The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 235 The most annoying creature

Chapter 235 The most annoying creature
Zhou Rongfa's sudden appearance was like an unexpected surprise. It seemed unexpected, but it was also reasonable.

Cheng Feng didn't expect that if he took the subway casually, he would meet the handsome and majestic brother Ma in his childhood impression.

Cheng Feng was a little embarrassed by Zhou Rongfa's praise, and hurriedly said: "No no! Brother Fa, you are my idol, and I am a junior, how can I be your idol."

"No! You are really amazing. You can play such a classic role so well by yourself. If you were born in our era, you would definitely be a remarkable existence."

"No, no, how can I compare with my predecessors, Brother Fa, the era you live in is an era where kings are fighting for hegemony and geniuses are born in large numbers, unlike us now, which is mediocre, I am just short and tall, really There is no way to compare."

Zhou Rongfa laughed, patted Cheng Feng on the shoulder and said, "Brother Cheng Feng, since your birth, I can tell you very responsibly that you have amazed many of us Xiangjiang's old fritters.

Not only I am your fan, many people of my age are your fans, what I said is the truth. "

"Don't dare, dare not, I still have a lot to learn from you, senior."

Zhou Rongfa shook his head with a smile and continued: "You have to know, if you play Dongfang Bubai, if you ask me to play it, I won't be able to do it.

Also, I've seen you play a 2-minute cameo role, and it's also very powerful, so don't be humble. "

Although Cheng Feng felt a little flattered to hear that he was praised so much as a senior figure, but if you asked him to admit it on the spot, Cheng Feng would not make such a coquettish operation.

Then the subway arrived at the station, Brother Fa got up, Cheng Feng also stood up hurriedly, watched him leave, Zhou Rongfa smiled and said: "Come on! I have to go shopping for groceries, looking forward to your next work, idol!"

After speaking, in the friendly farewell of the two, they hurried off the subway.

"Huh..." Cheng Feng exhaled, the corners of his mouth raised, and he looked calm, but his heart was already full of joy.

Zhou Rongfa is my fan!Zhou Rongfa is my fan!
hey hey hey hey...

The restless Cheng Feng returned to his seat, although he tried his best to tell himself that this is a public place, so don't get too complacent, if someone photographs it and posts it on the Internet, the ghost knows what a group of sand sculpture netizens will do Flowers come.

low key!low key!To be flattered or humiliated!
Even though he tried his best to appease his restless emotions, Cheng Feng still couldn't control his enthusiastic and coquettish expression. In order not to let others find out, Cheng Feng put on the mask that was originally in his pocket again.

Now he could finally laugh unscrupulously, and as the subway was driving, Cheng Feng finally arrived at the station and hurried towards the agreed place.

Meeting Zhou Rongfa in the subway was beyond Cheng Feng's expectation. After all, Zhou Rongfa's status in the entertainment industry, according to the logic of ordinary people, there are a lot of bodyguards in and out.

But Zhou Rongfa has always been an actor who is used to doing what he does. In recent years, some netizens have discovered Zhou Rongfa on the subway. As an acting superstar in the Chinese film industry, his net worth has reached 56 billion, and he decided to donate it all. But he is so frugal, I have to feel his down-to-earth living habits.

But there is no need to blame those stars whose security assistants drive in groups of luxury cars. Some of them want to participate in certain activities, which are based on occasions. The reason why Zhou Rongfa can do this is entirely due to the local customs of Xiangjiang.

After all, whenever you go to the street in the city where you grew up, you will meet film crews and see stars. When you live in such an environment from childhood to adulthood, you will encounter similar scenes from time to time. After a long time, you will get used to it.

When you move to the mainland, you will know that this way of life is not something you can do if you want to do it. If you go out, it will cause chaos. Moreover, China has a population of more than one billion, and there are all kinds of birds in the forest. Some crazy people will encounter danger if they fail to do so.

However, Chow Wing-fat has no celebrity pretensions. He is well-known in Xiangjiang. Citizens often meet him on the streets, subways, and buses. Will not be annoyed by delays in time and schedule.

Zhou Rongfa's consumption concept is also the same as that of ordinary people. Many clothes are worn for more than ten years before being thrown away. Usually, when he goes out to buy some clothes worth several hundred yuan, he will bargain with the boss.

But there is one thing that really needs to be learned by those old shameless people.

Every time Zhou Rongfa took the subway, he always stood up and did not ask young people to give up his seat.

As an "old man" in his 60s, if he takes the subway in the mainland, someone will definitely give up his seat.

The reason is that very few people give up their seats in the Xiangjiang subway. The local people's concept is equality and self-improvement, and they treat everyone equally. Even the elderly, as long as they are not weak, they automatically ask others to give up their seats. Others will assume that you have physical strength and can continue If you stand down, if you recklessly give up your seat, you will look down on the other party.

In addition, although Zhou Rongfa is over 60 years old, he still looks very young. He does not look like an old man regardless of his figure or appearance. In addition, he is dressed plainly and stands quietly like an ordinary middle-aged person. even the one who neglects his age.

Another thing is that Zhou Rongfa will automatically stand aside every time he takes the subway, leaving his seat for passengers who are farther away.

Unlike us in the mainland, sometimes when you meet some old shameless things, everyone feels that they owe him something.

Cheng Feng encountered this kind of unreasonable old thing many times during his school days.

He has been afraid of two kinds of creatures in his life, one is the old man who relies on his age to sell his old man and do mischief.

One is the bear child whose parents lack discipline and behave wildly.

The former one, relying on his own age, wantonly demanded that you give in to him, even if he didn't answer, you should do what he asked, maybe he would fight with you, and he didn't feel that he was wronged at all.

In Cheng Feng's eyes, this kind of person lacks the beatings of the society. Taking advantage of his age, he unscrupulously causes trouble for others, and without realizing it, he makes it clear that he will eat you.

Whenever you quarrel with him, get angry, turn around and blackmail you to death, Cheng Feng found that most of the people who behave in public today are in this age group.

Then there is the brat who lacks discipline, messes around all day long, and some even threaten the safety of others. If you have to say a few words about him, the parent of the other party is also a jerk. The most common thing to say is: "He is still a boy!"

For no reason, when I go out, I am afraid of encountering these two creatures, so as not to worry myself.

(End of this chapter)

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