The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 221 Recommended by the Heavenly King

Chapter 221 Recommended by the Heavenly King
There was a gentle breeze, and on the terrace of a high-end restaurant, leaning against the guardrail made of transparent glass, there was a simple round table and two chairs, and two people sat facing each other.

Simple meals were placed on the dining table for the two of them, but neither of them was in the mood to eat at the moment. One kept looking down at the tablet computer in his hand, as if he was reading something seriously.

The other, who looked fatter, had a round face and a fat figure, as if he was waiting for the person on the other side. From time to time, he picked up a water glass to drink water, leaned his back on the mount, and looked at the city outside the balcony guardrail.

"Wonderful!" A sudden voice sounded.

The speaker, he has a heroic face, with eyebrows as beautiful as distant mountains and thick.

His eyes are as bright as stars, as clear as lake water, his nose is as straight as a knife's edge, his lips are raised like water chestnuts, his face is thin and angular, very masculine and full of vitality.

This person is not only his appearance, but also his demeanor, his elegant temperament, his inner purity and kindness, his true self's outward expression, his free and easy natural demeanor and so on.

This person is Liu Dehua, a generation of kings who have been popular for decades.

"Hua Zai, what do you think of this script?" Mai Zhaorou asked impatiently. The two had known each other for many years and were of the same age group. Mai Zhaorou showed a look of anticipation without hesitation.

Liu Dehua did not say how the script was, nor did he make a more detailed evaluation, but asked directly: "When will the filming start?"

"I just have a preliminary idea about this, and I haven't gotten any investment yet. I don't have a clear idea about who to cast in the role. How about I discuss it with you first and let you play one of the two protagonists in it? What do you think?"

"Okay!" Liu Dehua nodded and agreed bluntly, and then said: "It is my honor to be able to act in this movie, but there are still many important roles in it, especially after I read the script, it is A story of two heroes.

I am on call anytime, anywhere, but who are you going to find the other protagonist? "

Mai Zhaohao was in a dilemma, feeling helpless and said: "I originally planned to find Liang Chaowei, but now he has accepted a Marvel show, and there is no schedule for the time being, so I am also very embarrassed."

Liu Dehua lowered his head and thought, Liang Chaowei accepted a Marvel movie, Marvel movies often have to sign several contracts, even if one film is finished, follow-up works will continue to be filmed as long as necessary, his schedule is indeed a bit tight.

"How about I recommend an actor, what do you think?" Liu Dehua said hastily at this moment.


"It's the mainland actor who is in the limelight now, Cheng Feng!"

I'm not sure if he can play well.

After all, this drama requires the overall performance of the actors to be very delicate and deep. It seems that the emotional changes of the characters he plays in the movie are relatively open and close? After Mai Zhaohao finished speaking, there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

Liu Dehua smiled and continued: "You worry too much, he has actually acted in delicate and deep roles. I was invited to participate in Xu Ke's premiere. Keep an eye on him."

"Oh? How do you say it?" Mai Zhaorou was curious.

"I'm too busy to watch the TV series he acted in, but I've seen all his movies." Then Liu Dehua took out his mobile phone and said, "One of his movies is Invincible in the East, and the other is Dream Ruoyouqing, and the Longmen Rebellion, which was released last winter, are still popular.

Let’s not talk about these, I think you don’t know, he actually has a cameo performance, you should take a closer look. "

As he spoke, Liu Dehua turned on the phone screen to search, and a 2-minute video clip appeared on the phone screen.

Liu Dehua introduced in a calm manner: "This is a cameo role he played, just 2 minutes, you can see his performance."

After speaking, a 2-minute edited video started to play slowly, Mai Zhaohou took Liu Dehua's mobile phone and began to watch carefully with his head down.

On the screen of the mobile phone, the first thing Mai Zhaohao caught his eyes was a sleepy-eyed person with a relaxed posture, following the conversation on the screen.

Seeing Cheng Feng in handcuffs and being interrogated, Mai Zhaohou immediately recognized that he was a criminal.

After a while, Mai Zhaohou was very keenly aware that the way Cheng Feng played the criminal was different from other actors.

Generally, when an actor plays a villain role, it is very easy to make a face, with a fierce look on his face, gloomy eyes, grinning his teeth and acting fierce there, and then showing intermittent excitement and emotional instability, which is very exposed, and people can see this at a glance. Man is a big bad.

Cheng Feng didn't take such a path. He quietly and without any trace of acting, he unconsciously created a person who was not a villain or a villain, but even a little simple and honest.

All of a sudden, Mai Zhaohao was full of anticipation, wanting to see how Cheng Feng would interpret this criminal.

For a moment, when Mai Zhaohao was observing Cheng Feng's performance carefully, Cheng Feng killed him with an understatement, and with an indifferent and calm expression, he suddenly appeared.

Just one sentence!one word!The cruelty and inhumanity of the criminals are vividly displayed.

At this moment, for some reason, Mai Zhaohao, who was observing Cheng Feng, suddenly felt his hairs stand on end.

Mai Zhaohao even had an illusion that if he was the actor speaking the lines, he would give his answer in his heart without hesitation: "Cheng Feng, who is opposite me, is a proper perverted murderer. A demon in human skin!"

When Mai Zhaohao continued to appreciate the criminal played by Cheng Feng when he confessed and recalled the case of killing a large family, he explained the crime process as if he was talking about the family, like a killing machine without emotion, it seems that for Cheng Feng, Killing a few people is nothing at all.

At this point, Mai Zhaohao had to admire from the bottom of his heart, Cheng Feng's control of the rhythm of the character's performance to an extremely fine level.

Finally, when Cheng Feng confessed that someone had been his scapegoat and the police questioned him, Cheng Feng suddenly grinned.

One, downright, one has no reverence for life!
There is no bottom line in human nature!
A desperado who fears nothing!

Jumping in front of Mai Zhaorou's eyes, Mai Zhaorou felt the impact.

After the 2-minute clip played, subconsciously, Mai Zhaohou tapped the phone screen again to replay it, and carefully observed Cheng Feng's every expression, movement and language processing again.

Looking at it, Mai Zhaohou couldn't help thinking of the past, shooting some police and gangster films to collect materials, and the interrogation videos that he had seen through some files of the police station.

The criminal there was exactly the same as the murderer played by Cheng Feng, as if there was no major emotional turmoil, and there was no sign of repentance.

In their calm narrative, the killing sounds as common as grocery shopping, but that's what scares the most.

Cheng Feng uses a pseudo-documentary-style performance that does not reveal any traces, and balances tranquility and abnormality just right. The characters and roles are highly integrated.

Liu Dehua took the phone, and hurriedly asked expectantly: "How about it, are you satisfied with the actor I recommended to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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