even more impossible, just use handwriting, copy the copybook, compare each character carefully, slowly describe it, and finally become handy, and finally write it yourself. After a long time, you will find it.

The font you imitate will form your own handwriting. Nature is so beautiful. Even if everyone does the same thing, everyone will form his own distinctive characteristics in the end.

The first thing you need to do is solidify your performance ability. At this stage, the so-called performance style is not something that should be considered.

The acting style is in your body, and when your level is high enough, you will naturally touch it. "

Just when Huang Lei was about to say something, a melodious bell rang, and before he knew it, he found that a class had been finished.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Lei didn't waste his time, simply tidied up, smiled and said to everyone: "Okay, time is up, students, get out of class is over!"

On the other hand, Cheng Feng also took the time to shoot day and night during this period, and the plot has advanced to the last stage.

As the plot progresses, Zhou Huaian, played by Cheng Feng, gets tangled up in the inn with the three Jin Yiwei of Dongchang.

As a result, after some open and secret fighting, He Hu played by Wang Yanhui and Tie Zhu played by Zhang Yi were shot and killed by Dongchang Jinyi Guards.

In the inn, Jia Ting and other Jinyi guards were finally killed by Zhou Huai'an hand in hand with gold and jade.

It's a pity that time passed quickly, and the Dongchang brigade had already surrounded the Longmen Inn. Cao Shaoqin, played by Chen Kun, finally appeared on the stage, starting the last battle of the movie.

The lonely smoke in the desert, thousands of miles of yellow sand!
For this scene, the preparatory work has been completed, the costumes of the characters, the props and the camera are all ready, just waiting for the order from the chief director Xu Ke.

A martial arts film written by Cheng Feng and directed by Xu Ke will usher in the final curtain.

Xu Ke held the loudspeaker in his hand, and after all the details and work were ready, he shouted: "action!"

snap!The recorder shouted loudly: "The Last Scene of "Dragon Gate Reversed Journey", start!"

Flying sand and walking stones, on the northwest desert full of yellow sand, the distance seems to be the end of the desert, on the horizon, above the sand dunes, accompanied by the sound of horseshoes, thousands of embroidered spring knives, flying fish suits wearing cloaks, facing the whistling, riding Standing on a tall horse, he stood on the desert dust and watched from a distance.

All of a sudden, there were many murderous figures.

Not far from them, there is an inn standing quietly on the yellow sand. Originally, this inn was full of desires, fights, and love for children. After the Jinyi guards from the brigade arrived, it seemed extremely small. Fragile.

The sound of horseshoes, the yellow sand of the northwest desert, the desolate sun, and the whistling wind are swift and violent.

Jinyiwei, thousands of people from Dongchang, came so fast that the lone eagle circling leisurely in the clear sky had no time to dodge and was shot down.

The sound of the hooves was so fierce that it could instantly blow the desert covered with yellow sand into billows of smoke and dust.

In a murderous attack, a herd of horses galloped across the desert thousands of miles away, and the horses were whipped by the long whips in Jin Yiwei's hands.

There was a sound of anger, and the clanging of weapons, like high-pitched thunder, threatening everyone in the inn.

The four hoofs of the war horse raised smoke and dust, and the spirits of animals who were unwilling to settle down came from the sand dunes around the desert, like a mountain torrent rushing down, gathering and drowning everything in this desert, neighing!Noisy!chaos!Move quickly and charge towards one place!
There is a group of children from the rivers and lakes who have gathered their love and hatred. There is both the love of their children and the intrigue, the Shura field, Longmen Inn!

Jinyiwei's thousands of iron cavalry, like locusts passing through the border, surrounded the only straw Longmen Inn in the desert, hungry, and would eat up this branch in the next second, leaving no bones left and disappearing in the desert. Among the yellow sand.

(End of this chapter)

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